
after 27 years of separation, her boyfriend got married and had children after being released from prison, but yang yuying is still single and childless.


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one day, yang yuying walked into the dressing room and was stunned when she saw a strange flower basket on her workstation.

it turned out that this flower basket was made of more than 8,000 100-yuan bills, which is equivalent to more than 800,000 yuan, which is undoubtedly equivalent to giving her a house.

the person who was so generous was none other than the rich second generation lai wenfeng. yang yuying was shocked and her heart was also conquered.

from then on, yang yuying fell into the love net woven by the rich second generation and could not extricate herself. however, what yang yuying did not expect was that this vigorous relationship brought her a "catastrophe".

so, how is she doing now after surviving the disaster?


in 1971, yang yuying was born in an ordinary family in shigang town, nanchang city, jiangxi province. she has an older sister.

her father was an electrician, but when yang yuying was still in her mother's womb, he was preparing for war and famine and serving the people. unfortunately, he passed away, leaving the poor orphan and widow to depend on each other in the world.

soon, yang yuying was born. in order to have a good start, her mother named her yang gangli, taking the word "gang" from shigang town.

little yang gangli is not only very cute, but also likes to sing. whenever there is a family gathering, she always presents a few sweet and touching nursery rhymes for her family, which makes many people intoxicated.

yang gangli's love for music seemed to be innate, so after her mother realized her talent, she sent her to the children's palace to study music.

at the age of 15, yang gangli won the first prize in the jiangxi lark singing competition with her outstanding musical talent.

this competition not only won her more attention and opportunities, but also made her more determined to pursue a career in music.

later, yang gangli was successfully admitted to the art major of nanchang normal university, and after graduation, she successfully joined the jiangxi song and dance troupe.

once, when yang gangli was singing, she was unexpectedly appreciated by the music master wu songjin.

he believed that yang gangli was a talented person with great potential and wanted to train her well.

later, with the consent of yang gangli's mother, wu songjin took her south to guangzhou to develop.

in 1990, yang gangli followed her mentor wu songjin to guangzhou, the place where her dream originated.

after many efforts, yang gangli finally signed a contract with her beautiful singing voice and changed her name to yang yuying.

at the same time, another young man from northeast china joined the company, mao ning, who we are familiar with. after three years of study and accumulation, yang yuying finally became famous with the album "wind with love and water with smile".

later, with the song "tell you gently", yang yuying became a female singer popular all over the country.

while her acting career was booming, yang yuying's love life also became colorful.


once, lai wenfeng saw yang yuying's photo on the cover of a magazine and was immediately attracted by her sweet appearance. after that, he began to pursue yang yuying vigorously.

in 1994, just after the performance in xiamen, yang yuying walked out of the door and met the young and handsome lai wenfeng. he was 22 years old at that time, one year younger than yang yuying.

at that time, lai wenfeng's family was wealthy and could be called the richest in southern fujian. in order to pursue yang yuying, he did not hesitate to use all kinds of tricks and gave her various expensive gifts just to make the beauty smile.

at first, yang yuying did not take lai wenfeng seriously, thinking that as a rich young man, she was just impulsive and infatuated with him. as time passed and new targets appeared, his infatuation with her would eventually dissipate.

however, something that happened later completely changed her view of lai wenfeng.

that day, lai wenfeng used 100-yuan bills to weave a flower basket worth 800,000 yuan as a gift for yang yuying. when she received the gift, she was shocked and overwhelmed.

how could yang yuying, who was simple-minded, afford such a huge sum of money? in this way, she gradually lost herself in this luxury and romance.

at that time, the love between yang yuying and lai wenfeng was like sweet honey flowing in their hearts, warm and intoxicating. as long as yang yuying was free, lai wenfeng would take her out to play all over the world.

lai wenfeng even often skipped work and took yang yuying to a farm in the countryside, just to squeeze the goat milk that yang yuying loved to drink.

in the evening, the two would take a walk together to the beach where the breeze was blowing, watch the tides rise and fall, and watch the clouds roll by. it was very romantic and sweet.

later, lai wenfeng took yang yuying to meet his parents. although the two elders liked yang yuying very much, they did not want her to show up in public. of course, if yang yuying wanted to make use of her remaining energy, she could work at lai's company.

soon, the news that yang yuying was going to fade out of the stage spread like wildfire.

this was a good thing, but yang yuying's mother did not support it.

she always felt that the two had very different family statuses and were not suitable to be together, so she came all the way to persuade her daughter not to be with lai wenfeng.

but yang yuying was so obsessed with love that she didn't listen to her mother's advice.


the good times did not last long. when yang yuying and lai wenfeng were looking forward to their bright future, an economic crisis changed the trajectory of their lives.

the "yuanhua case" that shocked the whole country at that time involved an unprecedented number of people. lai wenfeng naturally could not escape the law. overnight, he went from being a pampered rich young man to a prisoner.

yang yuying, the leader of the jade girls, was also suspected and her reputation was completely destroyed amid endless slander.

as the case was further investigated, some people even revealed that yang yuying and lai wenfeng had secretly signed a three-year marriage agreement.

during this period, yang yuying not only obtained many substantial benefits, but also received a luxury car worth one million as a gift.

faced with sudden accusations and false accusations, yang yuying has repeatedly come out to clarify and explain, but she did not expect that these words would eventually

all of these became sophistry in the ears of the public, and she had no choice but to temporarily bid farewell to the stage where her career was at its peak.

after a lengthy trial, the final result proved yang yuying's innocence. however, this incident became a stumbling block in her career. she made several comebacks, but the results were not satisfactory.

from then on, people rarely saw yang yuying on the screen.

many years later, lai wenfeng was released from prison, returned to his hometown in the countryside, married a wife, and lived a simple and happy life.

but yang yuying is still alone.

many years later, on the show "luyu has an appointment".

when talking about the unforgettable love with lai wenfeng, yang yuying said with a smile: "that was my first love with lai wenfeng. we were both very young at that time and our love was deep and pure.

looking back now, i am still filled with happiness. that experience is undoubtedly the most important part of my life.”

yang yuying's words made people sigh.

in recent years, we have seen yang yuying again on variety shows. although her singing voice has not changed and her face has not aged, she is still single at the age of 53.

there are many different opinions about why yang yuying is still single. some people think that her relationship with lai wenfeng was a huge blow to her, which made her afraid of marriage. after all, that relationship was so deep.

as for the reasons, perhaps only the parties involved know.


yang yuying was lucky. at the most beautiful age, she met the person she loved most and had a passionate love affair.

at the same time, yang yuying was also unfortunate, as her career fell into a trough because of this relationship.

fortunately, she did not become depressed because of this, but picked herself up again and lived her life full of poetry and distant places.

it seemed as if time was particularly kind to her and had never left any marks on her. even after going through many hardships, she still returned as a girl.

today, she lives a life that many people envy.

may yang yuying get better and better!