
Military | Why does Israel refuse Abbas' entry into the Gaza Strip? How long will the Israeli-Palestinian conflict last?


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Text | Xiaoyin

Reference News quoted the Russian Satellite News Agency as saying that Israel has refused Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' entry into the Gaza Strip.

The news was said by Riad al-Maliki, the Palestinian President's adviser and special envoy for international relations, in an interview with the Russian Satellite News Agency. He further said, "This proves that the Gaza Strip has been militarily occupied by Israel."

On August 15, local time, at the invitation of Turkish President Erdogan, Palestinian President Abbas delivered a speech at a special meeting of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Abbas said that he has decided to go to Gaza with all Palestinian leaders.


Xiaoyin feels that Maliki's statement is absolutely correct. I believe that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will not object. Doesn't Israel have a military occupation of the Gaza Strip now?

Not only occupied, but also pressed forward step by step.

The Israeli army initially asked local residents of Gaza to walk to Rafah in southern Gaza, and claimed that the Israeli army would clear out Hamas in northern Gaza. After the Israeli army completed the clearing operation in northern Gaza, it entered Rafah.

Anyway, an Israeli soldier in southern Gaza said to the camera that all Gaza residents, including women and children, would be cleared out.

Should we kill them all? Netanyahu can actually ask these soldiers!

What the international community sees most clearly at present is:

The Israeli army did not lay down its arms, but instead fought from north to south in Gaza, not wanting to miss any opportunity for military action.

Why are the military actions against the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) targeting civilians in the Gaza Strip? Has Israel declared war on Palestine? If it has not declared war, why are there these military actions? Does this comply with international law and the norms of international relations?

Abbas said that military means will not bring any results, and political means will bring peace. Photo: CCTV News


Palestinians have a hard time!

It is clear that the United Nations had a "two-state solution" more than half a century ago, and even drew a clear dividing line between Palestine and Israel. Specifically, Palestine owns two areas, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, while Israel's territory should have been in the middle. Even though Israel has established settlements in the West Bank for many years, and even in the territories of Syria and other countries it has occupied, the fact that Palestine owns two unconnected pieces of land, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, has not changed.

However, within Palestine, the territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have different situations.

In previous Palestinian elections, the Gaza Strip was won by Hamas and it has controlled it for many years;

In the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority led by Abbas controls the situation, and there are many Palestinian political and military forces here.

Of course, for Hamas, it hopes to hold another election and then further gain "power" in the West Bank.

The internal reconciliation dialogue among Palestinian factions was held in Beijing from July 21 to 23. The picture shows the closing ceremony of the internal reconciliation dialogue among Palestinian factions. Photo: CCTV News

The world has also seen that not long ago, the Palestinian factions reached a reconciliation in Beijing. In fact, after the reconciliation, the establishment of a Palestinian state should be put on the agenda. As for the international community, it should also recognize the State of Palestine at the United Nations as soon as possible.

In fact, earlier this year, the United Nations once again discussed the issue of Palestine's joining the United Nations, but it was ruined by the United States and Israel. But at least, Palestine is still a "permanent observer state" of the United Nations. It is necessary to treat a "permanent observer state" as a country, right?

Abbas is the President of Palestine. This is internationally recognized, right?

So what right does Israel have to not allow Abbas to go to the Gaza Strip, which is part of Palestinian territory?

Why do they occupy other people's territories and not allow their leaders to visit refugees?


This round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems to be caused by Hamas's "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood", but in fact, it has deep historical reasons. Both sides of Israel and Palestine and the international community naturally have their own understandings of this. But Xiaoyin would like to remind you that when will the cycle of revenge end?

Israel claims to clean up the Gaza Strip. Is such an idea possible in modern society?

Is it possible to use purely military means, where the strong use violence to suppress resistance and then completely exterminate the people living on a piece of land, including women and children?

After this round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, CCTV and other media conducted in-depth interviews many times, and what they saw was that "the humanitarian disaster is getting worse and worse, and Gaza has become a 'children's cemetery'" and "the real Gaza is a large open-air prison."

The Gaza Strip under the Israeli army's indiscriminate bombing. Photo: CCTV News

China Youth Daily8moon22The Gaza Strip Health Department8moon18The Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have led to40099Palestinians died,92609People were injured.

The Palestinian News Network said that most of the victims were women and children.

According to the United Nations,2024Year2In the month, the Gaza Strip1.710,000 children are left without a family. Of course, this is only the data from six months ago. In fact, the number is still increasing. Tanya Haji, a member of Doctors Without Borders and a pediatric intensive care doctor-Hassan said doctors working in the Gaza Strip have coined a new term:WCNSF”, which means “a wounded child without family”.

Behind the tens of thousands of Gaza orphans are countless “disappeared families”.

Of course, perhaps the IDF would like this situation -

Some media reported on the Salim family living in the Gaza Strip. This was originally a large family, but in this round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this large family lost most of its members.2023Year12Month, Salim's family has173members died in Israeli airstrikes.2024In the spring of 2011, the death toll in the family rose to270"All my uncles are gone, along with their wives, children and grandchildren." Salim spent months organizing the important information of his relatives into spreadsheets, hoping to preserve the "only remaining connection" with his family network. He once thought that such a network could be passed down from generation to generation, but now it seems too difficult.

However, the Israeli side also saw that after they carried out a new round of bombing, new survivors of the bombed areas joined the resistance organization. Is this what Prime Minister Netanyahu would like to see?

Can Israel kill all Palestinians? Is this a purely military issue?

As for the fact that Abbas, the Palestinian leader, was not allowed by the Israeli army to go to the Palestinian territory - the Gaza Strip, is this an international joke?