
"live e-commerce" opens up "cloud" sales channels, zhuzhou wang shiwan yellow peppers are popular nationwide


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huasheng online reported on august 29 (all-media reporter zhang mi, correspondent liu yifeng, tian jingyang) "our yellow peppers are fragrant and crispy, and go very well with rice." recently, in the zhuzhou wang shiwan yellow peppers live broadcast room in hebao village, longchuan town, lukou district, zhuzhou city, anchor li wei enthusiastically introduced the signature products, chili oil and chili sauce, to netizens. more than 40 customers placed orders within half an hour of the start of the broadcast, and sales on that day reached more than 10,000 yuan.
zhuzhou wangshiwan yellow peppers are produced in longchuan town by the xiangjiang river in lukou district. the area has sufficient sunlight and rainfall, and the frost-free period is more than 286 days a year. the siltation of the xiangjiang river has formed a special sandy soil - qingjia ni, which is weakly alkaline and contains a variety of trace elements. the yellow peppers produced are "spicy, fragrant, crispy and sweet". at present, it has successfully applied for the national geographical indication certification trademark and has become one of the top ten agricultural regional public brands in zhuzhou city.
right now, zhuzhou wangshiwan yellow peppers are in the peak sales season. lukou district uses the "live broadcast + e-commerce" sales model to open up a "cloud" sales channel for the local yellow pepper industry. hebao village, the main production area, has built an agricultural product exhibition hall of more than 200 square meters, focusing on creating a "zhuzhou wangshiwan yellow peppers" live broadcast room to provide customers with immersive live broadcasts of the origin. the products are available on multiple online sales platforms such as douyin, taobao, and tmall. it also connects production and sales with the lukou branch of the postal group to build an online purchasing platform.
"this year, the sales volume of zhuzhou wang shiwan yellow peppers has soared, up 70% from the same period last year, and the sales volume on e-commerce platforms is expected to reach 20 million yuan." li gan, a cadre of hebao village, longchuan town, told reporters that due to the typhoon weather some time ago, the production of zhuzhou wang shiwan yellow peppers has been severely reduced this year, and it is difficult to find peppers. the village has established a full-chain deep processing production line to process most of the yellow peppers into a series of pepper products such as chili sauce, chopped chili, and oil chili for sale, which can more than double the profit and stabilize the income of farmers.
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