
Wang Guiping of Luqing Petrochemical: Seeking "Innovation" and "Quality" and Strengthening Enterprises with Talents


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina reporter Liu Jianyong reports from Weifang
Over the years, he has been working on the production line, accumulating solid theoretical knowledge, rich practical experience and strong hands-on skills, and has mastered superb skills in power boilers, industrial water, steam turbines, etc., and can properly solve various problems encountered in actual production operations; he has never stopped his journey to climb the technical peak, he is Wang Guiping, a senior engineer of Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. He has won many honors such as Shandong Province Worker Innovation Expert, Weifang Craftsman, Shouguang Craftsman, Shouguang City Top 100 Civilized Citizens, etc.
As a compound expert talent cultivated by Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd., he applied for 5 patents in the field of new materials, which were used for process optimization of the 100,000 tons/year butyl rubber project to achieve energy saving and carbon reduction. The paper "Exploring New Ways to Energy Saving and Promoting Enterprise Development" won the first prize in the 10th Petroleum and Chemical Industry Energy Saving Paper Collection, and three papers were published in "Engineering and Technology". He undertook 13 Shandong Province innovation projects and obtained 8 patents.
The 2018 Shandong Province Key R&D Plan, jointly developed with the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Process Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, received a research and development fund of 2 million yuan (Lu Ke Zi [2018] No. 47) for the source reduction and wastewater treatment technology and demonstration project of high-salt and high-organic wastewater in the petrochemical industry. This research and development mainly targets the problems of high salt content, high organic matter (COD) content, difficulty in sewage treatment, and high treatment cost in petrochemical wastewater. It relies on technology to control the source and end treatment to achieve comprehensive treatment of petrochemical wastewater. As a result, he became a member of the Wu Haiyan team of Taishan Industry Leading Talents and the Li Shuguang team of Yuandu Industry Leading Talents in 2020. His research and development of a reinforced modified polypropylene foam material for food packaging and its preparation method were included in the 2019 Science and Technology Development Plan of Shouguang City (Shou Ke Zi [2019] No. 11).
Based on his practical experience, he proposed a circulating water tank transformation process and led the development of an environmentally friendly sedimentation tank technology, which achieved online cleaning of sludge deposited at the bottom of the circulating water tank without stopping, reduced turbidity, enhanced the effects of corrosion inhibitors and scale inhibitors and bactericides, and achieved good cooling effects for cooling towers and heat exchangers, making up for the defects of side filters, and achieving significant water-saving effects, which has been widely used. After the technology is put into use, it can achieve an annual economic benefit of more than 1 billion yuan nationwide, calculated at a water price of 3 yuan per cubic meter. Wang Guiping was also awarded the Weifang City Employees' Excellent Technical Innovation Achievement Award by the Weifang Federation of Trade Unions and the Weifang Science and Technology Bureau. The LiBr refrigeration technology he led to develop for urea waste heat recovery, the development of an environmentally friendly sedimentation tank, the development of dry gas recovery and utilization technology, the development of light hydrocarbon reactor distribution equipment, the development of deep cracking directional reflection coking furnace technology, and the development of CRC-FCC process technology have all been promoted and applied, creating an annual benefit of more than 100 million yuan for the company.