
Chairman Mao planned to promote Chen Shigui to be the Chief of the General Staff. Chen said: I pray every day that I will not be elected.


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One day in December 1965, Lieutenant General Tan Renfu, then political commissar of the PLA Engineering Corps, rushed into the office of Chen Shigui, commander of the Engineering Corps.

Tan Renfu asked mysteriously, "Old Chen, do you know about a big event recently?"

"What's the big deal? I don't know."

"Since you don't know, forget it." Tan Renfu said, turning around and about to leave.

Chen Shigui stopped him and said, "Since you don't know, why don't you tell me about it?"

Tan Renfu then turned around and sat on the sofa. He stared at Chen Shigui for a long time before he said, "It has spread all over Beijing that you are going to be the chief minister."

Chen Shigui was puzzled when he heard this and asked, "Where did you hear this? How come I don't know anything about it?"

Tan Renfu explained: "I am not kidding you, and this is not just gossip. It was told to me by Deputy Director Liu of the General Political Department (Lieutenant General Liu Zhijian)."

Tan Renfu described the situation in detail, saying that the meeting was held in the second conference room of "Sanzuomen" (the headquarters of the Central Military Commission in the last century)...

Tan Renfu's words were so convincing that Chen Shigui became nervous. In a previous meeting, when he heard Liu Zhijian convey the spirit of the Central Political Bureau's meeting, Liu Zhijian mentioned the issue of the selection of the new chief, but Liu Zhijian did not say who to choose at that time. He just said that this person was not Liu Yalou, and Chairman Mao had already arranged for someone else. (General Liu Yalou was already seriously ill at the time.)

Chen Shigui never imagined at the time that the "other person" Liu Zhijian was talking about was himself.

Chen Shigui was shocked when he heard this, thinking that this matter was very serious, and immediately ran to Building 9 of the 301 Hospital and found Liu Zhijian who was hospitalized there. Liu Zhijian personally confirmed to Chen Shigui that the so-called "other person" was Chen Shigui.

After hearing this, Chen Shigui complained to him: "Why didn't you explain it clearly at the meeting?"

Liu Zhijian said: "You were at the meeting, how could I explain it directly? Besides, this is a candidate, and it has not been finalized yet."

Chen Shigui said: "Deputy Director Liu, your maze has caused a stir in Beijing. Since it has not been finalized, my attitude is: the position of Chief of Staff is a heavy responsibility, not a trivial matter, and I am not qualified for it. The position of Commander of the Engineering Corps is good enough for me. The Chief of Staff is in charge of the work of the entire army, and I dare not pursue it. Please reflect my opinion to the Military Commission and Chairman Mao."

General Chen Shigui later recalled that after leaving Liu Zhijian, "I was like a devout religious believer, praying almost every day: Don't get elected!"

During this long wait, time passed day by day, but the news of the appointment was never issued, and the rumors about Chen Shigui becoming the chief-general became less and less, so Chen Shigui's mood gradually calmed down.

In December 1965, the Central Committee’s order was officially announced. Yang Chengwu, who had previously served as the First Deputy Chief of the General Staff, replaced General Luo Ruiqing and became the new “Acting Chief of the General Staff.” Upon hearing the news, Chen Shigui said, “I finally put my heart at ease.” As for why the Central Committee replaced him with Yang Chengwu, Chen Shigui had no time to think about it, but was just glad that “someone was here to take over anyway.”

Time flies and it is 1971. The situation at this time is very different from that in 1965. In early October of that year, the original Military Commission Office Group was abolished, and the Central Committee reorganized the Military Commission Office Meeting, led by Marshal Ye Jianying, to preside over the daily work of the entire army. Chen Shigui was also a member of the Military Commission Office Meeting at this time.

The next day, Marshal Ye Jianying called Chen Shigui to talk about his work problems. Ye Jianying told Chen Shigui: "Chairman Mao is considering adjusting your job." Chen Shigui immediately asked: "How to adjust?" Ye Jianying told him that Chairman Mao planned to transfer him to the Ministry of National Defense as deputy minister.

The Chief of the General Staff is responsible for all aspects of the work, while the Deputy Minister of National Defense is only responsible for one aspect of the work, which is undoubtedly much easier. However, Chen Shigui felt that he was most suitable to be a military commander, and he was already a member of the Military Commission's Office Meeting.

So he said to Ye Jianying: "Let me continue to be the commander of this small branch of the army! My ability is limited, and this position suits me. Besides, I have never been popular with people. If I hold a high position, I will be under the spotlight. It is better for me to stay in a corner and do my work more steadily."

After the conversation, Marshal Ye Jianying told Chairman Mao about Chen Shigui's idea. Chairman Mao did not transfer Chen Shigui, and Chen Shigui continued to serve as the commander of the engineering corps until his retirement.

In his later years, Chen Shigui recalled his two job transfers and felt that his choice was correct. He said: I have self-knowledge on this issue.

But what puzzled Chen Shigui was that since these two arrangements were considered by Chairman Mao and both were such important positions, why did the Chairman not talk to him or say hello to him before or after?

After thinking for a long time, Chen Shigui could only come up with a vague answer: Chairman Mao once told him that if we talk about mountaintops, you and I are from the same mountaintop, both from Jinggang Mountain. Chairman Mao talked about mountaintops in order to cut down mountaintops and to create "Five Lakes and Four Seas". He felt that the reason why Chairman Mao did not formally appoint him was also related to "Five Lakes and Four Seas".

Or maybe, Chairman Mao had not made up his mind at that time, and these two pieces of news were just "balloons" released by him to see the attitude of Chen Shigui, the person involved. As it turned out, Chen Shigui had no such intention at all.

Afterwards, Chen Shigui never wrote to Chairman Mao to inquire about the matter, nor did he ask other people for the reason. In the end, no one could figure out the real reason of the matter.

Chen Shigui had a deep affection for Chairman Mao. The Autumn Harvest Uprising suffered a heavy blow that year, and everyone was dejected and leaderless. At noon that day, Chen Shigui was standing guard at the entrance of Wenjiashi Village. He saw a tall man with long hair and wearing a blue cloth coming from outside the village. Chen Shigui stopped him and asked him to be questioned. The man cooperated and stopped and said, "I am Mao Zedong, from Tonggu."

This was the first meeting between Chen Shigui and Chairman Mao. Chen Shigui said, "This is the most memorable moment in my life, the most sacred moment that has lingered in my heart for decades. Chairman Mao seemed to be a visitor from outer space, a deity descending to earth, and from then on the Chinese revolution had a direction."

Soon after, the troops were reorganized in Sanwan. Under the chairmanship and witness of Chairman Mao, Chen Shigui was included in the first batch of backbone workers and peasants to join the party.

For decades thereafter, Chen Shigui grew from a soldier to a general of the People's Republic of China and became the first commander of the engineering corps of the People's Liberation Army...

Looking back on his life, Chen Shigui had no regrets. According to Chen Shigui's son, when Chen Shigui was dying, his future wife asked him, "Who do you love most in your life?" She hoped that her constant companionship would earn Chen Shigui's approval and answer "you". Chen Shigui said in a weak voice, "Mao Zedong."

On his deathbed, Chen Shigui still felt that he was going to another world to find Chairman Mao and to fight guerrilla warfare in Jinggangshan. He left this world with ideals and satisfaction.