
xiaopeng mona m03 was maliciously photographed and failed to park automatically. officials: we will investigate the responsibility according to law


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fast technology reported on august 30th,tonight, yang guang, product manager of xiaopeng's mona series, wrote that when xiaopeng's mona m03 was launched and delivered, some bad trends in the automotive industry once again emerged unexpectedly.

there are a large number of malicious and false statements that are used to drag down competitors, stir up conflicts, and even appear in stores to shoot videos of display cars and maliciously spread statements that are obviously misleading to consumers.

the chat records he posted showed thatfour people specifically came to the xiaopeng store to find a special location, deliberately posed for a video of the xiaopeng mona m03's failed automatic parking, and uploaded it to xiaohongshu for dissemination.

in this regard, yang guang said: "we encourage rational comparison so that users can buy the most suitable products for themselves, but we oppose deliberately provoking confrontation between users of different brands by dragging down others;

we encourage everyone to read the official app, weibo, and xiaohongshu more often, but we oppose taking advantage of information asymmetry to spread false information and influence user judgment.

we encourage everyone to experience the m03 in person, but we oppose malicious video shooting and fabrication of distorted facts. "

yang guang emphasized that there is no perfect product, only the most suitable product. xiaopeng motors hopes to hear product criticisms and suggestions, promote improvements, and ultimately benefit consumers.

however, xiaopeng motors will pursue legal responsibility for any suspected misleading statements or malicious damage to the brand image of xiaopeng motors. xiaopeng motors will quickly clarify any false statements online to avoid user trouble.