
We-media celebrities released the "Jinjiang Initiative" in Chengdu to jointly build a clear cyberspace


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On August 26, more than 60 representatives of self-media associations and self-media big Vs from all over the country gathered in Chengdu to jointly launch the "Jinjiang Initiative" for self-discipline in the self-media industry, jointly build a clear cyberspace, and share the achievements of network civilization.
Full text of the Jinjiang Initiative:
We will always bear in mind the responsibilities and obligations of self-media people, strictly abide by the Constitution and laws and regulations, and resolutely safeguard national interests and social public interests. We will consciously promote the core socialist values, actively participate in the construction of network civilization, and take the lead in advocating good social customs. We will actively spread positive energy, resolutely resist false information and bad content, create a good network ecology, and maintain social order and good customs. We will strengthen exchanges and mutual learning, improve professional quality, jointly promote the healthy development of the self-media industry, and strive to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way.
Deng Kai, president of the Chengdu We-Media Association, said that over the past year, the Chengdu We-Media Association has communicated with representatives of the We-Media industry and Internet celebrities across the country and found that everyone has a common appeal for the discordant voices on the Internet, hoping to standardize the development of the We-Media industry and build a civilized Internet ecology. "The initiative was launched in Chengdu because the 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference will be held in Chengdu."
Self-media celebrities from all over the country also deeply agree with this.
@仙鹤大叔张文鹤, a blogger with nearly 18 million followers on Douyin, said that the release of the "Jinjiang Initiative" is "very necessary. Only when the Internet is clean and upright can we live cleanly." "I believe that more cities and more associations will follow suit in the future."
@法山叔, a legal blogger with nearly 4 million followers on Weibo, said that many people are polite offline, but sometimes they can't control their emotions online and make radical remarks. "The Jinjiang Initiative is a kind of advocacy, hoping that everyone can extend their civilized behavior in life to the Internet." He said that this is also a code of conduct for self-media big Vs, "Every big V should build online civilization through their own actions, so as to drive their fans and have a positive impact on the online society."
@江逸JIANGYI, a blogger with over one million followers on TikTok, believes that a good online ecology is an important manifestation of a country's cultural soft power. "Some false and eye-catching topics may bring huge traffic and attention for a while, but they will have a negative impact on the online public opinion atmosphere, online spiritual culture, and even the inheritance and development of Chinese culture." He said that self-media content creators should shoulder the responsibility of creating a good online public opinion atmosphere. "To build a good online ecology, not only mainstream media and government new media need to work hard, but as self-media creators, they also need to adhere to positive energy while seeking large traffic."
Reporter Peng Jing Photographer Wang Qin