
Yu Rongguang: No scandals in 35 years of marriage, why did his wife insist on divorcing him at the age of 63?


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During the hot summer of that year, 63-year-old Yu Rongguang returned to his home, sweating profusely. Like a wounded lion, he longed for a warm hug from his wife Wang Yuling to warm his wounded heart. However, when he walked into the house, he saw a cold divorce agreement and his wife's cold eyes - this sudden blow made him feel that his world collapsed in an instant.

Speaking of Yu Rongguang, he has always been an extremely upright person in the entertainment industry. His life seems to be devoted to art and family. In 1985, when he was only 27 years old, he was still a little-known actor. At that time, his parents introduced him to Wang Yuling, and they met for the first time in a small park. At that time, Wang Yuling was still an ordinary employee of the Beijing Post and Telecommunications Bureau. Her down-to-earth personality deeply attracted Yu Rongguang.

The meeting of the two seemed to be destined, and they decided to get married soon. Although Yu Rongguang's acting career had not yet taken off, his sense of responsibility for his family had never diminished. After get off work, he would always ride his bicycle to pick up Wang Yuling and cook a sumptuous dinner for her at home. Although life was simple at that time, the relationship between them was like old wine, becoming more and more mellow.

Not long after getting married, Wang Yuling became pregnant. Yu Rongguang put all his energy into the family. He carefully took care of his wife's daily life and accompanied her through every difficulty during her pregnancy. When their child was born, Yu Rongguang's face was filled with happiness, and he knew that the burden on him had increased.

To be honest, the direction of life is sometimes unpredictable, and it even changes unconsciously. For example, the protagonist we are going to talk about today, Mr. Yu Rongguang, was born into a Peking Opera family. He has had a strong interest in drama performance since he was a child. When he grew up, he was determined to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. After getting married, with the support of a family and a warm harbor, he became more determined to fight for his career. And his wife, Wang Yuling, has also been silently supporting and encouraging him, allowing him to bravely pursue his dreams.

As time went by, Yu Rongguang's acting career finally reached a turning point. It was in the early 1990s when a Hong Kong director named Xu Xiaoming noticed his talent and took the initiative to extend an olive branch to him, inviting him to develop in Hong Kong. Faced with such an opportunity that might completely change his life path, Yu Rongguang was full of entanglements. He looked at the warm little family he had just established, full of expectations and reluctant to leave. However, his wife Wang Yuling stood firmly by his side and fully supported him to realize his dream. She knew that this might mean that they would face a long separation, but she firmly believed that Yu Rongguang had enough strength to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. So, with his wife's expectations and support, Yu Rongguang embarked on a journey to Hong Kong.

After arriving in Hong Kong, Yu Rongguang quickly showed his extraordinary talent. His wonderful performances in the movie "Kapok Robe" and the TV series "Mirage" made the audience deeply remember this new actor from mainland China. In particular, the tough guy image he created in the TV series "Wolfsbane Flower" made him famous overnight and established his tough guy status in the minds of the audience.

Wang Yuling was so confident and excited to see her husband soaring in his career! Seeing that the family conditions were getting better and better, although her husband was not at home, she firmly believed that this was all moving towards a better future. She valued family more than anything else, and silently cheered for Yu Rongguang, hoping that he could go further and further on the road of acting.

However, as Yu Rongguang's status in the entertainment industry became higher and higher, his relationship with his family, especially his wife, gradually changed. At the beginning, Wang Yuling was very happy to see her husband's success. But as time went on, the opportunities for them to meet became fewer and fewer, and the indescribable loneliness grew like a weed in her heart. Sometimes, she couldn't even find her husband for several weeks.

Such long-term separation not only made the relationship between the couple fade away, but also made Yu Rongguang's relationship with the children become a little strange. Wang Yuling changed from a bride full of expectations to a middle-aged woman who had to shoulder the responsibility of the whole family alone. She had to face all kinds of difficulties in life by herself, such as taking care of children, doing housework, and dealing with various unexpected things.

Although in the eyes of others, Yu Rongguang is definitely a successful person with a successful career and noble character, cracks have quietly appeared in his family life. He put all his thoughts on work and ignored the needs of his family. This imbalance eventually led to a growing distance between him and his family, especially the relationship between him and his wife Wang Yuling gradually cooled down.

As the days passed, Yu Rongguang's career was steadily moving forward. Not only did he receive praise from the audience in the field of acting, he also actively dabbled in multiple fields such as directing and screenwriting, showing his all-round artistic talent. This versatile image allowed him to gain more recognition and opportunities, while also earning a good income. He began to invest in the real estate industry and founded his own film and television production company, becoming a new force in the entertainment industry.

Everything has two sides. If you want to achieve great success, you must pay a corresponding price. Due to his busy work, Yu Rongguang could only watch his children spend those precious moments in their growth process, and he was unable to give them enough care when his parents entered their old age. Even when his wife Wang Yuling was facing surgery, he was unable to be with her because of work. Every year, Yu Rongguang can spend very little time at home with his family.

From his wife's unconditional support and understanding at the beginning, to her silent waiting later, and then to her silent resistance at the end, the psychological changes in between can probably only be truly understood by Wang Yuling himself. Although in the eyes of the outside world, Yu Rongguang is a successful person with a successful career and noble character, cracks have appeared in his family life.

He devoted himself to his career and neglected the importance of his family. This imbalance eventually led to a estrangement between him and his family, especially his wife Wang Yuling. Wang Yuling's inner disappointment and exhaustion grew day by day. She began to doubt the value of this marriage and wondered whether she should continue living this way.

Every time Wang Yuling saw other families enjoying themselves, she always felt bitter. The last straw that broke her back was a serious illness. When she needed her husband's care and support, Yu Rongguang was too busy with work to be with her. The feeling of being ignored and isolated made Wang Yuling finally realize that in her husband's heart, his career was much more important than her.

When she made up her mind to divorce that night, Wang Yuling recalled all the things that had happened over the years. She remembered how shy Yu Rongguang was when they first met, how they had worked hard together, and how she had felt more and more lost and bitter in recent years. She understood that although Yu Rongguang looked like a big star outside, he was not a good husband and father at home.

Wang Yuling had mixed feelings when she made this decision. She knew that this not only meant the end of her marriage, but also meant that she had to say goodbye to most of her past life. However, in order to live a happier and more dignified life in the future, she felt that she had to take this step. Yu Rongguang's story taught us a very profound lesson, which is how to deal with the relationship between career and family. His experience tells us that true success cannot be achieved at the expense of family happiness.

I think that if you want to be successful in the workplace, you must not forget the feelings and needs of your family. Money and fame shine under the spotlight, but the warm atmosphere and deep family affection in the family cannot be bought with money! Hong Kong star Yu Rongguang, his career field can be said to be unlimited, but unfortunately he lost the most precious thing in the end - a harmonious and happy family.

So what should we do? We should pursue our dreams while not neglecting our responsibilities and care for our families? Especially when we are under heavy work pressure, how can we maintain smooth communication and interaction with our families? This is really a big problem that deserves deep thinking and efforts from each of us. There is not only one standard for success. The real winner in life should be the one who can find the perfect balance between career and family.

Yu Rongguang's experience has sounded a wake-up call for us, reminding us that when we pursue our dreams, we must not forget our original intentions and the friends and family who have been silently supporting us. Because in the end, when we look back on the road we have traveled, what really brings us happiness is often the good times we spent together, not just the brilliant achievements in our careers.

This story is not only about an actor's road to success, but also a vivid lesson on how to find a balance between career and family. His personal experience tells us that true success can never be achieved at the expense of family happiness. Therefore, on the road to career success, we cannot ignore the feelings and needs of our family. The warmth of family and the preciousness of family affection cannot be measured by any material wealth. Although Yu Rongguang has achieved great success in his career, he eventually lost the most precious thing - family happiness. This story makes us think deeply about how to find our own balance in a busy life.