
Work together to combat illegal and irregular funding to hoard Chinese medicinal materials and drive up prices


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"The price of Atractylodes macrocephala has skyrocketed, even more outrageous than that of gold." Since the beginning of this year, the price of Chinese herbal medicines has continued to rise, and the prices of some popular varieties have risen several times. With the increase in the ex-factory price of Chinese patent medicines, a dose of Chinese medicine costs hundreds of yuan, making some consumers lament that "Chinese medicine is no longer affordable."

The latest data from the Chinese Herbal Medicine World website shows that as of August 25, the annual growth rate of Chinese herbal medicines such as Atractylodes macrocephala, Realgar, Cat's Claw, and Magnolia officinalis in many producing areas exceeded 120%, and even reached more than 150%. Among them, the monthly average sales price of Atractylodes macrocephala, a major variety with an annual sales volume of tens of thousands of tons, once reached a peak of 180 yuan per kilogram this year, more than three times that of the same period last year.

The sharp rise in prices of some Chinese medicinal materials is related to "natural disasters" such as natural disasters leading to production cuts. There are also human factors such as hot money speculation, hoarding and monopoly.

"As the cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicinal materials are the raw materials for the production of Chinese medicines and play an indispensable role in maintaining the health of the people. In recent years, the State Administration for Market Regulation has been paying close attention to the monopoly risks in the pharmaceutical field, including Chinese medicinal materials." On June 24, the State Administration for Market Regulation responded to Ma Yide, a member of the 14th National People's Congress, on the progress of anti-monopoly work in the Chinese medicinal materials market after consulting the State Administration of Financial Supervision and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

During this year's National People's Congress, Ma Yide brought a "Suggestion on Strengthening Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Market to Ensure the Stable Operation of Drug Prices", which proposed further improving the regulatory system and mechanism of the traditional Chinese medicine market, increasing the intensity of anti-monopoly supervision and law enforcement in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and using market governance as a plan to support and promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine. In response, the State Administration for Market Regulation expressed "high agreement" in the above-mentioned reply letter.