
Ministry of Public Security: More than 25,000 people were investigated and punished according to law for spreading rumors


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The reporter learned from the "Promoting High-quality Development" series of press conferences held by the State Council Information Office thatThe Ministry of Public Security has deployed public security organs across the country to continue to carry out special operations to combat and rectify online rumors, the special actions carried out this year have achieved the following results:

First, resolutely crack down on the behavior of self-media operators who fabricate rumors to attract fans and traffic, and make illegal profits. Since the beginning of this year, public security organs have investigated more than 22,000 cases of online rumors and investigated and punished more than 25,000 netizens who spread rumors in accordance with the law., guided network operators in accordance with the law to shut down more than 160,000 illegal and irregular accounts, and cleaned up more than 1.322 million online rumors.

Secondly, we will dig deep into the illegal and criminal activities such as online trolls and MCN agencies that manipulate behind the scenes and spread rumors and hype.A total of 623 such cases were investigated and dealt with, and 3,397 lawbreakers were arrested.

Again, attach great importance to rumor-refuting propaganda work.We have continuously carried out publicity and education through comprehensive use of various forms such as police reports, press conferences, media interviews and reports, release of typical cases, and offline publicity activities, and have exposed more than 3,600 typical cases so far.

Finally, strengthen comprehensive governance measures for website platforms.We insisted on using crackdowns to promote governance and management, and used major cases of online rumors as a starting point to investigate loopholes in website platforms. We investigated and dealt with 1,036 website platforms, and held one-on-one talks with key website platforms to rectify their problems.

(CCTV reporter Chen Yu and Cao Xiaozheng)