
Empowering rural doctors to protect villagers' health, the Angel Project in Zizhou County was officially launched


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With the comprehensive victory in the fight against poverty, the focus of the "three rural" work has shifted to a new stage of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. Improving the level of primary medical services is also an important focus of the rural revitalization strategy. Promoting the construction of healthy villages is an important part of promoting the construction of a healthy China, and it is also a necessary condition for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. It is of great significance to promote the development of rural medical and health services and protect the health of hundreds of millions of farmers.

On August 22, 2024, the launching ceremony of the Angel Project of Zizhou County was held in Zizhou County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. The CPC Zizhou County Committee, the County People's Government, the County Health and Health Bureau, the China Rural Development Foundation, USANA Babycare, and rural doctors witnessed the launching of the project.

【Angel Project Launch Photos】

Empower rural doctors and protect villagers' health

In response to the current situation of lack of rural diagnosis and treatment equipment and insufficient professional capabilities of rural doctors in underdeveloped areas of my country, the China Rural Development Foundation launched the Angel Project in 2020. By providing digital medical packages and empowerment training for rural doctors in underdeveloped areas, it aims to improve the conditions of rural medical facilities and equipment in underdeveloped areas, support the capacity building of rural doctors, improve the level of rural medical services, popularize health knowledge, and provide more solid health protection for rural people. So far, the Angel Project has benefited 10,961 rural doctors in 42 counties in 16 provinces (autonomous regions) including Shaanxi, Guizhou, and Gansu.

The China Rural Development Foundation will continue to leverage its own advantages and project implementation experience, cooperate sincerely with relevant parties, coordinate professional medical resources, enhance the capabilities of grassroots doctors in triage and treatment, acute disease response, chronic disease management, and appropriate Chinese medicine technologies, and assist in the development of Zizhou County's three-level medical service system at the county, township, and village levels.

The government, enterprises and other social forces have helped the Angel Project to be successfully implemented

With the support of USANA Infant, the Angel Project was officially launched in Zizhou County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, donating Angel digital medical packages and empowerment training to 101 administrative village clinics.

Gao Peng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Zizhou County Committee and deputy county magistrate of Shaanxi Province, said, "The improvement of the service capacity of primary medical institutions and village doctors plays a decisive role in the overall health work of Zizhou County. The Angel Project will provide our county with medical service hardware equipment and medical talent training, thereby promoting the improvement of medical service levels and helping rural revitalization and the construction of a healthy Zizhou."

[Photo of Gao Peng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Zizhou County Committee and deputy county magistrate, delivering a speech]

Gather resources to contribute to empowering the "last mile health guardian"

Yang Fei, senior sales director of USANA Central China, said in his speech: "We hope to help rural doctors and hundreds of millions of people build a good health service team at their doorstep through our own efforts. This is a vivid practice of USANA's "Healthy Family" strategy to promote a "Healthy China" and build a "Healthy Community".

[Photo of USANA Babycare Senior Sales Director of Central China Yang Fei delivering a speech]

Consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization provide a broad space and wide range for social forces to play their role. The China Rural Development Foundation looks forward to continuing to work closely with all sectors of society to make greater contributions to rural health.