
china urges israel to stop attacking syria


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china urges foreign troops to end illegal military presence in syria

china's deputy permanent representative to the united nations geng shuang said at the security council's open meeting on syria's political and humanitarian issues on the 28th.china urges israel to stop attacking syria and foreign troops to end their illegal military presence in syria. china hopes that major powers outside the region will play a constructive role in cooling down the regional situation.

cctv news report illustration ‍‍‍

geng shuang said that syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be firmly upheld. china calls on all parties concerned to exercise maximum restraint and make concrete efforts to maintain stability in regional countries including syria.

geng shuang said that we must adhere to the general direction of a political solution to the syrian issue. china supports the un secretary-general's special envoy for syria, pedersen, to continue to work with all parties in accordance with the principle of "syrian-led and syrian-owned". we also hope that the existing dialogue mechanisms can cooperate with each other and provide support for a political solution on the basis of communication and consultation with the syrian government. china supports the syrian government in stepping up its anti-terrorism efforts and calls on the international community to work together to combat terrorist forces in syria with a zero-tolerance attitude in accordance with international law and security council resolutions.

geng shuang stressed the need to promote fundamental improvement in the humanitarian situation in syria. with the joint efforts of the syrian government and the united nations, the cross-border rescue mechanism has been operating stably. china urges relevant parties to show flexibility and make efforts to resume cross-line rescue. china calls on donors to implement their aid commitments and ensure that humanitarian projects throughout syria receive adequate financial support. unilateral sanctions and illegal resource plunder have severely weakened syria's ability to recover its economy and develop its society and must be stopped immediately.

source: cctv news client
