
Rice, flour, oil, meat and vegetables are in sufficient stock, and state-owned enterprises respond to heavy rainfall to ensure supply in the capital market


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Starting from the night of August 25, rains began to fall again. As of the morning of August 26, heavy rains had fallen throughout Beijing. As the "vegetable basket", "rice bag", "milk bottle" and "meat counter" of the capital's citizens, the processing workshops and agricultural product markets of the municipal state-owned enterprise Shounong Food Group took measures in advance to actively respond to the heavy rains and make every effort to stabilize production and ensure market supply. At present, the inventory of rice, noodles, oil, meat, vegetables and other necessities of life is sufficient and the supply is stable.
In the face of the rain, Guchuan Food outside the South Sixth Ring Road promptly launched a flood prevention plan, organized personnel to carry out rescue work according to the established division of labor, and invested more than 600 flood prevention sandbags, 10 water pumps, and 2 forklifts to ensure safe and stable production in the factory area. Since August, Guchuan Food has shipped 1,900 tons of finished grains and has a stockpile of 4,300 tons of finished grains, which can meet market supply. Guchuan Rice Industry, located in Shunyi, also prepared enough sandbags and other flood prevention materials in advance, and increased the inspection of hidden dangers around the warehouse area and workshop. While ensuring inventory, the rice workshop can produce 2,500 bags of 5 kg of finished rice per shift to ensure market supply.
"Now production is safe and stable, and inventories are sufficient and ready to be put on the market at any time." A relevant person in charge of Beijing Grain Group said that noodle and rice processing companies have sufficient supply, stable prices and sufficient reserves.
Merchants in Shuitun Market are increasing their stockpiles.The Shuitun Market, which belongs to the Ershang Meat Group, is located in Changping and is the "vegetable basket" that guarantees the northwest of Beijing. According to the weather forecast, the market promptly launched the flood prevention and supply guarantee work plan, unified the coordination of the market's flood prevention and supply and price stability, and sent a letter to all merchants through the WeChat group, reminding all merchants to reserve sufficient agricultural products to ensure supply and stabilize prices. The relevant person in charge of the Shuitun Market said that the supply volume has increased by 7.8% in recent days compared to usual, with a total volume of more than 1,380 tons. Among them, there are 700 tons of vegetables, 380 tons of fruits, 200 tons of grain and oil, 45 tons of eggs, 35 tons of meat, and 20 tons of aquatic products.
At Beijing Fresh Agricultural Products Distribution Center, an average of 3,650 purchasing vehicles enter the center every day.Southeast of the city, the Beijing Fresh Agricultural Products Distribution Center also immediately activated its emergency plan after receiving a heavy rainfall warning. While ensuring the market's flood prevention safety, the distribution center also promptly learned about the supplier's situation, mobilized merchants of all formats to increase their stockings, and made every effort to ensure the supply of rice, noodles, oil, meat, vegetables and other necessities for people's livelihood, protecting the people's "vegetable basket".
At present, the average daily trading volume of fruits and vegetables in the circulation center is 677 tons, the average daily trading volume of pork is 522 heads, and the average daily trading volume of cattle, sheep and poultry is 37 tons. The average number of purchasing vehicles entering the market every day is 3,650, and the overall market supply is sufficient and running smoothly.