
The competition involved doing push-ups, waving robotic arms, and robots interacting with the audience


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Making pancakes, competing in push-ups, drawing portraits for children... Recently, this reporter saw at the World Robot Expo that robots not only showed off their skills, but also frequently interacted with the audience, allowing the public to experience the charm of technology up close.
The accelerated evolution robot can listen to instructions to throw a ball. Photo provided by the interviewee
The robot is small and resistant to falling, allowing developers to study new algorithms
After doing push-ups in a competition with the audience, the robots did a "carp jump" and stood up on their own. They can also throw the ball according to instructions and play football with their robot partners. In the exhibition area of ​​Beijing Accelerated Evolution Technology Co., Ltd., the audience was crowded inside and outside, vying to see the robots with well-developed "sports cells".
"Our robots are designed for developers. School teachers or AI companies will buy our products and use them as a basic platform to study new algorithms or new AI application scenarios." Li Chaoyi, marketing director of Accelerated Evolution, said that considering the diversity of developer scenarios, designers must ensure that the robots have sufficient flexibility at the beginning of product design, so their hip joints are set to a mode that can rotate 360 ​​degrees.
He said that in the past, when developers were researching new algorithms, they often needed four or five people to use a rack to carry the robot to a specific place. After the robot started to move, everyone had to push the rack, take the remote control, and take the computer. In order to solve this practical problem, the company designed the robot to be relatively small, with a height of only 1.1 meters, so that developers can easily lift it alone. However, designing a small robot also faces some challenges. It is difficult to buy suitable joints on the market, and it needs to be customized and developed by itself to ensure that the robot has a certain explosive power and speed.
In addition, when the new algorithm tried by the developers was not stable enough, the robot was prone to fall. To this end, the company conducted a large number of tests, found its weak points by letting the robots fall, and improved and iterated the robots to design robots that were strong enough so that they would not break even if they fell, meeting the needs of developers.
"We have opened all the software and hardware interfaces to users, and developers can install different sensors and actuators themselves, such as lidar, dexterous hands, etc." He said that the robot is priced at 199,000 yuan, and some orders have been received so far. It will be officially sold in September, and small-scale production will begin later.
"Sai Daqian" portraits the audience
Beret, mustache, there is also such a robot painter in the exhibition hall of the World Robot Conference. It is called "Sai Daqian" and was developed by Shenzhen Intelligent Robot Research Institute over a period of five years.
The audience watched the "Sai Da Qian" painting robot. Photo by Jiang Yangtao
At the scene, the children watched "Sai Da Qian" curiously. The robot arm of "Sai Da Qian" moved back and forth on the canvas. After a few minutes, a portrait of a little girl appeared on the paper. After experiencing it, a child said excitedly: "It's so cool, a robot can also be a painter!"
According to the staff, Sai Da Qian first takes a photo of the visitor with a high-precision camera, and then the system uses advanced image processing technology to separate the face from the background and identify the highlight and shadow areas of the face. Next, through a pre-set path planning algorithm, Sai Da Qian can control its robotic arm and use a brush to outline the image of the person on the canvas.
"We named this robot 'Sai Daqian', which means it can surpass the traditional painting master Zhang Daqian. It not only has a sense of humor, but also expresses our beautiful vision of the future integration of art and technology." At present, "Sai Daqian" has been widely used in children's palaces, exhibition halls, shopping malls and other places, becoming a highlight to attract tourists.
Beijing News reporter Zhang Lu and intern Jiang Yangtao
Edited by Zhang Qian, Proofread by Zhao Lin