
Beijing's largest domestic waste incineration power plant opens to the public for the first time


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The immersive experience platform of the main control building of the municipal solid waste incineration power plant is full of technology. Photo courtesy of Beijing Environmental Sanitation Group
Yesterday (25th) was the "Capital State-owned Enterprise Open Day", and Beijing's largest domestic waste incineration power plant - Beijing Environmental Sanitation Group Anding Circular Economy Park Domestic Waste Incineration Power Plant was opened to the public for the first time.
659 million kWh of green electricity can be delivered annually
Located in Anding Town, Daxing District, Anding Circular Economy Park covers an area of ​​337,500 square meters, with a total construction area of ​​about 146,700 square meters. Walking into the south gate of the park, the main building with an orange and gray appearance is square, and the park environment is clean and tidy, without any odor.
Walking into the third floor of the main control building of the municipal solid waste incineration power plant, there is an immersive visiting experience platform. Through the glass curtain wall, you can see the huge municipal solid waste incineration treatment facilities in the plant.
Zhang Yao, general manager of Beijing Environmental Sanitation Group's Anding Park Branch, pointed to the huge white equipment outside the glass curtain wall and said, "This is a waste heat boiler. Each one can process 850 tons of garbage per day, which is equivalent to the carrying capacity of 80 garbage trucks you see. There are a total of 6 waste heat boilers like this in the park. The entire park can process 5,100 tons of domestic garbage every day."
Zhang Yao introduced that the park uses modern scientific and technological means for management and monitoring, and sets up online monitoring of key indicators such as air, sewage, and dust. "Even the waste gas in the garbage storage bin will be collected and sent to the incinerator for incineration, which will not have any impact on the surrounding residents."
After the Anding Municipal Waste Incineration Power Plant is put into operation, it will be responsible for processing domestic waste in the southern areas of Dongcheng District, Daxing District, Daxing International Airport, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, etc., which can effectively solve the tight balance problem of "other waste" processing capacity in the city. When the Anding Municipal Waste Incineration Power Plant is operating at full capacity, in addition to its own electricity, it can supply 659 million kWh of green electricity to the power grid each year, which is approximately equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 300,000 ordinary households.
Full automation of medical waste treatment
The reporter noticed that Anding Circular Economy Park also built a medical waste treatment plant with a processing capacity of 80 tons per day. This medical waste treatment plant pioneered the "smart factory" and "unmanned factory" model in China, and all links from front-end unloading to mid-end transportation and back-end processing are automated, unmanned and intelligent.
In the medical waste treatment plant, huge mechanical arms grab yellow boxes containing medical waste and put them on the conveyor belt. The yellow boxes are sent to the lid removal area, where an automatic lid removal machine removes the lid of each box, and then dumps, sterilizes at high temperature, and crushes it before transporting it to the domestic waste storage pit for disposal. "Our design idea and concept is to minimize direct contact between people and medical waste, so we use automated equipment from the front-end unloading to the subsequent links," said Li Teng, director of the Anding Circular Economy Park Medical Waste Treatment Plant. In addition, the exhaust gas generated in the workshop is also collected and treated to ensure that the odor does not overflow; the wastewater generated by medical waste treatment is also centrally treated through the park's wastewater treatment system to ensure that the wastewater is not discharged.
Supporting facilities will serve surrounding residents
At present, a science and education exhibition hall has been built in Anding Circular Economy Park, which will be opened to the public in the future to play a role in popularizing science and education. At the same time, the park will also cooperate with various domestic professional institutes and research institutions to establish scientific research, education and internship bases to provide a platform for research, experimentation and learning of waste treatment technology.
In the next step, the football field, citizen cultural and sports activity center, and green space built in the park will be open to surrounding residents free of charge, providing convenience and benefits to the people as much as possible.