
Liangjiang Review | Calculate the “cost” of raising the air conditioner temperature by one degree


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Electricity is not easy to store. It is like a flowing river, "flowing" along the wires to thousands of households, and being "drunk" by our electrical equipment to play its role. In the hot summer, have you noticed the change of such a number around you who rely on air conditioning to "extend life"? In previous years, it was recommended to set the indoor air conditioning in summer at 26℃, but this year, many places have become 27℃. This one-degree difference is not just a change in numbers.

Turn up the air conditioner by one degree to save electricity.The continuous high temperature is the peak period of electricity consumption, so saving electricity is particularly important. Saving electricity can be done easily, for example, by turning up the air conditioner by one degree. The most comfortable temperature for the human body is between 26-28℃. When we set the air conditioner temperature to 26~28℃, we can reduce the power load by 10%~15%. For every 1℃ increase in the set temperature of a household fixed-frequency 1.5-horsepower air conditioner, the power load can be reduced by an average of 17%-20%, and 4-5 degrees of electricity can be saved in a day. Don't underestimate this small action. If everyone forms a habit and turns up the air conditioner by one degree, a small amount will add up to a lot, and it can reduce a certain amount of power grid load.

Turning up the air conditioner temperature by one degree is good for the environment.In my country's current power supply, thermal power generation plays a "main force" role in power security. Every kilowatt-hour of electricity saved means reducing the emission of pollutants such as carbon dust, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide generated by coal combustion, which is of great significance to improving air quality and protecting the ecological environment. The most direct effect is saving electricity bills.

Raising the air conditioner temperature by one degree can help prevent "air-conditioning disease."If people are in a low temperature environment for a long time, they are prone to headaches, fatigue, dry skin and other discomfort symptoms, which are called "air conditioning disease". Raising the air conditioning temperature to keep the indoor temperature within a relatively comfortable range can help prevent the occurrence of "air conditioning disease".

Turning up the air conditioner by one degree can help develop a civilized lifestyle.Guiding the public to establish the concept of saving electricity and protecting the environment and jointly create a green and low-carbon lifestyle will help enhance the public's sense of responsibility and mission, form a good atmosphere where everyone cares about environmental protection and everyone participates in energy conservation, and further promote the harmonious development of society.

Save electricity, be thrifty with every kilowatt-hour of electricity, put the spirit of diligence and thrift into action, and promote the formation of a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle.

Author: Yang Guangzhi

Editor: Yang Yang

Reviewer: Wang Mei Liangjiangping submission email: [email protected]
