
it is expected that by 2025, my country will formulate more than 30 new national standards and industry standards in the field of internet of things.


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xinhua news agency, beijing, august 27th. a reporter learned from the ministry of industry and information technology on the 27th that the ministry of industry and information technology and the national standards management committee recently jointly issued a document proposing that by 2025, my country will formulate more than 30 new national standards and industry standards in the field of internet of things, and participate in the formulation of more than 10 international standards, to accelerate the formation of a standard system to lead the high-quality development of the internet of things industry.
the internet of things is an infrastructure that uses sensing technology and network communication technology as the main means to achieve ubiquitous connections between people, machines and objects, and provide services such as information perception, information transmission, and information processing. at present, my country's internet of things industry has formed a huge market scale and has achieved positive results in technological innovation breakthroughs, industry integration applications, and industrial ecological cultivation.
according to the "guidelines for the construction of the internet of things standard system (2024 edition)" jointly issued by the two departments, the internet of things standard system includes four parts: basic standards, technical standards, construction and operation standards, and application standards. among them, technical standards include perception technology, network and communication technology, data processing technology, fusion technology, radio frequency and electromagnetic compatibility technology, edge computing technology, internet of things operating system, digital twin technology and other standards.
the guidelines propose to accelerate the transformation of international standards for the internet of things, improve the consistency of key indicators of domestic and international standards, actively participate in international standard activities such as the international organization for standardization (iso), the international electrotechnical commission (iec), and the international telecommunication union (itu), and jointly formulate international standards for the internet of things with upstream and downstream companies in the global industrial chain.
source: xinhua news agency
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