
gongshu: focusing on the development needs of enterprises to create a first-class business environment


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■reform projects: "one-stop credit repair" reform, cloud review reform, and value-added legal service reform
the enterprise data application system of the market supervision bureau of gongshu district, hangzhou city, contains information files of more than 178,000 different types of business entities in gongshu, realizing the full life cycle management of business information of business entities.
relying on this system, we can alert enterprises to their operating risks and provide them with point-to-point full-process credit steward services. "so far, we have completed 1,342 full-platform credit repairs for 843 enterprises, ranking first in hangzhou." a relevant person in charge of the gongshu district market supervision bureau said that before this, they had face-to-face exchanges with hundreds of enterprises in the district and formed two lists of problems and improvement measures to ensure that the reform accurately serves the needs of enterprises.
in november 2022, gongshu district opened the first credit repair station in hangzhou, and began to explore the "one-stop credit repair" reform. in less than a year, the reform was rated as one of the top ten reform events in hangzhou in 2023, and its reform experience was fully promoted and applied throughout hangzhou.
this is one of the pilot projects in recent years in gongshu district to further deepen the value-added reform of government services on the basis of facilitating basic government services. it condenses gongshu's layout ideas of facing common difficult problems in promoting comprehensive and in-depth reform, finding breakthroughs, providing enterprises with precise and personalized derivative services, and enhancing the sense of gain of enterprises through efficient collaboration of departments.
the government should take action
rising to the challenge
chewing the "tough bone"
reform is a key move to address the difficulties and challenges in the development process.
with the deepening of credit construction, the use of credit reports is becoming more and more extensive. on the one hand, the role of punishment for breach of trust is being strengthened, and corporate entities with breach of trust will be restricted from participating in bidding, government procurement, and awards and honors activities. on the other hand, credit repair has also become a new demand that companies have urgently responded to.
the traditional credit repair process involves many administrative departments, lacks a unified online processing channel, and has information sharing barriers between different credit platforms. in the process of handling affairs, enterprises face difficulties and pain points such as "multiple rules, multiple departments running offline, and repeated applications on multiple platforms", and the repair efficiency is low.
"we visited more than 100 companies and gained an in-depth understanding of the impact of the public disclosure of negative information on corporate bidding, evaluation and commendation, and listing." a relevant person in charge of the gongshu district market supervision bureau said that during the investigation, some companies reported that it would take nearly half a month or even longer to complete the repair of negative information on the entire platform.
during that visit, we collected more than 20 suggestions on problems that companies encountered when handling credit repair. these suggestions also became the starting point for the “credit repair one-stop service” reform.
at the same time, another "old problem" also needs to be solved. "in the daily government procurement business, we found that the problems of 'familiar faces', 'circle' and 'personal relationships' in the review process have become more prominent." the relevant person in charge of the gongshu district review and management office said that in order to solve the above problems, various places in the province are also sporadically carrying out remote and off-site reviews of government procurement, but they are basically point-to-point and one-to-one, with a small scope, and because the review processes in various places are different, it is difficult to truly roll out comprehensively.
gongshu is exploring the construction of a smart, regularized and standardized government procurement remote "cloud" review service system (referred to as "cloud review"), randomly selecting experts from different regions to participate in online reviews to solve the problem of review experts being "hunted", and effectively make up for the "unbalanced" resources of review experts among regions, creating a fair, competitive, open and transparent government procurement transaction environment.
scholars who study the business environment and social governance admit that these problems have existed for a long time, and as the economic environment changes, the contradictions have become more and more apparent.
the problems are there, and the difficulty of reform is also there. do we still want to change?
for gongshu, the more difficult, painful and blocked points are needed for development and expected by the people, the more it must make good use of "reform" as the key to break through the bottleneck, and the more new methods, new ideas and new experiences it must come up with to solve the problems through pilot projects.
strong collaboration is needed
enterprises do "subtraction" in doing things
improve the business environment
in light of the actual situation in the jurisdiction, gongshu decided to solve the problem through the rule of law.
"the rule of law is the best business environment. it is the fundamental guarantee for shaping a fair and competitive market environment, establishing orderly business rules, reducing transaction costs, strengthening the credit system, and ensuring the smooth conduct of all kinds of economic activities." a relevant person in charge of the reform office of the gongshu district committee explained that only when the "foundation stone" of the rule of law is solid can the healthy and sustainable development of economic activities be effectively promoted.
to break through barriers, you need to do at least three things:
first, we need to standardize cross-departmental service standards. taking "credit repair" as an example, to ensure that all departments are in step with each other when handling credit repair business, we need to integrate and form practical, reasonable procedures, and popularizable operating standards. unify service standards and review standards, streamline procedures, and set unified requirements for departmental handling.
second, we need to achieve cross-departmental collaboration and resource sharing. whether it is credit repair or building a "cloud review" service system, we need to build a full-process online platform that is efficient and collaborative across departments and levels, to ensure that each link can be responded to and processed in a timely and efficient manner, and to achieve efficient adjustment of various resources including experts.
third, we need to break through information sharing barriers. for example, credit repair involves four websites: credit china, credit zhejiang, credit hangzhou, and the national enterprise credit information publicity system. to reduce repeated applications by companies, it is necessary to break through the information barriers of the four platform websites and implement one-time application and full-platform repair. the "cloud review" service system adopts a remote off-site review model, which requires the construction of standard review cabins in various places. review experts can independently choose the review cabin nearby to participate in project reviews across the province and realize information sharing and interconnection.
to this end, gongshu has established a cross-departmental consultation platform. through special teams to promote reform projects and joint breakthrough special meetings, it has comprehensively grasped the work status, opinions and suggestions of various administrative departments and jointly planned specific implementation paths.
what followed was a massive amount of desk work. "we have sorted out and collected credit repair systems from 15 departments and credit repair documents from four credit platforms," ​​said a relevant person in charge of the gongshu district market supervision bureau. through system deduplication and data sharing, the list of materials required by different credit platforms and different dishonest behavior identification departments to be filled in by enterprises has been reduced from the initial 38 to 3.
since its launch, gongshu's "one-stop credit repair" program has covered the entire district and provided more than 2,500 credit value-added services to more than 2,000 enterprises in the area.
the first government procurement "cloud review" project in zhejiang province, jointly launched by the gongshu district review and management office and the district finance bureau, was successfully completed half a year ago. it adopted the "three random" model innovatively proposed by gongshu district, namely random review experts, random review workstations, and random review projects.
so far, the "cloud review" service system has carried out 80 "cloud review" pilot projects across the province, involving a total amount of more than 300 million yuan. the project has also been selected into the provincial project library of "micro-reform" of the business environment, and has become a pilot project in the provincial guidance catalog of "first-class matters" of the provincial development and reform commission's enterprise-related services.
enterprises are more sensitive
strengthening foreign-related legal services
escorting new demands for economic development
while the two reform pilot projects have achieved phased results, another new reform project has been launched in gongshu.
on the first working day of july, the foreign-related legal service expert team stationed at the gongshu district business environment legal service center received a consultation call from an international logistics company in the district, asking about the international risks of recent product exports to a certain country. the expert team gave legal advice after due diligence. less than a week later, the company received another call, and the company reported that because of the timely advice, it prevented export risks and avoided millions of yuan in corporate losses. this is the 28th consultation handled by the expert team in the past six months.
in march this year, the gongshu district business environment legal service center was established, with four functional areas including a consultation and reception window, a commercial mediation room, a law popularization multifunctional room, and a grassroots legislative contact point. an 11-member gongshu district foreign-related legal service expert group was established to explore a new model of "ten connections and three foreign countries" foreign-related legal service. later, the gongshu district enterprise comprehensive service center set up a special area for legal services - "points, lines and surfaces" worked together, and gongshu began to deeply promote the value-added reform of enterprise-related legal services, and foreign-related legal services became an important starting point.
legal services are one of the eight key areas of the value-added reform of government services. as an economic zone with a volume of over 200 billion yuan, gongshu district currently has 164 law firms and more than 2,700 practicing lawyers, ranking first in the province in terms of the number of law firms.
"gongshu district has a good resource advantage in deepening the value-added reform of legal services for enterprises. during our visit, we also found that due to the differences in laws and policies between countries, many cross-border enterprises often face problems in foreign trade such as intellectual property rights and overseas warehouse disputes. the demand for professional legal services by enterprises has increased significantly." said a relevant person in charge of the gongshu district justice bureau. at present, nearly 10 legal service institutions with foreign-related service capabilities have been introduced, and lawyers with foreign-related legal service experience have been selected to provide foreign-related legal services in the united states, europe and other countries. in the future, the service content will be further optimized.
further comprehensive deepening of reform requires "promoting standardization, regularization and convenience of government services" and "strengthening foreign-related rule of law construction", and gongshu has taken the lead in putting it into practice.
development is a process of constantly solving problems. in a complex environment where various cyclical, structural and institutional factors are intertwined and superimposed, looking at the proposal, promotion and deepening of each reform pilot in gongshu, although the content is different and the measures are diverse, they always adhere to the idea of ​​solving problems in development and promoting development in solving problems.
taking the pulse of enterprise needs better service development
hu shugen, professor at the school of public administration, zhejiang university and director of the public service and business environment evaluation research center
the business environment refers to the institutional and mechanism factors and conditions involved in the market economic activities of enterprises and other business entities. marketization, rule of law, and internationalization are the main goals and key directions of the construction of the business environment. among them, marketization is the theme and core of the business environment, rule of law is the foundation and guarantee of the business environment, and internationalization is the prospect and focus of the business environment. the three are not simply superimposed, but complement each other and promote each other to create a first-class business environment.
based on the new domestic development stage and the international economic and trade situation, optimizing the business environment not only plays a key role in the basic system of the market economy and building a high-level socialist market economic system, but also has important promoting significance for promoting high-level opening up to the outside world and forming a new development pattern with the domestic circulation as the main body and the domestic and international circulations mutually promoting each other.
the current market-oriented business environment has problems such as an imperfect fair competition environment and the lack of prominent role of the market-oriented allocation mechanism of factors. the property rights protection system still needs attention, the social credit system needs to be improved urgently, and business-related approval matters need to be streamlined.
the reform pilot directions and specific measures launched by gongshu in recent years are all aimed at the pain points and difficulties in the market-oriented business environment. with great determination, active planning and trial implementation, gongshu has solved the problem of fair competition review system, promoted the free flow of factors and market allocation, promoted the construction of social credit system, removed the hidden barriers to market access and reduced the cost of market access, and deepened the reform of administrative approval system, which have a long-term impact on the continuous optimization of the market-oriented business environment.
in particular, seeing that gongshu is deepening the reform of value-added legal services for enterprises and introducing business entities to expand foreign-related legal services, it shows that the gongshu district committee and district government have fully focused on the new demands generated in the process of enterprise development and responded in a timely manner. behind the reform, it reflects the government's high attention and concern for enterprises. by understanding the real needs of enterprises, enterprises can truly feel more convenience and support in the process of development.
the rule of law is the best business environment. a rule of law business environment is the inevitable result of the development of the market economy to an advanced stage. by providing a complete and effective institutional arrangement for business entities to carry out investment and production and operation activities, it helps to stabilize investors' market expectations, stimulate the vitality of business entities and build a close and clean relationship between government and business.
we also hope that governments at all levels will have more innovative practices in this area, enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of enterprises by providing better quality and more efficient services, and provide more favorable conditions for high-quality economic and social development in the region.
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