
guiyang sees rapid rise in second-hand vehicle exports


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The China (Guiyang) second-hand vehicle export base located in Guiyang FTZ is expected to boost Guizhou's exports. [Photo/ddcpc website]
From January to May this year, Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, saw impressive results in the export of second-hand vehicles, with over 700 second-hand vehicles sold overseas, valued at around $15 million.
from january to may this year, guiyang exported more than 700 used cars with an export value of approximately us$15 million.
Exports have expanded rapidly since Guiyang received approval to engage in the export of second-hand vehicles on Dec 6, 2022. On May 24, 2023, the city's (and Guizhou's) first exported second-hand vehicles were delivered to Kyrgyzstan.
since guiyang was approved to carry out the used car export business on december 6, 2022, its development momentum has been rapid. on may 24, 2023, the first order was successfully exported to kyrgyzstan, achieving a breakthrough in the export of used cars in guiyang and even guizhou.
On Dec 1, 2023, the China (Guiyang) second-hand vehicle export base was officially launched in Guiyang Free Trade Zone (Guiyang FTZ), boosting the development of second-hand vehicle exports.
on december 1, 2023, the china (guiyang) used car export base was put into use in the guiyang comprehensive bonded zone, injecting strong impetus into the development of the industry.
To better serve second-hand vehicle export enterprises, the government affairs hall of Guiyang FTZ established a one-stop service platform in the China (Guiyang) second-hand vehicle export base, with dedicated service windows set up by departments such as traffic management and customs.
in order to better serve used car export companies, the guiyang comprehensive bonded zone government service hall has opened the china (guiyang) used car export one-stop service platform, and the traffic management, customs and other departments have set up special windows to handle business.
Zhucheng Customs, which is under the administration of Guiyang Customs, uses a 24/7 on-demand inspection mechanism, giving priority to processing procedures such as document review, inspection, and goods release.
zhucheng customs under guiyang customs implements a 7×24-hour inspection upon declaration, giving priority to document review, inspection, release and other services.
It has also created an innovative "second-hand vehicles + Guiyang FTZ + Guiyang International Land Port" business model to facilitate second-hand vehicles boarding international freight trains for export.
at the same time, we will create an innovative business model of "second-hand cars + guiyang comprehensive bonded zone + guiyang international land port" to help second-hand cars go out to sea smoothly by international trains.
The provincial and municipal tax departments continue to streamline processes, reducing the time needed for enterprises to apply for export tax refunds. In the past, applying for tax refunds for the first order of their new businesses would require 60 to 90 days for new companies, but now it can be completed in just 30 days.
provincial and municipal taxation departments have also continued to optimize processes to shorten the time it takes for companies to apply for export tax refunds. in the past, it took 60 to 90 days for a new company to apply for a tax refund for the first order, but now it can be completed in 30 days.
Editor: ChenDawei
Senior Editor: PangBo