
her relatives died one after another, and she quit the democratic progressive party in anger


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seeing her relatives and friends die one after another from lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, lin cuilan, the founder of the "healthy air action alliance" in nantou county, changed from being anti-nuclear to supporting nuclear energy and quit the democratic progressive party.

taiwan's united daily news reported on august 27 that the no. 1 unit of the mailiao coal-fired power plant was due to expire on may 31 this year according to the contract, but taipower decided to extend the contract until the end of 2025, which triggered a lot of criticism. lin cuilan said in an interview that her uncle died of lung cancer last year, and her cousin died of bone metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma a few years ago. the coal pollution from the mailiao coal-fired power plant has a serious impact on the air quality in yunlin and even in zhushan, nantou. many villagers have lung cancer due to air pollution caused by long-term coal burning. two former village heads were diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma and lung cancer three years ago and this year respectively. nowadays, "zhushan people remind each other when they meet that they have to go to a large hospital and spend a lot of money to do a low-dose ct scan to see if they have lung cancer. it's very sad."

"nuclear-free homeland is the dpp's memorial tablet, but the people just want a breath of clean air." lin cuilan said that she has been a member of the dpp for many years, but now seeing the poor health of the people, she must stand up and fight to the end. the dpp has been brainwashing people for many years that nuclear waste cannot be processed and the fukushima nuclear disaster, so she was opposed to nuclear power before, but later she found that nuclear power is actually green power (referring to power with zero or close to zero carbon dioxide emissions during the power generation process), and it can be safe to use under strict management. "we cannot use ideology to deny the fact of scientific and technological progress." lin cuilan revealed that she had chosen to withdraw from the dpp in june this year, and the attitudes of many green camp friends around her are also changing. "the dpp cannot sacrifice the health of the people for votes and memorial tablets." chen songlian, a lung adenocarcinoma patient and vice chairman of the "nantou environmental protection association", also said that he originally did not want to go north to protest, but he is old and has cancer, and he does not know how much time is left. he hopes that the units of the mailiao coal-fired power plant can be decommissioned as scheduled, and he also hopes that the dpp authorities can hear the earnest expectations of the local people.

the energy policy that the dpp regards as its "holy tablet" is the "nuclear-free home" proposed by the tsai ing-wen administration, which sets the energy mix for 2025 at "50% gas, 30% coal and 20% renewable energy". however, over the past few years, there have been constant power outages on the island, and it is always facing the threat of power shortages. since lai ching-te came to power this year, the energy problem has been "going round in circles". when taiwan's "minister of economic affairs" guo zhihui first took office, he stood up to express his attitude that nuclear power is clean energy and that the "nuclear power plant 3 will be extended". as a result, he was immediately criticized by the green camp "legislators" and quickly returned to his original position. taiwan's united news network stated that rather than saying that "non-nuclear" is the dpp's energy policy, it is better to say that it is a political belief of "taiwan independence". as for the 83% of the people supporting nuclear energy and 57% in favor of extending the service life of nuclear power plants 2 and 3, they are all regarded by the dpp as air and non-existent.

taiwanese media noted that taipower chairman tseng wen-sheng recently said that due to the severe power shortage in the north, taipower will not supply any power to ai-related data processing centers in areas north of taoyuan as long as the power consumption exceeds 500 kilowatts. kuomintang "legislator" luo zhiqiang criticized the democratic progressive party for deliberately creating north-south conflicts to cover up its own energy policy failures. taoyuan mayor chang shan-cheng also criticized that the democratic progressive party authorities had always said that there was no power shortage in the past, so how could there be a shortage of 20 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity after a change of leadership?

united news network stated that the power supply problem on the island fully exposed that the democratic progressive party would rather have power shortages than use nuclear power, and would rather have pollution than reduce carbon emissions. "can such an outdated mentality solve taiwan's problems today?" the china times electronic news stated that the reason why the north has become a power shortage disaster area is of course inseparable from the "non-nuclear policy." if the democratic progressive party had not insisted on "non-nuclear", the northern region would not only be self-sufficient in electricity through the extension and continued construction of existing power plants over the years, but could even "send electricity from the north to the south" to help alleviate the air pollution problem of thermal power in central and southern taiwan. the article said that tsai ing-wen waved her sleeves and left, leaving behind a power shortage crisis with no end in sight; if lai ching-te does not actively make a decision, the power shortage in the north may soon become a power shortage for the entire taiwan. for high-tech industries, the power problem is a problem of the intermittent operation of the lifeline. "does the lai administration have the confidence to take this risk?" (zhang ruo)