
digital intelligence empowers rural revitalization: exploration and practice of digital rural construction in hanyin county, shaanxi province


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recently, the radio in the community of shuangru town, hanyin county, shaanxi province, was broadcasting the policy of urban and rural residents' pension insurance. "digitalization is good. after the content is imported, the cloud radio will play it directly. i don't have to hold the microphone and shout. it is convenient and fast." gao zhicai, secretary of the community party branch, told reporters.

it is understood that the town has used the digital rural platform to create an information notification application "cloud broadcasting", which allows people to obtain information without leaving their homes through one-point input and multi-terminal playback.

in recent years, hanyin has conscientiously implemented the new development concept, guided by the "ten million project", based on the actual situation of the county, consolidated the foundation of rural network facilities, optimized the digital development environment, focused on the modernization of the information industry, promoted the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, further improved rural development conditions, and narrowed the urban-rural digital divide. in 2023, it ranked first in the comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the first batch of digital rural pilot projects in the province, and was selected as the second batch of national digital rural pilot projects in july this year.

village affairs are handled online, from observing the sky and the earth to using "numbers" for production, the internet drives the hot sales of agricultural products... in hanyin, when "numbers" enter the countryside, when data collides with green waters and green mountains, what kind of sparks will be created?

digital governance, rural areas enjoy "online" life

the fundamental purpose of digital rural construction is to benefit and serve the people. with the continuous improvement of the informatization level of comprehensive village services and the continuous improvement of rural construction and management informatization, in hanyin, the reporter saw the development direction of modern villages.

on august 16, fang shu found that the stairwell of the community was full of waste, so she took out her mobile phone and uploaded photos through the "321" people's online wechat public account to report the problem. after the xincheng community to which the community belongs saw the problem on the platform, it immediately "dispatched" it to a specific grid member, who solved it in a timely manner by contacting the property, environmental protection and other units and departments. "this is too efficient, unlike before when i had to report the situation to the relevant units." fang shu, who came back from get off work, saw that the problem of waste stacking in the stairwell had been solved, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the information-based service.

the "321" people's situation online wechat public account is just one of hanyin county's active explorations in continuously improving the rural digital governance system. in recent years, "internet + governance" has been extended to rural areas at an accelerated pace. relying on the "321" grassroots governance model, hanyin county has innovatively developed the "321" grassroots governance information system, integrating "321" people's situation online, conflict and dispute investigation and mediation, dynamic monitoring of poverty prevention, town comprehensive law enforcement, emergency management and other information platform systems. by analyzing and judging various types of collected data, we can find the right solutions to grassroots governance problems and form a new governance mechanism of "speaking with data, managing with data, making decisions with data, and serving with data", so as to truly achieve "less running around for the people and more running around for data."

at the same time, the county, in accordance with the idea of ​​"small probe + large joint defense", integrated all kinds of high and low altitude video equipment in the county into the "321" grassroots governance information system, and carried out full-time and intelligent supervision of comprehensive governance, social security, flood prevention and disaster reduction, so as to achieve full-time monitoring and real-time dispatch of social security conditions in towns and villages. according to statistics, the county has connected more than 160 conference dispatch systems and more than 8,000 video surveillance channels, allowing the "small eyes" to play a big role in the joint coordination of contradictions, joint governance of problems, joint defense of public security, and joint creation of peace.

since 2021, hanyin county's "321" grassroots governance information system has accepted more than 20,000 cases involving government management and people's livelihood services. more than 95% of conflicts and disputes have been resolved at the town and village (community) levels, and the incident settlement rate and public satisfaction rate are both above 97%.

smart agriculture makes farming easier for farmers

in recent years, the booming development of information technology has driven changes in agricultural production methods. hanyin county has seized development opportunities, accelerated the process of agricultural digitalization, and seized the commanding heights of digital agriculture. with the penetration and integration of big data, the farming method of "facing the loess and back to the sky" has quietly changed. while sharing the dividends of digital economic development, the majority of farmers have changed from "knowing how to farm" to "smart farming", promoting high-quality agricultural development.

the honeysuckle industrial park in sanliu village, shuanghekou town, hanyin county, used to be based on traditional farming methods. since most of the young and middle-aged people in the village went out to work, the remaining elderly were the main workers. the industrial park was built on the mountain, resulting in a lack of labor in the park all year round. in 2022, the county took the opportunity of the province's first batch of digital rural pilot projects to carry out digital upgrades to the honeysuckle industrial park. by building a series of facilities such as soil testing, meteorological monitoring, insect monitoring, and water and fertilizer integration, digital technology was used to solve the problem of "growing well".

"now, the park is becoming more and more digitalized and intelligent. we don't have to worry about the park being abandoned. we just need to sit in the office and open the mobile phone platform to obtain the growth status of honeysuckle in all aspects. there are also surveillance cameras installed around the park, so there is no need to worry about it being destroyed." liu gang, secretary of the sanliu village party branch, opened the "agricultural internet of things" app and introduced to reporters the insect monitoring situation of the park the night before.

hanyin is a typical mountainous county in southern shaanxi, with traditional farming methods and low overall benefits. to solve this problem, the county insists on using digitalization to comprehensively improve the quality of agricultural industry development, promote the application of 5g, internet of things, big data and other technologies in the agricultural field, build hanyin county's agricultural and rural comprehensive service big data platform, and expand and strengthen agricultural characteristic industries.

nowadays, digital technology is widely used in the agricultural field. in hanyin, the smart orchard has installed more than 120 sets of sensors for soil moisture, ph monitoring, temperature and humidity, monitoring systems, insect monitoring, etc., and built a 700-acre intelligent demonstration orchard with integrated water and fertilizer; land-based high-level circulation aquaculture smart fishery has realized remote and automatic feeding, oxygen exchange, water and oxygen monitoring, video monitoring and other functions; in cooperation with telecommunications companies, a demonstration of wearing electronic ear tags for 10,000 pigs has been completed, realizing the intelligent management of pig farming...

new models and technologies of modern agriculture such as "digital vegetable garden", "digital tea garden", "digital orchard" and "digital fishery" have been fully applied, and the "barometer" of digital agriculture is clearly visible.

e-commerce enters the village, local products go to the "cloud"

at the "hanyin boge kangkangmo" store in jianchi town, farmer liu zebao rode a tricycle to pull two sacks of green beans and dried cowpeas that he grew himself. the boss zhang bo inspected, weighed, and calculated the accounts one by one. "we charge them at the market price, and they are happy. it's much better than selling them in the market." zhang bo told reporters. in addition to a machine for making kangkangmo in the store, the wall cabinet next to it displays packaged dried cowpeas, vermicelli, fermented bean curd, pickled mustard greens and other hanyin local specialties.

“who knew that the first jingle i shot would become a hit in an instant.” talking about using douyin, bo ge couldn’t stop grinning. “then i learned to do live streaming like others. i got up at 5 o’clock in the morning. while my wife was making steamed buns, i would do a live streaming next to her and lend a hand.” according to him, he started to study shooting and editing on his own in the second half of 2018, and actively participated in e-commerce training and live streaming competitions organized by the county. he often shot some jokes and said jingles on his douyin account “hanyin bo ge”, the content of which included people-friendly policies, hanyin local specialties, etc., completing the perfect transformation from an internet "white-collar" to an e-commerce "expert".

in recent years, rural e-commerce has continuously increased the speed of "internet +" agricultural products leaving the village and entering the city. hanyin county has seized the opportunity of live streaming and short videos, giving full play to the regional advantages of landscape, humanities, and food, and established a digital economy e-commerce company. based on the small county and looking at the large region, it has cultivated a group of "internet celebrities" from rural areas and serving rural areas. relying on the advantages of local selenium-rich resources, it has cultivated selenium-rich food e-commerce brands such as "humanistic hanyin" and "benbenqi"; relying on the cultural advantages of "three shens' hometown", it has cultivated 23 new "internet + painting and calligraphy" market entities such as "qiqi culture", becoming a model for the development of calligraphy and painting e-commerce in southern shaanxi; relying on the advantages of logistics, transportation and environmental resources, it has built the city's first cross-border e-commerce incubation warehouse, and continuously incubated and cultivated 13 new cross-border e-commerce market entities. the three pillar industries of selenium-rich food e-commerce, calligraphy and painting e-commerce, and cross-border e-commerce have developed side by side, truly making more rural talents, beautiful scenery and food popular, and people's pockets bulging.

not only that, in order to allow more people to enjoy the digital dividend, hanyin county has concentrated on carrying out live streaming entrepreneurship training to lay a solid talent foundation for the development of the e-commerce industry; actively guided the county's catering industry, commercial circulation industry, service industry, clothing wholesale and sales, tourism industry, etc. to carry out online sales business, gradually expand sales channels, expand the scope of e-commerce industry, and achieve quality improvement and expansion for e-commerce to achieve its doubling plan.

so far, there are more than 4,500 e-commerce practitioners in the county, and the county's e-commerce has shown a good trend of multi-platform and multi-channel development. from january to july this year, online retail sales reached 581 million yuan, and it has been awarded the title of "national e-commerce in rural comprehensive demonstration county", "national internet + agricultural products out of villages and into cities pilot county", and "cross-border e-commerce demonstration county".

"the whole county should take the national digital rural demonstration site as an opportunity to form a working concept of 'one chess game, one network', closely follow the requirements of the rural revitalization strategy, accelerate the construction of a digital rural standardization system, and effectively improve the efficiency of rural digital management services, and continuously inject new vitality into the high-quality development of rural revitalization." said liu feixia, secretary of the hanyin county party committee.
