
covering more than 3,300 base stations across the country, a national satellite navigation base station network was launched in chongqing


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on august 29, the 2024 surveying and mapping law publicity day and the main event of the national territory awareness publicity week were held in chongqing. at the event, the national satellite navigation base station one network (hereinafter referred to as "one network") was released.
▲on august 29, at the event site, a national satellite navigation base station network was released. photo by reporter zhang jinhui
this special "network" is built by more than 3,300 base stations covering the whole country. by collecting data from base stations across the country and performing network-wide calculations, a national beidou high-precision navigation and positioning service platform can be built to achieve base station data management, processing and services.
chen changsong, director of the national basic geographic information center, introduced that the goal of building "one network" is to strengthen the overall integration of satellite navigation and positioning base station resources across the country, build a national beidou high-precision navigation and positioning service platform with legal authority, unified standards, complete functions, accuracy, reliability, security and controllability, provide satellite navigation and positioning benchmark services, promote data sharing and utilization, enhance the beidou large-scale application capabilities and level of natural resources, and help national security and high-quality economic development.
at present, a national satellite navigation and positioning base station network service has been launched for trial operation, providing a national unified surveying and mapping benchmark service for various surveying and mapping activities.
specifically, "one network" can provide high-precision, fast, and real-time navigation and positioning service support for resource surveys, intelligent transportation, unmanned driving, precision agriculture, public life, etc., promote the large-scale application of beidou, and assist in the construction of the digital economy.
▲the release event site. photo by reporter zhang jinhui
for example, the real-time centimeter-level enhanced positioning service provided by "one network" can serve autonomous driving, lane-level navigation, drones, transportation logistics, etc.
in terms of online services, "one network" can provide real-time observation data, enhanced positioning, real-time products, etc. in terms of offline services, it can provide coordinate results, post-observation data, post-products, etc.
the website address of the "one network" service is: units and individuals in need can try it out.