
openai and anthropic support the us government in assessing the risks of new models


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as leaders in the field of ai, openai and anthropic are fully aware of their responsibilities in promoting technological progress. in order to ensure that new ai models do not pose social risks, the two companies decided to submit them to the ai ​​safety institute under the us government for evaluation before launching new models. this cooperation aims to ensure that technological progress serves the long-term interests of society while avoiding potential negative effects.

the ai ​​safety institute was established in 2023 as a product of the biden-harris administration's executive order to promote responsible ai innovation. the institute will conduct a comprehensive safety assessment of openai and anthropic's new ai models, including the capabilities of the models, the risks they may bring, and strategies to mitigate these risks. through this process, it ensures that the development of ai technology can meet the expectations and needs of society.

openai and anthropic executives expressed strong support for the collaboration and stressed the importance of safety in ai development. they believe that through cooperation with the government, we can better understand the impact of technological progress on society and jointly study methods to mitigate potential safety risks.