
a-share semi-annual report concluded: 80% of companies made profits and 610 companies doubled their net profits


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securities times reporter mei shuang

the semi-annual report of a-shares has come to an end, and the mid-term report cards of listed companies have been delivered as scheduled. among them, most companies have excellent report cards and remarkable financial performance.

according to statistics from the securities times, as of the evening of august 30, a total of 5,278 a-share companies disclosed their 2024 semi-annual reports, of which 52 companies had total operating revenues exceeding 100 billion yuan, and 41 companies had net profits attributable to their parent companies exceeding 10 billion yuan. among the 5,278 companies, 2,578 companies had year-on-year growth in net profits attributable to their parent companies, and 610 companies had doubled their net profits year-on-year.

from the perspective of industries, the net profit growth rate of energy, materials, and industry ranks first; the prosperity of industries such as consumer electronics, semiconductors, and basic chemicals has rebounded significantly; companies in the electronics, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery industries have accelerated their turnaround. the freshly released semi-annual reports convey the warmth and resilience of the industry's positive development.

hundreds of companies have a total operating income of over 50 billion

the semi-annual performance reports of listed companies for 2024 have been released one after another, and profitability is the "basic foundation" of a-shares.

wind information data shows that as of 8 p.m. on august 30, 5,278 a-share companies released their semi-annual reports, with total operating revenue of approximately 33.00 trillion yuan and corresponding total profits totaling nearly 3.62 trillion yuan.

among the listed companies that have disclosed their semi-annual reports, 52 had total operating revenue exceeding 100 billion yuan, 100 had total operating revenue exceeding 50 billion yuan, 453 had total operating revenue exceeding 10 billion yuan, 2,387 had total operating revenue exceeding 1 billion yuan, and 5,019 had total operating revenue exceeding 100 million yuan.

among them, the top ten companies in terms of total operating revenue are sinopec, petrochina, china construction, china mobile, china railway construction, ping an of china, industrial and commercial bank of china, china construction bank, agricultural bank of china, and china communications construction. the total operating revenues of the above companies in the first half of 2024 were as high as 1,576.131 billion yuan, 1,553.869 billion yuan, 1,144.619 billion yuan, 546.744 billion yuan, 516.137 billion yuan, 494.966 billion yuan, 420.499 billion yuan, 385.965 billion yuan, 366.835 billion yuan, and 357.448 billion yuan, respectively, with year-on-year growth of -1.10%, 5.00%, 2.81%, 3.02%, -4.61%, 1.27%, -6.03%, -3.57%, 0.29%, and -2.52%, respectively.

in terms of net profit attributable to parent companies, 5,278 a-share companies generated a total net profit attributable to parent companies of 2,783.578 billion yuan in the first half of the year. among them, 4,124 companies had positive net profit attributable to parent companies, accounting for about 80%.

in the first half of this year, the 10 companies with the highest net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent companies were industrial and commercial bank of china, china construction bank, agricultural bank of china, bank of china, petrochina, china mobile, cnooc, china merchants bank, ping an of china and postal savings bank of china, with net profits of 170.467 billion yuan, 164.326 billion yuan, 135.892 billion yuan, 118.601 billion yuan, 88.607 billion yuan, 80.201 billion yuan, 79.731 billion yuan, 74.743 billion yuan, 74.619 billion yuan and 48.815 billion yuan, respectively, with year-on-year growth rates of -1.89%, -1.8%, 2.00%, -1.24%, 3.91%, 5.29%, 25.05%, -1.33%, 6.84% and -1.51%, respectively.

at the same time, among the 5,278 listed companies, 41 had net profits attributable to their parent companies exceeding 10 billion yuan, 321 exceeded 1 billion yuan, and 1,742 exceeded 100 million yuan. in addition, 2,582 companies had a positive year-on-year growth in net profits attributable to their parent companies, of which 610 companies had doubled their net profits attributable to their parent companies.

"chain leader" enterprises continue to lead

judging from the semi-annual reports, many industry leaders have performed steadily and achieved gratifying results. china mobile, kweichow moutai, catl, and midea group all achieved net profits attributable to their parent companies exceeding rmb 10 billion in the first half of the year.

kweichow moutai's semi-annual report shows that the company's revenue in the first half of the year exceeded 80 billion yuan, and its net profit also exceeded 40 billion yuan, with both performance indicators exceeding the target. in the first half of the year, kweichow moutai's revenue and net profit increased by 17.56% and 15.88% year-on-year respectively. kweichow moutai's series of liquor revenue grew rapidly, up more than 30% year-on-year, accounting for 16.05% of the total revenue.

in addition, kweichow moutai adopted the proposal of investors at the 2023 annual shareholders' meeting that the total cash dividends for each year from 2024 to 2026 will not be less than 75% of the net profit achieved in that year. a brokerage research report pointed out that in the context of low demand and weakening expectations, kweichow moutai still exceeded expectations to achieve its first half target, demonstrating the ability of leading companies to cross cycles.

catl achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of rmb 22.865 billion in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 10.37%. from january to may 2024, the company's global market share of power battery usage was 37.5%, an increase of 2.3 percentage points from the same period last year, ranking first in the world. catl stated that the company is steadily advancing the construction of battery production capacity to meet the delivery needs of global customer orders. domestically, some production lines of the company's xiamen base and guiyang base have been put into production, and the construction of the beijing base will be started in june 2024.

it is worth mentioning that many of the companies that submitted their papers are “chain leader” companies in related industries. the strong growth in their performance has also brought impetus to the business development of related companies in the industrial chain.

byd, the leader in new energy vehicles, also delivered a brilliant semi-annual report. according to byd's semi-annual report, in the first half of 2024, the group achieved revenue of approximately 301.127 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.76%. during the reporting period, byd's operating income growth was mainly due to the increase in new energy vehicle business and mobile phone parts and assembly business. byd believes that driven by multiple favorable policies, the new energy vehicle market will usher in a broader development space, continue to maintain a strong and rapid growth trend, and the penetration rate is expected to break through again.

recently, sanhuan group, a leader in the field of electronic components and equipment, disclosed its performance in the first half of 2024. during the reporting period, benefiting from the continuous improvement in demand in downstream industries such as consumer electronics and optical communications, the company's main business product demand has increased. according to the financial report, the company achieved operating income of 3.427 billion yuan during the reporting period, a year-on-year increase of 30.36%; and net profit of 1.026 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 40.26%. among them, the second quarter operating income increased by 29.42% year-on-year, and the net profit increased by 44.12% year-on-year.

many industries are stable and improving

in terms of industries, the overall performance of listed companies has been stable and improved. according to wind information data, the net profit growth rates of the energy, materials, industrial, optional consumption, and daily consumption industries in the first half of the year were relatively high, with year-on-year growth rates of 32.96%, 17.38%, 5.92%, 1.16%, and 0.17% respectively; the semi-annual net profits of the above industries reached 151.706 billion yuan, 114.296 billion yuan, 108.218 billion yuan, 170.323 billion yuan, and 1,313.894 billion yuan respectively.

according to the reporter's observation, in the first half of the year, the prosperity of industries such as consumer electronics, semiconductors, new energy, and mechanical equipment has rebounded, and companies in the industry have frequently reported good performance. taking the semiconductor industry as an example, with the continued recovery of the industry and the influence of factors such as continued growth in r&d investment, the performance growth of some companies is very impressive.

leading companies in all segments and fields of the semiconductor industry chain have achieved impressive performance growth in the first half of the year. among them, changchuan technology, will semiconductor, rockchip, montage technology, huatian technology, hengxuan technology, juchen, jiejie microelectronics and other companies have achieved performance growth of more than 100% in the first half of the year. with the trend of continuously increasing r&d investment, many companies have achieved remarkable results in new product development and market development, and their performance in the second quarter has increased significantly month-on-month, laying the foundation for performance growth in the second half of the year.

in addition, several listed companies in the consumer electronics industry chain reported good performance. in the first half of 2024, crystal optoelectronics achieved operating income of 2.655 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 43.21%; net profit of 427 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 140.48%. "in the first half of this year, the company seized the opportunity of the gradual recovery of the global consumer electronics industry and its transformation to high-end driven by ai big models, and continued to optimize the product, market and customer structure, and continuously consolidated the basic foundation of the consumer electronics business." crystal optoelectronics said.

in the first half of the year, anjie technology achieved revenue of 2.415 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.42%; net profit of 175 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27.31%. in its semi-annual report, anjie technology stated that artificial intelligence further enabled the innovation of smart consumer electronics terminals, and terminal sales improved month-on-month, driving the continued growth of consumer electronics. the company has expanded new technologies and new fields such as foldable screens in consumer electronics products to promote the long-term development of the company's diversified fields.

in the basic chemical sector, driven by the price reduction of upstream raw materials and the increase of downstream product prices, the net profits of some companies in the first half of the year have increased to varying degrees. wind data shows that as of august 30, 249 of the 259 chemical companies in the petroleum, petrochemical and basic chemical industries (shenwan level 1) in shenzhen stock exchange have disclosed their operating results in the first half of the year, with a total net profit of 27.78 billion yuan; 200 companies have made profits, accounting for 80%; 119 companies have increased their profits year-on-year, accounting for nearly 50%.
