
Fengtai released the second list of 102 livelihood projects, and the first batch of unfinished projects will continue to be promoted


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Beijing News (Reporter Jiang Huizi) The reporter learned on August 27 that Fengtai District, Beijing, released the second batch of street and town people's livelihood project pool list for 2024, covering 102 people's livelihood projects in four aspects: improving living conditions, ensuring public safety, creating a livable environment, and facilitating travel.
In the first half of this year, Fengtai District released the "First List of People's Livelihood Project Pools for Streets and Towns", which managed and promoted people's livelihood projects in a list-based manner. So far, 96% of the first batch of 355 people's livelihood projects have been completed. The 14 unfinished projects in the first batch will continue to be included in the second list for key implementation.
Waste storage area before the ground renovation of Building 5, Yard 280, Wanliuxiyuan, Yuquanying Street, Fengtai District. Photo courtesy of Fengtai District
Compared with the first batch of projects, the second batch of projects pays more attention to overall integration, closed-loop management and financial support. Fengtai District has set up special funds for handling complaints immediately to provide financial guarantees for the implementation of livelihood projects, fill the gap caused by insufficient initial capital investment, which has led to delayed construction of livelihood projects and inability to complete them on schedule, and ensure that the projects are completed on time with quality and quantity guaranteed.
The second batch of people's livelihood project pool list strictly controlled the number of projects at the beginning of the application, focused on solving practical problems, and included difficult and blocked issues that are of high public concern, benefit a wide range of people, and need to be solved urgently.
During the list-making process, each street and town merged similar items from each community and village and integrated them into one large project for implementation, avoiding the scattered and fragmented nature of the projects.
After the ground level renovation, Building 5, Yard 280, Wanliuxiyuan, Yuquanying Street, Fengtai District, became a sports and fitness venue for residents. Photo courtesy of Fengtai District
For example, Fengtai Street merged the installation of barrier-free handrails in Xinhua Street Yili, Jianguo Street Erli and Jianguo Street Yili into the "Improving Infrastructure in the Jurisdiction" project, and will install them centrally for 60 units in 16 buildings; Nanyuan Street merged the construction of electric vehicle charging sheds in four communities, including Yangguangxingyuan, Dexin Home, and Heshun Home, into the "Installation and Management of Electric Bicycle Charging Facilities in the Jurisdiction" project, and will build a total of 18 charging sheds and 2 bicycle sheds; Shiliuzhuang Street merged the parking lot construction projects in Jinmao Mansion and Jinshi Home in the jurisdiction into one parking planning project, which is expected to add 191 parking spaces to the jurisdiction.
Lv Hongtao, director of the Fengtai District Urban Management Command Center, said that the second batch of list projects must be completed, and the 14 unfinished projects in the first batch will continue to be included in the second batch of lists for implementation. For unfinished projects, the supervision of key projects will be strengthened according to the time nodes. At the same time, "reviews" will be carried out from time to time to ensure that the projects play the expected role.
Editor: Tang Zheng
Proofread by Li Lijun