
Pinghu veteran Zhu Dongjian: I am a branch secretary of the army and I will never forget my military beginnings


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Chao News Client Correspondent Gong Wenjia Chen Mingyuan Zhang Qiliang
"My home has beautiful mountains and rivers, and my country has glorious years. Every inch of the motherland is loyally guarded and silently dedicated by soldiers. Whether I am in the army or in the village, I am guarding the country." Zhu Dongjian is not strong, but he has a pair of bright eyes, filled with oaths written by countless passionate young people with faith, and the ignited dream of being a soldier.
Zhu Dongjian, who was born in 1982, joined the army at the age of 19. After retiring, he worked as an auxiliary police officer. He worked in the village committee for 8 years, resigned to join an enterprise, and then returned to the grassroots. Facing his 18-year work experience of "three ins and three outs", Zhu Dongjian said: "This is 1982 Lafite, it has a great flavor. I was born for the grassroots!"
Photo provided by Pinghu Economic Development Zone (Zhongdai Subdistrict Office)
In the year when Zhu Dongjian was transferred from the village clerk position to the village secretary, fatigue and grievances, misunderstanding and slander from villagers became the norm in his work.
At that time, Zhu Dongjian, who was in his 30s, had a youthful vigor. He was never vague about the tasks assigned by his superiors and completed difficult tasks with high standards. He was highly recognized by the town, and the city's organization department also began to pay attention to him.
However, his youthful vigor and the villagers' lack of understanding of him when he pushed forward major central tasks made him feel very "wronged". After consulting his family, he finally resigned from the village committee and went to work as a factory manager in the production department of a company.
In the two years at the company, he was still the one who charged forward, able to move hundreds of kilograms of raw materials and make delicate parts. He changed his role with an iron wrist and became an outstanding company leader.
"Gold will always shine." In the one year since he came to the company, party members have persuaded him to return to the village and continue to serve the people. What finally moved him was the old men who came to "persuade" him to return. "Come back, the position of secretary has been vacant." The old villager in his seventies shook Zhu Dongjian's hand and said, "Secretary Zhu, you are sincere and conscientious. We will always remember you."
"You have worked hard and devoted your heart. The people will not forget us!" Zhu Dongjian said, "There is no village work without grievances and worries. Compared with the people holding you in their hearts, those grievances are nothing!"
With a nostalgia for the grassroots, Zhu Dongjian once again took part in the reserve cadre examination of the community where his household registration was located. He followed the organization's arrangements and came to Zhongdai Street, starting as a community hired cadre.
Zhu Dongjian is still "young" and still has "military loyalty". He remains true to his character and fully cooperates with the community secretary. He takes on tasks that others dare not take on and takes the initiative to resolve conflicts that others cannot mediate. At that time, Pinghu City's "three reforms and one demolition" project was in full swing, and his Xilin Temple community was the community with the most violations in the urban villages of Zhongdai Street. There is no doubt that Zhu Dongjian took the initiative to shoulder this work.
Photo provided by Pinghu Economic Development Zone (Zhongdai Subdistrict Office)
Explain a policy thoroughly and measure it with one ruler.
"What impressed me most was a household in Diyuanbang whose roof was not repaired in time after demolition, and heavy rain caused serious leakage. I climbed onto the roof with a colored cloth and repaired the roof in the heavy rain." Zhu Dongjian said, "When I came down, my whole body was soaked. Many residents watched me do this at home. After that, everyone was much more polite to me."
As his work progressed, he was awarded many honors, such as "Iron Army Model" and "Advanced Individual". Several old party members in the village also heard the news and took the bus to visit him, reminiscing with him like old friends and encouraging him.
A year and a half later, Zhongdai Sub-district made an exception and transferred him directly from a general committee member to the Baimayan Community as secretary. He then transformed the Baimayan Community, which is located in the urban-rural fringe, into a new harmonious community with multi-ethnic unity.
"Marching and fighting require us to follow the changing situation and seize the opportunity. The same goes for community development. We cannot blindly follow the old path. We must dare to break through and try innovative working methods to open up new working situations." Now, having completed the relocation tasks assigned by the organization, Zhu Dongjian has returned to the grassroots level again and came to the Xinqun Community located in the western high-end industrial cluster area of ​​Zhongdai Street, starting his new journey.
Photo provided by Pinghu Economic Development Zone (Zhongdai Subdistrict Office)
To this day, Zhu Dongjian's mobile phone background is still the August 1st Army Insignia: "I often look back on my youth. My original intention of joining the army was pure, but the work at the grassroots level for more than 20 years has been full of hardships and confusion. Sometimes, when I am indecisive, looking at this bright red military emblem on a green background, that pure original intention emerges again. No matter how hard or tired we are, we, the people's soldiers, serve the people and cannot retreat!"
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