
weifang fangzi qimalu primary school held a "pen-opening ceremony" to welcome the first-grade students of 2024


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confucius said: "if you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand." in the long history of the chinese nation, education has always been regarded as the foundation of the country and the future of the nation. the "opening ceremony", as a form of enlightenment education for children in ancient china to learn to read and learn etiquette, carries the earnest expectation for students to study hard and respect teachers. growth requires rituals, and the future requires prospects! at the beginning of the fall semester in 2024, in order to create a strong atmosphere for the start of school, cultivate the enthusiasm of first-grade students for primary school learning, and guide them to establish the ideological values ​​of learning, gratitude, patriotism, and etiquette, fangzi district qimalu primary school held a welcome event with a unique sense of ritual with the theme of "enlightenment and wisdom, and set sail with etiquette". it aims to let children feel the sacredness and fun of learning through solemn ceremonies, stimulate their interest and love for traditional culture, and cultivate good learning habits and moral qualities.
enter the door of enlightenment and grow hand in hand
the first-grade students held their parents' hands and walked into the campus happily to the sound of a relaxing and cheerful melody. they walked through the qizhi gate, stepped onto the red carpet, and headed for the palace of learning. the children officially became first-grade primary school students! the school leaders and teachers warmly welcomed them at the door, making the children feel even more cordial.
start writing the character "人" (person) with one stroke on the left and one stroke on the right.
life begins with literacy, and literacy is the first step in learning culture. today, the teacher led us to write the simple but profound character "人", which means that in the enlightenment stage of life, learning to be a good person is the most important thing: students, this character is composed of a left stroke and a right stroke, first write the left stroke, then write the right stroke. please raise your right hand, extend your index finger, and write in the air: one left stroke, two right strokes. look, how seriously the children write!
paying homage to the teacher and showing gratitude
all students collectively pay respect to their teachers: first, thank the teacher for teaching me to read; second, thank the teacher for teaching me to be a good person; third, thank the teacher for accompanying me in my growth. the teacher returns the greeting, expressing his expectations for the students.
parents trust teachers and will not let them down
the parent representative came to the stage and solemnly handed the ruler, which symbolizes rules and discipline, to the head teacher, expressing his support and trust in the school's education. the head teacher took the ruler and promised parents and students that he would strictly require and educate carefully, and live up to the trust.
all students stood up, and the teacher led the students to recite the school oath: "respect teachers, be friendly to classmates, abide by discipline, and be determined to learn. treasure time and work hard. keep exercising and have a strong body."
a new journey begins with a happy journey
new parents can register on the xingfulu platform and watch parenting course videos. with the guidance of experts, they can learn tips on raising children, and parents and children can learn and grow together during their studies.
the head teacher has something to say
finally, the class teachers gave a comprehensive and detailed introduction to the various preparations for the children to enter school. they not only talked about the differences and changes between kindergarten and primary school, but also provided practical and specific suggestions for parents from five aspects: psychological preparation, work and rest preparation, ability preparation, learning preparation, and learning tool preparation. surrounded by a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere, parents clearly understood the school situation. the family and school worked together to gather strength and escort the healthy growth of their children!
check in and take photos to start your dream
on this memorable day, the first-year students left their beautiful memories everywhere on campus. meet on a road and encounter beauty. set sail with ambition and build dreams. record the beauty, join hands, support children's fulfilling childhood, and embrace a wonderful future together!
join hands to nurture happiness
the most beautiful sound is the resonance of home and school, and the best education is the interaction and co-education between home and school. in the warm autumn, the first warm encounter, a beautiful two-way journey is about to begin. a wonderful encounter allows love to be passed on between home and school; a heartfelt exchange opens a new chapter for home-school co-education. meeting is a new starting point; getting along is a warm chapter; accompanying is a long-lasting confession; growth is the continuation of the story... i wish the children's life boat will set sail from now on and sail towards a happier and better future!