
important notice from the national energy administration


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on august 28, the general office of the national energy administration issued a notice on the issuance of the "outline for the preparation of the overall plan for the "thousands of towns and villages wind harnessing action" in provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government)". it pointed out that the provincial energy authorities, together with the provincial agricultural and rural authorities and power grid companies, will comprehensively consider the wind energy resource conditions, power grid construction conditions and village collective income conditions, and clarify the implementation conditions of the "thousands of towns and villages wind harnessing action" pilot project, and give priority to pilot projects in administrative villages with good wind energy resource conditions and grid connection conditions, and greater and more urgent needs for economic development and farmers' income increase. according to the pilot conditions, pilot objects will be selected on a village basis, and in principle, the scale of the pilot project in each administrative village shall not exceed 20mw.

the following is the original text

notice of the general office of the national energy administration on the issuance of the "outline for the preparation of the overall plan for the thousands of towns and villages wind harnessing action" in provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities)

energy bureaus of all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government), development and reform commissions of relevant provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) and xinjiang production and construction corps, all dispatched agencies, state grid corporation of china, china southern power grid co., ltd., inner mongolia electric power group co., ltd., national renewable energy information management center, wind energy professional committee of china renewable energy society:

in order to promote the "thousands of towns and villages wind harnessing action" in a standardized and orderly manner, we have studied and proposed the "outline for the preparation of the overall plan for the "thousands of towns and villages wind harnessing action" in provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities), which is now printed and sent to you for reference. the national energy authorities will establish a regular dispatching mechanism to comprehensively supervise the implementation process of rural wind power projects.

general office of national energy administration

august 6, 2024

outline for the preparation of the overall plan for the "thousands of towns and villages wind harnessing action" in provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government)

i. general requirements

in accordance with the "notice of the national development and reform commission, the national energy administration and the ministry of agriculture and rural affairs on organizing and implementing the "wind harnessing action in thousands of towns and villages" (development and reform energy [2024] no. 378), combined with the actual situation of the province, the guiding ideology, basic principles and development goals of the "wind harnessing action in thousands of towns and villages" are proposed. the development goals are set according to the "14th five-year plan" and "15th five-year plan" stages.

ii. organization and implementation

1. pilot projects first

1. clarify the pilot conditions. the provincial energy authorities, together with the provincial agricultural and rural authorities and power grid companies, will comprehensively consider the wind energy resource conditions, power grid construction conditions and village collective income conditions, and clarify the implementation conditions of the "thousand townships and ten thousand villages wind harnessing action" pilot project, giving priority to pilot projects in administrative villages with good wind energy resource conditions and grid connection conditions, and greater and more urgent needs for economic development and farmers' income increase.

2. select pilot projects. according to the pilot conditions, pilot projects will be selected on a village basis. in principle, the scale of pilot projects in each administrative village shall not exceed 20mw.

2. steady promotion

based on the progress of pilot projects, we will continue to explore and accumulate experience, gradually improve the development policy mechanism of the "wind harnessing action in thousands of towns and villages", and steadily and orderly promote the "wind harnessing action in thousands of towns and villages" project in combination with local development goals.

iii. relevant policy support

all localities should make good use of the relevant supportive policies in the "notice on organizing and carrying out the "wind harnessing action in thousands of towns and villages" (development and reform energy [2024] no. 378) to ensure the smooth implementation of the wind harnessing action projects.

iv. relevant requirements

1. adhere to provincial-level coordination. provincial energy and relevant departments should fully recognize the important role of the harnessing the wind project in promoting rural energy revolution and rural revitalization, coordinate the implementation of village-level projects within the scope of various cities and counties, and effectively give play to the economic and social benefits of the harnessing the wind project while promoting the high-quality development of the wind power industry.

(ii) clarify the project layout. based on the understanding of the natural geography, industrial and economic development, land use, village collective income, wind energy resources, and grid structure of each county (city, district, banner), clarify the names, geographical locations, topography, development scale, site layout, etc. of the projects to be included in the wind harnessing action, and form a project list.

(iii) give full play to the role of the market. give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources. the government shall not increase non-technical investment costs in various forms such as supporting industries, resolving debts, and collecting resource taxes (fees) in disguised forms. actively create a fair, just, and open market environment. avoid the monopoly of development entities that may be formed by the whole-county development model.

(iv) strictly select investment entities. based on the village, select strong wind power investment and development entities. when determining the investment entity, comprehensive consideration should be given to factors such as the company's investment capacity, technical capacity, operational capacity and credit status to ensure the safe and stable operation of the project. clarify the equity cooperation structure, cooperation content and corresponding rights and responsibilities between the investment entity and the village collective, including the division of labor in project construction, operation and maintenance, and safety management, and strictly implement the responsibilities of all parties.

(v) reasonable sharing of benefits. in combination with the wind power development and construction conditions and economic levels of various regions, the profit distribution standard between the village collective and the development enterprise shall be reasonably determined based on the equity distribution method as the basic principle, and the dry share model or the requirement that the investment and development enterprise bear various unreasonable expenses of the village collective shall be avoided. the profit distribution after the project is connected to the grid shall be reported to the relevant county-level departments in a timely manner.

(vi) protect the interests of farmers. all relevant departments should fully cooperate in implementing the key elements of the harnessing the wind project and supervise the implementation of the "village-enterprise cooperation" model, so as not to compete with the village collective for profits and ensure that the village collective and farmers receive the benefits they deserve in accordance with the agreement.

(vii) do a good job in ecological protection. projects included in the harnessing the wind action shall carry out environmental impact assessments in accordance with the law, focus on the possible impacts of the projects on surrounding production, life, and ecology, use low-noise wind turbines, clarify safety protection standards and requirements, actively integrate into the rural landscape, and help build a livable, business-friendly and beautiful countryside.

(viii) implement project management throughout the life cycle. relying on existing platforms such as the "new energy cloud", carry out project management throughout the life cycle. in the planning stage, upload the provincial master plan and fill in the preliminary information of the project; in the construction stage, organize the update of project construction and grid connection status, and timely fill in the file registration information; in the operation stage, count the operation data such as the project's online power consumption and utilization hours, and do a good job in monitoring the sharing of project revenues. the "new energy cloud" platform should provide support for work at all stages, and continue to improve the platform's functions according to the actual needs of the "thousand villages and townships wind harnessing action". for areas that existing platforms such as the "new energy cloud" cannot cover, power grid companies shall develop corresponding means.

(ix) strengthen monitoring and supervision. village collectives should disclose the distribution and use of income to villagers in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations. all provincial-level relevant departments and the dispatched agencies of the national energy administration should strengthen project supervision, strengthen public opinion guidance and information disclosure, give full play to the role of social supervision, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties and the orderly development of projects.

(10) summarize experience in a timely manner. all provinces should follow up the development and construction progress of the projects in a timely manner, summarize experience in a timely manner based on the problems encountered during the pilot process, and adjust corresponding policies and measures in real time.


list of wind power project construction in xx county (city, district, banner) of "wind harnessing action for thousands of towns and villages" in xx province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government)

source: national energy administration website

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produced by | china energy news (id: cnenergy)
editor: li huiying