
zhang jianhua, director of the national energy administration, answers questions from the economic daily: increase the proportion of non-fossil energy in new energy demand


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on august 29, the state council information office held a press conference to release the white paper "china's energy transition" and introduce relevant information about the white paper.

regarding the relevant situation of china's energy transformation, a reporter from the national business daily asked at the press conference: "what advanced experiences and practices does china have in energy transformation? what chinese solutions have contributed to the global energy transformation?"

source: national energy administration, tonghuashun, guosheng securities research institute, western securities research center, compiled by yang jing

zhang jianhua, director of the national energy administration, said in response to questions from the daily economic news reporter that china's energy transformation faces two main problems: one is to ensure energy security, and the other is to accelerate green and low-carbon development. "china has proposed a new energy security strategy, promoted the energy transformation to achieve results, and embarked on a path of energy transformation that conforms to national conditions and meets the requirements of the times," zhang jianhua emphasized.

strictly control fossil energy consumption

zhang jianhua said that china's energy transformation has mainly done five aspects of work:

first, establish the concept of community. propose and practice the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and a community of life between man and nature, take a transformation path of openness and cooperation to promote global sustainable development; adhere to the principle of extensive consultation, joint construction and sharing, deepen energy transformation cooperation with other countries under the framework of jointly building the "belt and road", contribute china's strength to the green and low-carbon transformation of global energy, and benefit the people and the world.

second, a blueprint is drawn to the end. china has set the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, fully exerted the guiding role of national strategic planning, formulated medium- and long-term energy development plans, five-year plans and renewable energy development plans, clarified the goals, tasks and paths of green and low-carbon energy transformation and development, and then unswervingly promoted their implementation.

third, we should focus on the coordination of supply and demand. we should do a good job of "one plus one minus". on the supply side, we should do a good job of "addition" in improving the quality and expanding the quantity of non-fossil energy, vigorously develop non-fossil energy, continuously optimize the energy structure, and increase the proportion of non-fossil energy in the new energy demand. on the consumption side, we should do a good job of "subtraction" in energy conservation and carbon reduction, insist that energy conservation is the first energy source, strictly control fossil energy consumption, accelerate the clean and efficient use of fossil energy, and guide the whole society to use green energy and implement clean substitution.

fourth, build first and then break, and transform in an orderly manner. coordinate development and security, accelerate transformation and development while ensuring a safe and stable supply of energy, accelerate the construction of a new power system, enhance the power system's ability to absorb new energy, and implement reliable substitution for fossil energy in an orderly manner. at the same time, give full play to the supporting and bottom-line guarantee role of traditional energy, and promote the coordinated complementarity of new energy and traditional energy.

fifth, balance fairness and efficiency. on the one hand, accelerate the construction of energy markets, promote new energy investment through market price signals, guide thermal power to transform to both basic security and system regulation power sources, optimize energy use behavior, and stimulate social green energy consumption demand. on the other hand, strengthen the construction of a law-based government, improve the legal system of energy transformation, strengthen market supervision, optimize public services, and create a stable, fair, transparent and predictable development environment for all types of business entities, ensuring the organic unity of efficiency and fairness in energy transformation.

continue to improve the main grid structure

regarding the progress of the construction of my country's new power system, wan jinsong, deputy director of the national energy administration, said that in recent years, the energy industry has strengthened overall planning and promoted the construction of a new power system from four aspects: policies, platforms, capabilities, and markets.

first, in terms of policies, the policy framework of the new power system is constantly being improved. recently, the action plan for accelerating the construction of a new power system (2024-2027) was issued. based on the current development stage, it focuses on key areas where breakthroughs are urgently needed in the construction of a new power system in the near future, selects typical and representative directions to promote work, solves "big problems" with "small incisions", and proposes 9 special actions to coordinate and promote the coordinated development of the new power system.

second, in terms of platforms, we will strengthen the role of the power grid in allocating resources. we will continue to improve the backbone grid of the power grid, promote the planning and construction of inter-provincial and inter-regional transmission channels, and upgrade the distribution network. it is expected that by the end of 2025, china's inter-provincial and inter-regional transmission capacity will reach 360 million kilowatts, and the distribution network will have access to about 500 million kilowatts of distributed new energy and about 12 million charging piles. the power grid's carrying capacity and configuration capacity for power resources will be significantly improved.

third, in terms of capacity, we will strengthen the construction of flexible regulation capabilities. we will continue to promote the "three-in-one" reforms of coal-fired power energy conservation and consumption reduction, heating, and flexibility, further transform and improve the efficient regulation performance and clean and low-carbon level of coal-fired power, coordinate the construction of pumped storage, new energy storage and other regulation resources, and deeply tap the demand response regulation capabilities. since the 14th five-year plan, the country has completed more than 740 million kilowatts of "three-in-one" coal-fired power units. as of the end of june this year, the installed capacity of pumped storage in the country has reached 54.39 million kilowatts, and the installed capacity of new energy storage is 44.44 million kilowatts.

fourth, in terms of the market, give full play to the decisive role of market resource allocation. actively promote the construction of a unified national electricity market system, guide the efficient and rational use of electricity through market transactions, stimulate the vitality of business entities, and promote the large-scale optimization of electricity resources. in 2023, the electricity traded in china's electricity market will account for 61.4% of the total electricity consumption in the society.

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