
Rebirth in the midst of transformation and change——Observation report from a storage and supply base of the Joint Logistics Support Force


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The heat wave is rising, soldiers are deployed thousands of miles away, and support is always there.

Recently, when a group of reporters came to a storage and supply base of the Joint Logistics Support Force for an interview, a practical support training was in progress. Military vehicles were racing, officers and soldiers were coordinating, and "blood transfusion arteries" leading to the joint battlefield were quickly built...

"When reform and innovation become the norm, we can truly hone our combat and support capabilities." Gazing at the rolling mountains outside the car window, the commander told reporters that the base came into being in November 2018 during the deepening of national defense and military reforms. In the transformation and reshaping over the years, they have worked hard to solve the key and difficult problems of joint support, strive to achieve comprehensive support of multiple military forces and close coordination of various elements, and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of preparing for war.

Not long ago, the base organized officers and soldiers to study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee in depth, and the officers and soldiers' goals became clearer: the engine of reform and strengthening the military is running at high speed, and we must seize opportunities, work hard, transform with determination, charge into war, and write a new chapter of reform and strengthening the military on the new journey.

Transformation from "old logistics" to "new joint logistics"

"From 'old logistics' to 'new joint logistics', this is a new charge." Speaking of those busy and fulfilling days, a leader of a certain unit of the base still remembers them vividly -

Base leaders took the lead, proactively connected with task forces, went deep into the front lines of exercises and training, and clarified support tasks, support needs, and construction goals;

Firmly establish user thinking, adopt "one-to-one" personalized customization to ensure, reconstruct links and release efficiency;

Modularize the formation of mobile support forces, flexibly adjust the force organization according to the battlefield situation, and promote the transformation of battlefield joint support from extensive to precise...

The transformation and reshaping of the troops first requires the reshaping of ideas and concepts. In the new combat system, only by re-examining the battlefield positioning and reshaping the capabilities and qualities can we adapt to the ever-changing future battlefield and transform the support capabilities into combat capabilities and win the battle.

"From the branch to the storage and supply base, from the warehouse to the support team... we need a great ideological liberation." The leader of the base said, "We must actively adapt to the requirements of the integrated joint combat command system and build an integrated joint support system."

Under the new organizational system, the daily routine, work rhythm, and mental state of the base's officers and soldiers have been adjusted to a "new channel." They have comprehensively understood the basic situation of combat readiness and support work, and set actual combat targets for transformation. A development blueprint built for war has become clearer.

Scientifically adjust the warehouse layout, do a good job of merger and diversion "addition and subtraction", cancel single-function support points, renovate storage sites with outdated facilities and overlapping functions, and build service stations with complete functions, high intelligence and strong comprehensive support capabilities; gather high-quality resources to the main support tasks and support directions, and build a support chain from point to line, string lines to form a network, connect smoothly, and operate efficiently...

Facing the wave of reform and strengthening the military, the base has rapidly transformed from "small and complete" to "integrated and excellent", and the joint support capability has been reshaped through aggregation and fission.

That year, in order to explore the material support capabilities under complex conditions, the base selected elite forces and moved thousands of miles to the snowy plateau for training. The troops' long-range mobility capabilities and actual storage and support capabilities under field conditions were tested in actual combat.

At the entrance of the camp, there is a 100-meter long military history corridor, which records the struggles of the predecessor troops of the base and the base since its establishment: it has experienced the baptism of gunpowder smoke such as the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea and border military operations, and has carried out major combat support and guarantee tasks many times...

As you enter the barracks, in front of the headquarters building, the slogan "Strive to build a strong modern joint logistics support force" shines brightly.

"This is the commander's instruction and the requirement of the times." Shouldering new missions and tasks, the officers and soldiers of the base feel an unprecedented sense of urgency. "The baton has been handed over to our generation. We must run at an accelerated pace to strive for a strong military in the new era."

Reform and transformation require each step to be down-to-earth

"During the reform and adjustment, although our team has reduced personnel and locations, the overall work efficiency has increased." Walking in the camp, the leader of a comprehensive support team of the base introduced to reporters, "This is the dividend brought by reform and development. In the past, we used manual inspection and testing to patrol the warehouse, which was inefficient and prone to errors. Now, with the help of scientific and technological means, the efficiency of patrolling the warehouse has been significantly improved."

Palletized packaging, modular storage, cardinality stacking... At the supply support training site, robots shuttled back and forth, delivering goods in and out. Quality inspection, acceptance, inventory... The assembly line operation opened the eyes of the reporter.

"Only by constantly exploring intelligent, refined and diversified support methods can we achieve new changes in the support model." The leader of the base said that in the new era, modern logistics and information technology have accelerated their development, helping to further accelerate the construction of large-scale, integrated and intensive military logistics hubs at the base.

Walking into a technical support room, the reporter saw that Sergeant Major Huang Haiye was using the oil depot Internet of Things to monitor the sending and receiving operations in real time. On the screen, information such as the type of oil and storage quantity was clearly displayed. Huang Haiye said that relying on the results of reform and innovation, the base has fully unleashed its innovative vitality and added the "wings of science and technology" to battlefield support.

Although he has been fighting in the logistics position for nearly 20 years, Huang Haiye has felt a sense of inadequacy in recent years and has accelerated his learning and development. He has obtained four national invention patents and obtained several intermediate and senior professional qualification certificates. Because he often lives in the mountains, he also obtained a forest firefighter qualification certificate.

"If we want to keep up with the pace of reform, we must always maintain a sense of urgency to expand our capabilities and upgrade our skills." Talking about the transformation and development of the troops in recent years, Huang Haiye said with deep emotion, "As grassroots officers and soldiers, we must always maintain high morale, study hard, and contribute to the realization of fast, efficient and accurate wartime support."

Reform and transformation require each step to be down-to-earth. During the interview, the reporter learned that a number of new technologies have been piloted in the base and are becoming a "booster" for accelerating the transformation and upgrading of joint logistics support.

Rushing to the new "security battlefield"

In the new combat system, if we still follow the routine and move step by step, our capabilities will only hover at a low level and it will be difficult to adapt to the modern battlefield. In the tide of reform that starts on the fast track, only by working hard with a sense of urgency and working hard can we better transform support capabilities into combat capabilities.

When the reporter was interviewing the fuel team at the base, a support order suddenly came, and the officers and soldiers quickly assembled and rushed forward.

"With the continuous deepening of actual combat training, such emergency deployment has become the norm." Talking about the new changes in support training in recent years, Deputy Captain Chen of the fuel team was deeply touched.

The increase in the number of tasks has forced the improvement of support capabilities. In recent years, the officers and soldiers of the oil team have continuously explored the ability-building path of training real equipment, real storage of oil bags, real transmission of oil pumps, and real repair operations, step by step to solidify the footprints of actual combat training and hone their strong actual combat and support capabilities.

The changes in the fuel team are a microcosm of the base's efforts to focus on training and preparation, practical training and support, and accelerate capability building after the reform.

Just two months after its establishment, a support team of the base received an order to select capable personnel and incorporated them into the joint logistics integrated support team to go to the plateau for training. In more than a year, the officers and soldiers climbed over mountains and crossed glaciers, resolved dangerous situations many times, and completed various practical training tasks excellently.

From inland plains to border mountains and forests, from the seashore to the snowy plateau, from joint military training grounds to international peacekeeping battlefields... In recent years, the base's officers and soldiers have repeatedly expanded their support areas, continuously extended their "support radius", and rushed to new "support battlefields". Every year, about one-third of the officers and soldiers are on missions outside, with an average time of more than half a year.

Accelerating the charge is an urgent requirement for transformation and reshaping; carrying a heavy burden and moving forward has become the working state of the base’s officers and soldiers.

For Corporal Wang Menglan, accelerating the charge means a breakthrough. She is preparing for the international military competition and is challenging her limits every day. After winning the championship in the joint logistics support force competition, this young female soldier, who was named an outstanding member of the Communist Youth League of China and won the second-class merit, is speeding up on the road of martial arts to win glory for the country.

"Training is the best whetstone for a knife." Pointing to the two newly added medals for advanced training and preparation units in the military history gallery, the leaders of the base were deeply touched. Over the years, the base has explored and formed a number of training results, one of which was promoted and applied by the superiors, and three results won awards.

Reform and strengthen the army, and move towards war. In recent years, the base has accelerated its transformation, stepped more firmly towards war, and generated combat effectiveness faster and faster.

The construction goals of diversified force types, multiple professional needs, diversified personnel organization, and transformation to multi-functionality have been implemented; the mobile support force has fast assembly and assembly, fast forward movement, fast deployment and support, and the comprehensive support capability has been continuously improved; the support timing has been normalized, the support direction has been globalized, the support objects have been diversified, and the support actions have been fast, and the all-weather mobile support capability has achieved a leap forward...

Late at night, the headquarters building of the base was still brightly lit. On the desk of a deputy chief of staff, two thick piles of documents had been flipped through many times. Recently, he was working on a joint support project. He said: "Only by recognizing the limits of our own capabilities can we better break through the limits and fully unleash the effectiveness of joint logistics support."

They climbed over one mountain after another, galloping without dismounting. When time was defined by the mission, day and night, morning and evening, no longer had clear boundaries in the daily life schedule of officers and soldiers.

On the new journey of strengthening the military, this reborn new comprehensive support force is marching forward with its head held high, heading for the battlefield of the future. (Chen Dianhong, Li Youzhi, Lin Duo)

(China Military Network)
