
"Naughty kids" fish, catch turtles and shoot ducks! Parents sit back and do nothing, security guards are out of reach


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During the summer vacation, many parents took their children to the park to play. While enjoying the beauty of nature, some children played "pranks". They caught fish and turtles, or chased ducks, which annoyed the small animals.Faced with children's uncivilized behavior, some parents indulge them or even help their children. However, due to limited manpower, some parks seem to be unable to manage them and it is difficult to dissuade and stop them in time.
Ignore the warning and fish recklessly
In Beixiaohe Park, two children holding a landing net bigger than themselves happily ran to the small bridge in the middle of the pond. The little boy took out the prepared fish food from a plastic bag and gently threw a few into the water, attracting the small fish to scramble for food. The little girl took the opportunity to slap the fishing net on the water and scooped it up, and the small fish struggled hard in the net. The little boy carefully took the small fish and quickly put it into a plastic bottle, and the "trophy" was in his hands.
Although there is a warning sign next to the water surface that says "No fishing", the children ignore it and come here to fish almost every day. "We caught more than 20 small fish yesterday." The little girl shared excitedly, "We take the fish home to raise, and now we have a lot!" According to the little girl, in addition to catching fish, they also caught a big turtle the day before yesterday.
In Bagou Landscape Park, you can often see adults playing with their children. There is a small bridge at one end of the pond. Two little girls stand on the bridge, breaking the bread in their hands to feed the ducks, and keep saying, "Little ducks, eat more!" The mother next to them sprinkled all the remaining bread crumbs into the pond, clapped her hands and let the two little girls go home. The girls tugged at their mother's backpack, crying and wanting to stay a little longer to continue feeding the ducks. The mother had to comfort them, saying, "Come again next time, come again next time."
Compared with girls, boys' play is always more "lethal". "Dangerous water, please do not play", the warning sign next to the pond clearly states "No fishing", but the little boy ignored it and was busy collecting the net and checking the results of today's work. He was seen holding a thin line with his left hand and pulling out a 1.5-liter bucket from the water, while carrying a large black scoop net in his right hand, looking like a professional "little fisherman".
"A treasure trove of fishing grounds, hundreds of fish were caught in a short time..." On the social platform, a blogger posted his child's experience of fishing in the park, "We brought a fishing bucket. We tried several times in Xiaoyue River and Liuyin Park before but didn't catch any. This time, we caught hundreds of fish in an hour. The children's eyes were wide open. They have never seen so many small fish..." At the end of the article, keywords such as "fishing", "park", and "O'Sen" were specially marked.
According to the address shared by the blogger, the reporter came to the west gate of the Olympic Forest Park North Park. By the river, the signs "Danger water depth, please do not approach" and "No fishing, swimming, skating" were very eye-catching, and this was exactly what the blogger called the "treasure fishing ground".
After crossing the bridge and entering the garden on the north side, a larger body of water attracted many children to play. "For your safety, please do not play in the river, swim, fish, or skate." On the shore, a warning sign with black letters on a yellow background is particularly eye-catching, but not far away, three little boys are fiddling with fishing gear and studying how to fish. There is no sign of their parents beside them.
Parents let it go or even help
"Children can't stay in air-conditioned rooms all the time. Generally, we come here when there are no other outdoor activities." At Bagou Landscape Park, a parent who came to take her child out for a walk did not stop her son from catching frogs, but joined in. The mother and son, each with a net bag, climbed over the guardrail and searched in the reed marsh. "I haven't caught a frog today, I want to change the venue!" The little boy quickly ran to the stone road to find the next destination.
As a frequent visitor here, Ms. Zhou has seen similar "parent-child partnerships" many times. "If the children are just ignorant and playing, it would be fine, but there are still many adults helping to catch fish, which is a bit inappropriate. The attitude of parents is actually very important. How children play depends largely on their parents." Ms. Zhou was surprised to find that some children used particularly large nets to catch fish. "I also heard from children that they had already caught a lot of fish and came back to catch more fish later, but their parents didn't care at all."
What makes Ms. Zhou even more angry is that there are children chasing and beating ducks. "There is a lake to the north of Bagou Landscape Park, with rice fields, seven or eight little gray ducks, and four or five big white geese. Little girls are usually just curious and go over to take a look. But little boys like to shoot ducks with toy guns. Some also chase ducks with sticks." According to Ms. Zhou's observation,Many parents would just say "stop chasing" when they see this, but would not take any action to stop it, allowing their children to continue chasing and hitting."The ducks were so frightened that they flapped their wings and the feathers on their wings fell off. The little ducks in particular could not stand such a torture."
In Yongding River Forest Park, Ms. Zhou also saw a scene that made her extremely sad. "A mallard duck was hanging on a tree branch with its head drooping. It was obviously not a natural death, nor was it bitten to death by other animals, because animals would not be bitten to death and hang on a tree branch. It is hard to imagine what the duck went through before it died." After Ms. Zhou accidentally saw it, she quickly took her children away, fearing that the children would witness this.
In fact,The behavior of adults in some parks also unconsciously sets a wrong example for children.
"I come here to fish when I have nothing to do. There is running water here, and the largest fish can weigh several kilograms." In Wanghu Park, fishing has become a hobby for many old men, which gives the children playing nearby the illusion that they can fish here. However, the reporter learned that the Beixiao River next to Wanghu Park is specially used for flood discharge. During the rainy season, the river water rises and almost submerges the riverbanks on both sides. The warning sign next to it also reminds tourists that "the water is dangerous, please do not fish."
In addition to small animals, various plants in the park also suffered. "I just picked this." In Beixiaohe Park, a little girl held a bunch of crabapples just picked from the tree and proudly showed them. The adults beside her smiled and looked at her without saying anything to stop her.
In the North Park of Olympic Forest Park, a parent was also standing on tiptoe, pulling the pine branches and knocking the pine cones on the tree with the handle of an umbrella. "It's coming down!" A pine cone fell to the ground, and the little boy picked it up excitedly.
Limited manpower makes it difficult to persuade people
How did the park respond to these uncivilized behaviors? At Beixiaohe Park, the reporter reported the phenomenon of children fishing to the security guard. The security guard explained that there were staff members patrolling every day to persuade the children not to fish, and promised that he would stop them in a while. However, until the reporter left, the security guard did not move, nor did he notify other staff to take action. The reporter went to the Beixiaohe Park office, and the other party said: "We will take care of situations like fishing. There is only one person in the security room is not an excuse." Then, he promised that he would remind the relevant departments to strengthen management.
At Bagou Landscape Garden, the staff made it clear thatFeeding ducks, catching frogs, and fishing are not allowed in the park. "But we can't control it!" The security guard said helplessly, "Adults are watching, so we can't say anything. If we intervene, some parents will scold us." In view of this situation, the staff usually only stop adults from fishing, and "let the children off" for their behavior. "Anyway, we can't catch many fish, and some of them will be released, so we don't care."
In contrast, the staff of Wanghu Park had a more positive attitude. After seeing the uncivilized behavior photographed by the reporter, the security guard immediately recorded it and explained, "We have someone in charge from 7 am to 7 pm, patrolling every 2 hours and taking photos every 3 hours. However, the staff is limited. I am the only one in the security room at the moment. I have to wait for the other person to come back before taking action."
"Fishing is not allowed here. I just went over to tell them and now they have put it away." In the North Park of the Olympic Forest Park, a security guard stopped three little boys from fishing.
In the flower field scenic area on the south side, clusters of green balls of Kochia scoparia have become a new Internet celebrity landscape, and people come to take photos and check in from time to time. "You have entered the flower viewing area, please abide by the park's regulations. Travel in a civilized manner and do not trample on the ornamental green plants." Next to the Kochia scoparia, a warning sign reads the park's notice. Ropes are pulled around the perimeter to prevent people from entering.
"There are still some people who are not aware of it and always like to go in and take pictures."A security guard stood in a high pavilion, overlooking the Kochia scoparia below. "It's clearer here, and we can spot any movement below in time."
As they were talking, the security guard saw a couple hiding in the bushes, posing for photos, so he shouted to remind them to come out immediately. "It's far away up here, and sometimes reminding them doesn't work. You still have to get down and walk to their side."
The security guard told reporters that he patrols here from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day. "The park is large and requires a lot of manpower.We have dozens of security guards patrolling different areas. I am responsible for this area. My job is to keep an eye on people and prevent them from entering. But there are always people who take advantage of loopholes.”