
Eight departments: Support the listing, mergers and acquisitions, and restructuring financing of green and low-carbon enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt


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According to the news on the website of the People's Bank of China on August 27, the People's Bank of China recently jointly with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration of Financial Supervision, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange formulated and issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Supporting the Green, Low-Carbon and High-Quality Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"). It is proposed to support qualified green and low-carbon enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt to use the multi-level capital market to finance their development through listing, refinancing, mergers and acquisitions, and listing on the New Third Board.

According to reports, the Guiding Opinions adhere to ecological priority and green development, take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, coordinate the promotion of ecological environmental protection and economic and social development, further improve financial support and service work, and better promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The Guiding Opinions put forward 16 key tasks from four aspects: vigorously developing green finance, promoting the coordinated development of green finance with science and technology finance and digital finance, promoting the coordinated development of green finance with inclusive finance and pension finance, and doing a solid job in financial risk assessment and prevention and control. It also puts forward three guarantee measures: strengthening organizational leadership, strengthening publicity and guidance, and strengthening supervision and management. It is of great significance to do a good job in the "five major articles" of finance and promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

The central bank said that in the next step, it will earnestly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and work with relevant departments to promote the implementation of key tasks in the "Guiding Opinions" to provide stronger financial support for the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Specifically, the Guiding Opinions clearly define the following four key tasks:

  (1) Vigorously develop green finance and support the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

1. Make full use of structural monetary policy tools to support green and low-carbon development. Make full use of structural monetary policy tools such as carbon emission reduction support tools to guide financial institutions to increase support for key areas such as green development and low-carbon transformation in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and encourage more social funds to invest in green and low-carbon transformation areas. Cultivate high-level carbon accounting third-party institutions to improve the quality and credibility of carbon emission data.

2. Actively support the issuance of green bonds. Guide financial institutions and enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt to issue green bonds in accordance with domestic and international standards, and facilitate the investment of international market funds in my country's low-carbon transformation. Increase support for innovative products such as carbon neutral bonds, and actively support the issuance of bonds and financing by business entities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Actively use transition bonds, sustainable development-linked bonds, etc. to provide financial support for the low-carbon transformation of high-carbon industries in the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River Economic Belt (hereinafter referred to as the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River).

3. Give full play to the role of multi-level capital markets.Support qualified green and low-carbon enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt to utilize multi-level capital markets to finance their development through IPOs, refinancing, mergers and acquisitions, and listing on the New Third Board.Support the issuance of asset securitization products and infrastructure real estate investment trusts (REITs) by qualified infrastructure projects of enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Support public fund managers to actively deploy relevant theme public funds. Study and compile green and low-carbon development indexes, and launch more green and low-carbon development-related index investment products. Explore the paths and models for asset securitization of ecological products.

4. Build a diversified funding mechanism. Guide financial institutions to increase support for the construction of urban domestic sewage and garbage collection and treatment systems, pollution control in the "manganese triangle", agricultural non-point source pollution control, chemical vacated land control, soil pollution source prevention and control, mobile source pollution control, new pollutant control, tailings pond pollution control, air pollutant control, noise pollution control, climate change response, cultivated land soil pollution control, water ecological restoration of important lakes and reservoirs, biodiversity protection, green transformation and modernization of small hydropower, and other key tasks and key projects of the Yangtze River Protection in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law. Encourage financial institutions to provide credit support for urban sewage pipe network construction and renovation projects and rural domestic sewage treatment in provinces and cities along the Yangtze River based on their functional positioning. Support international financial organizations to play an active role and jointly build a diversified funding mechanism to support the green and low-carbon development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Make good use of the National Green Development Fund to support the high-quality development of green industries such as pollution control, ecological restoration, green transportation, and clean energy in provinces and cities along the Yangtze River.

5. Increase financial support for key areas such as the low-carbonization of Yangtze River waterway shipping. Guide financial institutions to increase support for the low-carbonization of Yangtze River waterway shipping. Support financial institutions to increase support for key areas such as the Yangtze River Golden Waterway, transportation infrastructure interconnection and port access railway and other collection and distribution system construction, comprehensive three-dimensional transportation corridors, urban pipe networks, water network construction, ecological protection and restoration, rural cultural tourism, etc., and better support the research and development and application of ship energy-saving technologies, green and intelligent transformation of ship enterprises, construction of port and ship shore power facilities, new energy and clean energy ships and their supporting facilities, low-noise ships and other fields. Research and formulate financial standards for the transformation of the shipping industry.Financial institutions are encouraged to explore and develop insurance products related to the shipping industry.

6. Improve the incentive and constraint mechanism for green finance. Enrich the application scenarios of green finance evaluation. Explore the establishment of carbon accounts for enterprises and individuals in key industries in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, use data platforms to improve the efficiency of carbon footprint collection, accounting and rating of relevant business entities, support financial institutions to explore green financial products and services based on carbon account data, and build an incentive-compatible financial support mechanism for carbon emission reduction. Support financial institutions to provide more support for green finance in terms of credit plans, internal funds transfer pricing, business processes, and financial product and service management authority, on the premise of compliance with laws and regulations and controllable risks. Encourage financial institutions to formulate and improve green and low-carbon transformation plans. Promote the construction of a differentiated environmental information disclosure system covering various types of financial institutions in a step-by-step and classified manner, encourage financial institutions to actively disclose environmental information, and gradually improve the level of carbon emission and carbon emission reduction information disclosure.

7. Carry out green finance reform and innovation experiments and climate investment and financing pilots in a stable and orderly manner. Under the premise of keeping the risk bottom line, support and encourage the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River that have the conditions and willingness to carry out green finance reform and innovation experiments and climate investment and financing pilots. Support relevant pilot areas to actively speak out through platforms such as the Group of Twenty (G20) and the United Nations Climate Change Conference to tell the Chinese story of green finance well.

  (2) Promote the coordinated development of green finance, fintech finance and digital finance.

8. Strengthen science and technology to empower green and low-carbon development. Strengthen the application of digital technology, optimize and promote intelligent, differentiated, and scenario-based green financial services. Establish and improve the basic information and data sharing mechanism for green finance, explore the use of big data, cloud computing, edge computing technology, etc. to accurately capture, integrate, and analyze carbon data, revitalize green assets, and reduce the cost of green and low-carbon transformation and development of business entities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.Increase financial support for strategic emerging industries and future industries, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity,We will build a financial service system covering the entire life cycle of technology companies, and help the Yangtze River Economic Belt create new advantages in innovation-driven development. On the premise of "clearly seeing and being able to control", we will steadily and orderly support the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River to carry out science and technology financial reform experiments, and promote the coordinated development of green finance and science and technology finance.

9. Support the gradual transfer of industries in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Financial institutions are encouraged to develop financial products related to industrial transfer cooperation and provide credit support for qualified industrial transfer projects. Increase financial support for industrial cooperation in provinces and cities along the Yangtze River, focus on supporting cross-provincial park co-construction, industrial division of labor and cooperation, scientific and technological collaborative innovation, and optimal allocation of factors, and guide the orderly transfer of capital, technology, and labor-intensive industries from the east to the central and western regions and from central cities to the hinterland. Coordinate financial openness and security, enhance the convenience of cross-border investment and financing, and do a good job in foreign exchange management and services in provinces and cities along the Yangtze River.

10. Support the development of green and low-carbon technologies. Financial institutions are encouraged to provide comprehensive financial services for the innovation and promotion of green and low-carbon technologies, and support enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt to carry out green and low-carbon technology innovation and energy-saving and carbon reduction technology transformation. In key areas such as the research and development, promotion and industrial application of new green technologies, the cultivation and development of green industries, carbon reduction technologies and carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies (CCUS), we will increase the supply of financial products. Support provinces and cities along the Yangtze River to establish a green project database based on the regional advantages of green and low-carbon technology development.Explore the establishment of relevant platforms to serve green technology transactions, and support the accelerated transfer and transformation of green technologies.

  (3) Promote the coordinated development of green finance, inclusive finance and pension finance.

11. Targeted support for the green and low-carbon development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and small and micro enterprises. Strengthen financial support for new agricultural operators and ecological circular agriculture in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.Guide financial institutions to increase support for the cultivation of superior agricultural varieties, quality improvement, brand building and standardized production, and increase the supply of green and high-quality agricultural products.Financial institutions are encouraged to develop financial products that are both green and inclusive, and optimize financial services for farmers, small and micro enterprises, and specific groups. The construction of financing credit service platforms is coordinated to provide convenient and fast financing services for the green and low-carbon development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and small and micro enterprises. Under the premise of controllable risks, support the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River to carry out inclusive financial reform experiments in a stable and orderly manner, and promote the coordinated development of green finance and inclusive finance.

12. Support the implementation of employment and elderly care financial services during the green and low-carbon transformation process. Connect financial services for enterprises in the green and low-carbon transformation of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and effectively meet the basic financial service needs of the masses. Guide financial institutions to increase efforts to adapt services to the elderly, provide financial services for low-income groups and the elderly, strengthen manual services, remote services and door-to-door services for specific groups such as the elderly, and develop inclusive financial products for specific groups in a targeted manner. Encourage financial institutions to increase support for the construction of elderly care service facilities and silver economic industry projects, and broaden financing channels for the elderly care industry. Guide financial institutions to increase support for parks, factory workshops, e-commerce logistics, cooperatives, etc. around green and low-carbon transformation enterprises, and support the provision of more employment opportunities and positions for key groups such as "new citizens".Guide financial institutions to actively carry out personal pension business, standardize business operations, and launch more personal pension products that are simple to understand, safe and stable, and focus on long-term preservation of value.Financial institutions are encouraged to actively invest in upstream and downstream enterprises in the elderly care industry chain through various means such as debt, equity, and property rights to meet the diverse elderly care needs of the people.

13. Vigorously support the establishment of a mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products. Promote the establishment of market-based supporting mechanisms such as natural resource rights confirmation and registration, value assessment, transaction circulation, and intermediary services, and guide financial institutions to carry out green financial businesses such as ecological product expected income rights, energy use rights, water use rights, pollution discharge rights, and carbon emission quota mortgage financing in accordance with market-oriented and rule of law principles, and explore and develop relevant green financial products with reference to the results of natural resource rights confirmation and registration and the results of ecological product value accounting in specific regional units.Financial institutions are encouraged to base themselves on their functional positioning and, on the premise of compliance with laws and regulations and controllable risks, provide financial support for projects such as systematic ecological protection and restoration, ecological product management and development, and ecological environment-oriented development (EOD) that realize the value of ecological products.Summarize and promote the experience of financial support for realizing the value of ecological products, innovate green financial products and services, and support the development of green ecological economy in key ecological functional areas along the river.

  (IV) Carry out financial risk assessment and prevention work in a solid manner and firmly maintain the bottom line of risk.

14. Improve the statistical monitoring and evaluation capabilities of green finance. Improve green finance statistics, establish an intelligent and standardized green finance evaluation mechanism, and provide a basis for the implementation of daily supervision. Encourage financial institutions to carry out environmental benefit monitoring and evaluation, and quantify the effects of energy conservation and emission reduction.

15. Strengthen risk prevention and mitigation in the field of green and low-carbon transformation. Make full use of modern technology to improve regulatory means, encourage financial institutions to carry out stress tests in a timely manner for environmental risks in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and improve the level of climate and environmental risk identification, monitoring and prevention and control. Strengthen the environmental, social and governance risk management capabilities of financial institutions, encourage financial institutions to improve the information disclosure system for major environmental risks, explore the establishment of a negative information classification management mechanism,In the approval of green project financing, full consideration should be given to the disclosure of corporate environmental information, and supervision of capital flows should be strengthened to prevent the risks of “greenwashing” and “green bleaching”.

16. Create a safe and stable environment for financial development. Comprehensively strengthen financial supervision, and bring all financial activities under supervision in accordance with the law, so as to "see clearly and control". Severely crack down on illegal financial activities. Effectively and orderly resolve local debt risks, meet local reasonable investment needs, coordinate debt resolution and development, and resolve local debt risks in high-quality development. Strengthen cross-regional, cross-industry, and cross-market financial supervision cooperation to prevent cross-regional, cross-market, and cross-border transmission and resonance of risks. Coordinate development and security, adhere to the real financing needs and risk protection needs of the real economy as the basis for financial support work, and firmly hold the bottom line of no systemic financial risks. (China News Service APP)