
Why is there such a big difference between the white-haired Li Zeju and the romantically involved Li Zekai, who are only 3 years apart in age?


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Li Ka-shing's two sons, Li Zeju and Li Zekai, are a pair of brothers who are quite a hot topic. They both come from wealthy families, but their lifestyles, sense of responsibility and appearance are very different. Today, let's talk about the sharp contrast between them and see what made these two brothers embark on completely different life journeys.

Behind the differences in appearance

Li Zeju often has white hair and a rather dull complexion. This image makes him look more mature, but also somewhat tired. His brother Li Zekai, on the other hand, is radiant, with black hair and a ruddy complexion, and always seems to be full of life. Such a difference in appearance is, of course, not only a reflection of age, but also a direct reflection of lifestyle.

Li Zeju lives a relatively low-key life. As the successor of the family business, he bears huge responsibilities and pressure. He spends every day in busy work and may have little time to take care of his appearance. He has a calm temperament, but under heavy work, he can't help showing a little fatigue.

On the other hand, Li Zekai started his own business and chose a relatively free path. His life is full of colorful interpersonal relationships and social activities. The constant appearance of beautiful women around him not only nourishes him emotionally, but also makes him look younger and more energetic.

Comparison of living conditions

Speaking of life, Li Zeju devotes most of his energy to his family and career. His public image has always been that of a low-key and pragmatic businessman who rarely participates in social activities. For him, family and career are the focus of his life. He has to take care of the family business while taking care of his family responsibilities. He has been given the mission of becoming a successor since he was a child. This invisible pressure makes his life relatively rigorous and conservative.

Li Zekai, on the other hand, lives a more casual life with a rich and colorful love life. Although he is well aware of his family's expectations, he chooses to live the way he likes. He has a wide circle of friends and often appears at various evening parties, enjoying the fun that life brings. Such a life undoubtedly makes his appearance more radiant.

The burden of responsibility and pressure

It must be mentioned that Li Zeju shoulders huge responsibilities and pressures. As the successor of Li Ka-shing, he needs to face competition from the market and expectations from within the family. Every decision he makes may affect the future of the entire family, so he is always thinking about how to continue the family's foundation in his career. Such a sense of responsibility will naturally leave a mark on his face and temperament, bringing him a lot of pressure.

In sharp contrast, Li Zekai enjoys relative freedom. Although he is also aware of the family's tradition and mission, he prefers to pursue his personal dreams and the joy of life. On the road to entrepreneurship, Li Zekai chose a different business model and tried to challenge new areas. The pressure he endured was much lighter than that of Li Zeju, and the choice of lifestyle allowed him to have more autonomy. In this freedom, he found his own rhythm of life.

Final Thoughts

Li Zeju and Li Zekai, two brothers from the same wealthy family, have taken completely different life paths. Their appearance, living conditions, sense of responsibility and pressure all reflect their respective choices. Li Zeju's low-key and pragmatic attitude interprets the heaviness of being a successor to a wealthy family; while Li Zekai's liveliness and casualness show the freedom and fun of an independent entrepreneur.

Perhaps this is the different fate given to them by their family background. Everyone is working hard in their respective roles and pursuing their own lifestyle. The difference between the two brothers is not only the difference in appearance and status, but also their unique understanding and choice of life and responsibility. The story of Li Zeju and Li Zekai reminds us to make brave choices and find a lifestyle that truly suits us in the process of pursuing our dreams.