
More evidence! The United States does not want to see Russia-Ukraine peace talks


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Recently, Robert Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate for this year's US presidential election, held a press conference in Arizona and announced the suspension of his campaign.
While announcing the decision, Kennedy Jr., who is critical of the Democratic Party, also made a bombshell revelation: It was Biden who instructed then-British Prime Minister Johnson to "sabotage" the Russia-Ukraine peace talks, which had been expected to reach an agreement, to go down the drain because Washington "wanted war."
Screenshot of the report on Russia Today TV website
"The US's goals have nothing to do with protecting Ukraine's sovereignty"
Although the international community has long been accustomed to the United States' actions that undermine peace, it is still somewhat surprising to say that Johnson, who has always been regarded as the original troublemaker of the Russia-Ukraine peace talks, is actually just "following orders."
In early March 2022, just a few days after Russia launched a special military operation against Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine began negotiations in Belarus, and moved the negotiations to Istanbul, Turkey at the end of the month. Under the mediation of Turkish President Erdogan, the negotiations produced a 17-page draft agreement.
According to exclusive disclosure by German media in April this year, the two sides basically reached an agreement on the conditions for ending the conflict in Istanbul, among which Ukraine's obligations include maintaining permanent neutrality and abandoning the deployment of foreign military facilities on its territory.
Screenshot of a report from Germany's "Sunday World" (Turkish President Erdogan is in the middle of the title picture)
However, Ukraine soon unilaterally interrupted the negotiation process.
What went wrong? It was widely believed that Britain, which often stepped ahead of the United States in fueling the conflict, played an important role because the reversal in the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations happened just after then-British Prime Minister Johnson made a surprise visit to Kiev.
Last November, when talking about why Ukraine gave up negotiations with Russia in 2022, Allahamiya, chairman of the parliamentary group of the ruling Servant of the People party of Ukraine, said that the then British Prime Minister Johnson advised Ukraine "not to sign any agreement with Russia" and encouraged Ukrainian President Zelensky to "just fight."
Screenshot of the report on the Quincy Institute for Statecraft website
Russia has previously accused Britain of deliberately preventing the conclusion of a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine. But according to Kennedy Jr., Johnson was undermining the Russian-Ukrainian peace talks at the time on Biden's instructions.
He described Ukraine as a "victim of Western strategy" and an "agent of the geopolitical struggle sparked by the US neoconservatives' ambitions for global hegemony," accusing Washington of deliberately dragging Moscow into the war in its attempt to overthrow the Russian regime.
At the same time, Kennedy Jr. also accused the US government of launching a color revolution in Ukraine in 2014 and refusing to accept the Minsk Agreement negotiated by Ukraine, Russia and other European countries in 2019, artificially pushing Kiev into a conflict with Moscow.
He believes that "the Biden administration's repeated rejection of Russia's proposals for a peaceful resolution of the conflict" is an attempt to exhaust Russia's military power. Therefore, the US government's goals have "nothing to do" with protecting Ukraine's sovereignty.
Screenshot of the report on Russia Today TV website
The British newspaper The Guardian also reported that during the Istanbul negotiations, both Russia and Ukraine put forward their own demands and repeatedly exchanged drafts and made concessions on certain issues.
Although there are other reasons for the failure of the negotiations, the West's so-called "aid commitment" to Ukraine and its encouragement for Ukraine to "continue fighting" have undoubtedly weakened Ukraine's willingness to reach a peace agreement with Russia.
Screenshot of the Guardian report
“These are not plans that were made overnight.”
The Ukrainian crisis has been escalating for more than two and a half years. It is precisely because of the overt and covert constraints of the United States that opportunities for peace have been fleeting time and time again.
American columnist Ted Schneider previously wrote an article to expose the fact that the United States has interfered with the Russia-Ukraine peace talks at least three times out of its own political interests.
The article stated that Putin showed the text of the agreement reached by Russia and Ukraine during the third peace talks in Istanbul to African leaders visiting Moscow last year. According to him, the Ukrainian negotiators had signed the agreement document, but now "it has been thrown into the dustbin of history."
In Schneider's view, when Ukraine's interests are "out of sync" with those of the United States, the direction in which things develop "ultimately depends on the interests of the United States."
Screenshot of a report from The American Conservative magazine
Unfortunately, after the Ukrainian army suddenly crossed the border and attacked the Russian Kursk region recently, the door to peace talks is facing the worry of being completely closed. The Russian side has made it clear that this incident has made any negotiations no longer possible.
Although both Ukraine and the United States and Western countries claimed that the cross-border attack was a unilateral action by Ukraine and that they had no prior communication, there is evidence that the Ukrainian army used American weapons and ammunition in the operation and that personnel from American private military companies were involved in the attack.
The New York Times also recently quoted sources as saying that after the Ukrainian army launched the offensive, the United States and Britain provided Ukraine with satellite images and other information to help Ukraine detect the situation of Russian reinforcements.
Screenshot of the New York Times report
What is even more telling is that on the same day that Indian Prime Minister Modi, who was visiting Ukraine for the first time, called on Ukrainian President Zelensky to "sit down and negotiate" with Russia in Kiev on the 23rd, US President Biden called Zelensky and told him that the United States would provide Ukraine with a new package of military aid.
Screenshot of France 24 news report
These overt or covert actions once again confirm that the United States, which is bent on prolonging the conflict, does not want to see Russia and Ukraine sit down at the negotiating table at all.
Speaking of Kennedy Jr.'s latest revelations, Earl Rasmussen, a retired U.S. military officer and international affairs expert, bluntly stated in an interview that the United States has been preparing for a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine for many years, and that "Biden is not interested in peace and does not care about Ukraine."
In Rasmussen's view, the United States' support for the 2014 Kiev coup, its leadership in NATO's training of tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, its opposition to EU-Russia energy cooperation and its participation in the sabotage of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline "were not plans formulated overnight." The ultimate goal of all these actions is to "incite regime change in Moscow."
Rasmussen concluded by denouncing the arrogance of U.S. foreign policy: “They feel they are back to where they were 30 years ago (at the end of the Cold War), but the world has changed.”
Screenshot of a report from Russia's Sputnik News Agency
Source: Global Information Radio "Global In-depth Observation"
Planning丨Wang Jian
Reporter: Liu Peng
Edited by Lin Wei
Review by Wang Jian
Producer: Guan Juanjuan