
these construction techniques are useless except for spending more money! i will definitely avoid them next time i renovate


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everyone knows that the current decoration budget is getting higher and higher.

a big part of the reason for this is what everyone knows: labor and material prices have been rising.

however, there is another reason that most people don't know.during decoration, we also spend a lot of money on some techniques that seem to make sense but are actually useless.

in fact, this is inevitable. because many friends are not clear about the decoration process, when they can't get accurate advice, they can only spend more money to find peace of mind.

so, in this issue we will talk about some techniques that cost more money but are useless. i hope they will be useful to you!

——these techniques are actually useless except for spending more money

many people say that decoration is a bottomless pit, and it is indeed true.

whether it is materials, furniture, appliances, or even construction technology, you can spend more or less money.

without affecting the quality of decoration, there are several construction techniques that will cost you a lot of money invisibly. let's look at them one by one in the order of construction:

1. paint the wall before puttingty

many people paint the walls immediately after starting construction, which makes the construction site look good and shows that they are responsible for the construction quality.

in fact, once you understand that the wall is solid, you will no longer think so.

the function of wall solidification is to solidify the dust and loose fine sand in the wall.

although it is necessary to paint the walls, painting them at the wrong time is just a face-saving project that actually has no effect.

we know that we still have many projects to construct from the start of construction to the final painting. whether it is digging water and electricity troughs, cutting tiles or removing garbage, a lot of dust will be generated, and this dust will also adhere to the wall.

therefore, if we apply wall sealant at the beginning, when we want to apply putty, there will still be a lot of dust on the wall, so the application of wall sealant will lose its meaning.

the correct way is to apply wall primer before applying putty. don't do it later, otherwise you will spend more money but it will be of no use.

2. ground water and wire trough

i believe that everyone has learned about water and electricity technology before decoration. as a hidden project, water and electricity engineering is indeed a very important one, so everyone pays more attention to it and spends more money on it.

however, spending more money does not mean wasting money. digging water and electrical wire troughs on the ground is a typical process that wastes money.

why do i say so?

-----first, we need to know the function of ground water and electricity trough-----

the purpose of the ground water and electricity cable trough is to avoid the problem of raised floor caused by the water and electricity pipes being too high after completion.

so, if there is no water and electricity cable trough on the ground, will it cause the floor to rise?

the answer is, not at all!

the reason is that the current wire pipes are only 2 centimeters thick, while our mortar layer is at least 3 centimeters thick, which is more than enough to cover the water and electricity pipes.

therefore, if you spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to groove the floor because of floor problems, it is simply unnecessary.

-----issues that require attention if water and wire troughs are not opened on the ground-----

although it is not necessary to lay cable troughs throughout the house, it does not mean that wiring pipes can be laid at will.

--the height of a single wire tube is only 2 cm, but if the wire tubes are stacked, the height may exceed the mortar layer and affect the floor. therefore, where the wire tubes are stacked, the ground can be partially grooved to reduce their height.

--in addition, the height of the water pipe will be higher than the wire pipe, generally 2.5 centimeters. to be cautious, you can consider opening a partial wire groove on the ground for the water pipe.

3. apply waterproof coating inside the water and electricity tank

the function of waterproof coating is to seal the holes in the mortar layer to prevent water from penetrating through the holes and causing leakage.

although waterproof coatings can block holes, they are limited to small holes and are completely ineffective in sealing the broken surfaces of the wall.

therefore, there is a rather tricky process here, which is to apply waterproof paint inside the water and electricity cable troughs.

brushing waterproof paint inside water and electricity cable troughs seems to be a responsible process, but in fact, it is not responsible at all except for charging more.

the reason is that the depth of the water and electricity troughs on the wall is directly drilled into the wall blocks. the water and electricity troughs are bumpy and have many holes. directly applying waterproof paint cannot close the holes and cannot play a waterproof role.


bathroom waterproofing is important, but it cannot be done blindly. after the cable trough is opened and the water and electric pipes are installed, they are repaired uniformly with cement mortar, and then the whole house is waterproofed at one time.

4. ceramic tile bottom box opening rounded corners

for a long time, where the ceramic tile covers the bottom box, you only need to make a square hole, which looks good and is easy to use.

i don't know when this technology became outdated, and now it is popular to round the corners of the holes in tiles.

this chamfering process requires drilling the four corners with a hand drill, then cutting with a cutting machine, and finally polishing, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and of course, costly.

it is undeniable that this kind of opening looks beautiful and exquisite, but is it really necessary?

in fact, the purpose of opening a hole in a tile is mainly to install a switch and socket panel. after the panel is installed, the edge of the hole will be covered. therefore, whether the corners are rounded or not has no effect on the final effect. the only difference is whether you have to spend more money.

once you understand this, you will know whether to round the corners, and why your home decoration budget is getting higher and higher!

5. wall pressing technology

i don’t know when, but a new technique for bathroom tiling emerged, which is to lay the floor tiles first and then the wall tiles.

in fact, laying wall tiles first and then floor tiles, that is, the ground-pressed wall technology has always been done well and is the most scientific.

--lay the wall tiles first and then the floor tiles to avoid falling mortar from dirtying the floor and reduce cleaning costs.

--lay the wall tiles first and then the floor tiles to avoid heavy objects falling and damaging the floor tiles during the process of laying the wall tiles.

--laying the wall tiles first and then the floor tiles can avoid the ground from sloped and causing large gaps between the wall and the floor tiles.

although there are many advantages to laying wall tiles first and then floor tiles,but there is only one reason to insist on laying floor tiles first and then wall tiles, and that is to avoid ceiling cracks.

--in fact, the construction order of laying floor tiles first and then wall tiles will cause many problems and increase the difficulty and cost of construction.

--although this technology avoids the upward cracks around the floor tiles, there are too many upward cracks in the middle of the floor tiles.

--in addition, bathroom leakage is not caused by the surrounding seams, but by the waterproof quality of the bathroom.

therefore, there is no need to spend extra money on the wall-to-ground technology.


in this issue, we shared several construction techniques that are not used in home decoration. although it is understandable that everyone wants to decorate their home well, they cannot do it blindly and waste money.

i hope everyone can learn more about decoration knowledge before decoration to avoid blind construction.

finally, i wish you all a happy renovation!