
how big are the imaginations of 42,000 “national-level” creative chinese college students?


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do you know how big the imagination of chinese college students can be?

in order to please his girlfriend, peking university student liu zhenhui created chatexcel, a "workplace expert" artifact that can run complex excel functions by simply inputting text requirements; in order to solve the travel problem in the village, tsinghua student wang mingyu plans to directly 3d print a bridge in huangwu village, nantang town, jiangxi province.

recently, all universities have started classes. how to create an excellent innovative project like liu and wang during college is one of the topics that students are concerned about. for this reason, many university "students" have set their sights on the "national college students innovation and entrepreneurship training program" (abbreviated as the "national innovation and entrepreneurship program").

the plan was launched by the ministry of education in 2007 and includes three categories: innovation training projects, entrepreneurship training projects, and entrepreneurship practice projects. it aims to enhance the innovation ability of college students and cultivate high-level talents that meet the needs of building an innovative country. in 2023, the total number of projects approved for the "national innovation plan" has reached 42,700, and the two creative projects of liu zhenhui and wang mingyu mentioned above are among them.

the analects of confucius once said: "when you see a virtuous person, you should think about how to be like him." through the "national innovation program", we can enjoy the most exciting "brainstorming" of chinese students.

△the picture is a screenshot of the chatexcel page developed by liu zhenhui and his team. peking university shenzhen research institute praised it for "leveraging girlfriend's needs to stimulate 'innovative productivity'" (picture from peking university shenzhen research institute)

【1】there are more than 1,300 robot ideas

in the 1980s, "learn math, physics and chemistry well, and you will be able to travel the world without fear" was a well-known slogan. if this slogan is used in the "national innovation plan", it can be changed to "learn math, physics and chemistry well, and creative projects are the most important."

looking at the 2023 national innovation plan, it covers 13 major disciplines and 118 majors. in terms of discipline distribution, engineering, science and medicine projects rank in the top three. the number of engineering projects is far ahead, totaling 18,500, accounting for more than 40%.

therefore, students participating in the "national innovation plan" are mostly from science and engineering majors. in 2023, computer science projects are leading by a large margin, with 3,365 projects approved. it was also the only major in the "national innovation plan" last year with more than 3,000 projects approved. mechanical and electronic information ranked second and third, with more than 2,000 projects approved last year.

most of the creative ideas in these three majors revolve around artificial intelligence (ai), intelligent robots and various algorithms. there are as many as 1,352 creative designs of various types of robots alone, covering many fields such as agricultural robots, industrial robots, and medical robots. there are also nearly 100 creative projects for various artificial intelligence.

behind these projects are the magical "brain holes" of science and engineering students:

wang zehao and his team from the ocean university of china developed a multi-terrain traction-type suction-captured sea cucumber fishing robot, "nowhere to hide sea cucumbers", which can greatly improve the efficiency of sea cucumber fishing and reduce the safety risks brought by manual fishing. this project won the first prize of the 2023 national college student robot competition and the silver medal of the 2023 china youth innovation and entrepreneurship competition.

kou yiqun, a student of xi'an jiaotong university in the grade of 22, has set up a project to make a bionic kangaroo robot based on a kangaroo; nai jinlong, a student of harbin institute of technology in the grade of 21, wants to make a "scraping robot" that uses a mechanical structure to simulate the scraping technique of traditional chinese medicine; li yixi, a student of southwest jiaotong university in the grade of 22, has a very "homely" idea - he hopes to develop a dumpling-making robot that can automatically "make dumplings".

△the above picture is a screenshot of some robot projects in the 2023 "national innovation plan" (the picture comes from the national college student innovation training program platform)

among the ai ​​creativity, chatexcel (cool table) made by peking university students mentioned above is a model. in february 2023, liu zhenhui of peking university shenzhen graduate school and his teacher developed an ai office auxiliary tool called chatexcel, which can realize interactive control of excel through text chat. the chatexcel beta version was released on february 28 last year. in just half a month, the peak daily active users of the public beta webpage reached 110,000, and the cumulative visits of independent ips exceeded 2 million. on march 1, 2023, its release once rushed to the zhihu hot list.

【2】xi'an won the top three engineering projects in the "national innovation program"

in 2023, students from 994 universities across the country participated in the "national innovation plan" for science and engineering.

the top three universities with the most projects are all in xi'an. they are northwestern polytechnical university, xidian university and xi'an jiaotong university. as the top university, northwestern polytechnical university had 295 "national innovation plans" in science and engineering last year, nearly one-third more than the second-place xidian university.

when talking about npu, we have to mention its aerospace major, which is also the "golden signboard" of npu. according to the "2024 china university major rankings" released by soft science, npu ranks second in the country in this major, second only to tsinghua university. yang wei, chief designer of the j-20, tang changhong, chief designer of the y-20, and deng jinghui, chief designer of the z-20, are all well-known alumni from npu.

therefore, we can see in the "national innovation plan" of npu that students here are conceiving all kinds of imaginative aircraft: butterfly-like flapping-wing aircraft inspired by insects; tracking combat drones based on visual navigation; and "flea" drones that can bounce and fly on reefs or rugged mountains. xu wenjie, a student of the class of 2022 at npu, has also launched a project to design and develop intelligent unmanned vehicle systems for mars exploration.

jiupai news reporters found that in the 2023 "national innovation plan", there are 418 aerospace projects in the country, and northwestern polytechnical university accounts for more than 60%. there are as many as 33 projects for various drones and flying chess alone.

△in october 2023, students from northwestern polytechnical university were testing a bionic aircraft (picture taken from cctv news)

xidian university, which ranked second in the number of science and engineering projects last year, fully demonstrated its strength in electronic information. xidian university approved a total of 208 projects in the "national innovation plan" last year, 110 of which were in the field of electronic information, ranking first in the country.

many of these projects are focused on using technology to change the lives of ordinary people. for example, mao xiangyu, a student of xidian university in the 21st grade, has set up a project to develop a brain-controlled smart wheelchair. it is not the first time that xidian university has used electronic information technology to create a smart wheelchair. previously, xidian university donated a smart home wheelchair based on eyeball control to zhang wei, a post-90s als patient who was the first to climb mount huashan.

xi'an jiaotong university, ranked third, has a wide range of projects for its science and engineering students, covering 23 science and engineering majors. for example, some xjtu students hope to develop a new non-thermal sterilization and freshness-locking technology for agricultural products, and some students specialize in solutions for recycling retired lithium batteries. these projects are all key projects in the 2023 "national innovation plan".

【3】667 ideas from liberal arts students were selected into important cultural heritage projects

now let us turn our attention to the field of "liberal arts".

in the 2023 national innovation plan, there are 2,615 projects related to art, ranking first in the "liberal arts" category. literature and law follow closely behind, with 2,237 and 1,981 projects respectively, while others include economics, education, history and philosophy.

although in the "national innovation plan", the number of liberal arts projects is generally less than that of science and engineering, but if we only look at the ranking of universities with the number of "national innovation plans", anhui university of finance and economics has a total of 376 projects, ranking first in the country.

in terms of topic selection creativity, students in the liberal arts field are very concerned about issues such as cultural heritage and rural revitalization. data shows that in the "national innovation plan" in the liberal arts field last year, a total of 667 projects were in the fields of social undertakings and cultural heritage, and another 195 projects involved urban and rural governance and rural revitalization.

in guangxi, the sheep-horn chime bells are a traditional musical instrument of the zhuang ethnic group with a long history and profound cultural heritage. however, due to geographical and historical reasons, the inheritance and development of the bells face challenges. deng jiasen, a 22-year student at guangxi arts institute, explored the application and innovation of the sheep-horn chime bells in modern music, discovered its unique sound characteristics, and created new music pieces with a modern music style.

△in may 2024, guangxi arts institute uploaded the project "new zhuang sounds and rising zhuang music" initiated by deng on the short video platform (the picture was taken from the official douyin account of guangxi arts institute)

in hebei, hebei bangzi is one of the most distinctive traditional operas. as entertainment forms in modern society become more diversified, the audience's interest in opera has gradually declined. xu wenxin, a 2020 student at hebei normal university, plans to bring classic operas such as "butterfly cup" and "zhong kui" of hebei bangzi back to the public's attention in the form of animation.

in hunan, chen runjiu, a 21-year undergraduate student at hunan university, hopes to find out how livestreaming can help achieve common prosperity. he and his classmates formed a research team and conducted a detailed survey of 67 agricultural product e-commerce owners, 986 e-commerce employees, and 4,837 farmers in 12 counties in central and western china through questionnaires, field surveys, and telephone interviews. the final report was partially published to the development research center of the state council and attracted the attention of many media outlets. [end]

written by: jiupai news reporter fu cong

[source: jiupai news]
