
Former staff members have turned into "Ko haters", and Blue Camp legislator Liu Caiwei called out to Ko Wen-je: We must handle it properly


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After the Taiwan People's Party broke out in a storm of false political donations, many former staff members jumped out to criticize it, which attracted attention from all walks of life. KMT Taipei City Councilor Liu Caiwei revealed that several former staff members of the People's Party said that people who tell the truth will never be valued in the People's Party and will be attacked for no reason. The People's Party must deal with this problem properly.

Liu Caiwei

Wu Jingyi, a former member of the People's Party, also recently accepted an exclusive interview on an online program, detailing her mental journey from a Ko fan to a "Ko hater". She bluntly stated that the People's Party Chairman Ko Wen-je only cares about converting volume into traffic and then into votes, and that she herself was subjected to internal strife after speaking the truth, but Ko acquiesced to this trend, and of course talent will be lost.

In this regard, Liu Caiwei pointed out on the 25th that many people who had worked with core figures in the People's Party such as Ko Wen-je and People's Party legislator Huang Shanshan were unable to part ways amicably. It is not the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party that have been attacking the People's Party so far, but former staff members, including former People's Party Secretary-General Xie Liguo and "Little Maverick" Ke Yu'an. She couldn't help but question how unfairly these people were treated in the past?

Liu Caiwei further said that she had talked privately with other former staff members of the People's Party, and they all revealed that "people who tell the truth will never be valued in the People's Party." When these people choose to stay away, people in the party will attack those who have withdrawn for no reason, making them very unhappy. Liu Caiwei bluntly said that the People's Party must deal with this problem properly.

In addition, regarding the People's Party's plan to find an impartial third party to audit its accounts, Liu Caiwei bluntly stated that it is too late to do so now. Everyone now believes that the People's Party is "cooking the accounts" and the trust level in the People's Party has hit rock bottom. No one will believe that the People's Party has no problems at all just because it has found an impartial third party.

Public information shows that Wu Jingyi is 40 years old this year. She was a non-district representative candidate of the People's Party in 2020. She was expelled from the party in April this year. The People's Party announced that party members insulted and defamed the reputation of political parties and party members with false accusations, which exceeded the scope of freedom of speech. The Central Evaluation Committee unanimously determined that her violations were clear and approved the punishment.

Lin Jingxian, Taiwan correspondent of Strait Herald