
un agency calls for ceasefire in gaza to create conditions for vaccination


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in view of the spread of polio virus in the gaza strip, the united nations announced that it will carry out two rounds of polio vaccination campaigns in the gaza strip in the near future. on august 27, several un agencies stressed that due to the ongoing conflict in the gaza strip and the frequent withdrawal orders issued by the israeli army, this poses a serious threat to the upcoming polio vaccination campaign, and a ceasefire should be implemented immediately in the gaza strip.
unicef spokesperson amar said on the 27th that of the 1.6 million doses of polio vaccines prepared for the gaza strip, about 1.2 million doses had arrived on august 25, and the remaining 400,000 doses will arrive in due course. according to the plan, vaccination work will be carried out in two rounds on august 31 and late september. in order to block the spread of the polio virus, a vaccination rate of at least 95% is required, but due to the ongoing conflict in gaza and the frequent evacuation orders issued by the israeli army, this goal is almost impossible to achieve.
unicef spokesperson amal:both rounds of vaccination must be carried out through a ceasefire, or at least a temporary ceasefire, so that our teams can reach the children and they and their families can reach hospitals and health facilities where they can be vaccinated.
gilles michaud, the un under-secretary-general for safety and security, also issued a statement on the 27th, saying that israel's frequent evacuation orders are the latest in a series of threats faced by un staff and humanitarian workers. a large-scale polio vaccination campaign is about to begin, when a large number of staff will need to enter the gaza strip, and the israeli army's actions have exacerbated security threats and seriously affected the speed of safe delivery and vaccination.
jens lerk, spokesman for the united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, also said on the 27th that since the 23rd, the israeli army has issued three new evacuation orders to 19 communities in the northern gaza strip and deir el balah. in more than 20 days in august, the israeli army has issued 16 large-scale evacuation orders in the gaza strip, which has seriously affected the ability of humanitarian teams to provide services in gaza.
poliomyelitis, commonly known as poliomyelitis, is an acute infectious disease caused by the polio virus. it is often transmitted to unimmunized people, especially children under the age of 5, through sewage. in severe cases, it may cause paralysis or death. there is no cure for the disease, and vaccination is the most economical and effective way to prevent polio.
on july 19, the world health organization announced that polio virus was found in the gaza strip. the gaza strip health department announced at the end of july that a polio outbreak had occurred in the gaza strip. un secretary-general guterres announced earlier in august that the united nations was ready to vaccinate more than 640,000 children under the age of 10 in the gaza strip against polio.