
On Ukraine's 33rd Independence Day, Zelensky vows revenge: The war has returned to Russian territory


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On August 24, Ukraine celebrated its 33rd anniversary of independence. Ukrainian President Zelensky, together with visiting Polish President Duda and Lithuanian Prime Minister Simonit, attended the Ukrainian commemoration in Kiev that day. Zelensky also released a video of his Independence Day speech that day, vowing to retaliate against Russia. On the other hand, Russian President Putin listened to a report on the current progress of the special military operation on the 24th.

On Ukraine's Independence Day, leaders of Poland and Lithuania visit Kiev

Zelensky, Polish President Duda and Lithuanian Prime Minister Shimonit attended the Ukrainian Independence Day commemoration event in Kiev Square on the 24th.Zelensky announced at the ceremony that the Ukrainian army had successfully used a brand-new Ukrainian-made missile drone against the Russian army for the first time.He also thanked the weapon's developers and manufacturers, but did not disclose details of the weapon.

Polish President Andrzej Duda and Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrzej Szymonit also delivered speeches afterwards.Stressed that support for Ukraine will continue.Duda said Poland would support Ukraine's just struggle until victory. Shimonit promised that Lithuania would continue to support Ukraine and make every effort to help Ukraine win.

Earlier in the day, Zelensky and First Lady Zelenskaya laid flowers at the memorial wall commemorating Ukrainian soldiers who died in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Zelensky: The war has returned to Russian territory

On the other hand, Zelensky also released an Independence Day speech recorded in Sumy Oblast, which borders Ukraine and Russia's Kursk Oblast, on the 24th.Vowed revenge against Russia.

Ukrainian President Zelensky:
We will not allow the land of our blue and yellow flag to become a gray zone. Russia can no longer draw red lines for Ukraine. Only Ukraine and Ukrainians can decide how to live, what path to take, and what choices to make.

Zelensky also pointed out thatRussia wanted to destroy Ukraine, but the war has now returned to Russian territory.

Russian Chief of General Staff reports to Putin on the situation in Kursk

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Joint Forces on the 24th.After hearing a report on the current progress of the special military operation,The meeting was held at a command post of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

According to the Kremlin, Putin listened to the reports of the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Gerasimov and the Director of the General Staff's Operations Directorate Rutskoi.Report on the actions to resist and destroy the enemy forces invading Kursk, as well as the current progress of special military operations.Putin said that the enemy will receive the due counterattack and all Russia's goals will be achieved.

Source: Phoenix Satellite TV News Channel