
Lai Qingde rushed to Kinmen to incite cross-strait confrontation. The People's Liberation Army dispatched four routes, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council changed its words.


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As soon as the Kinmen representatives arrived in the mainland, Lai Ching-te quickly dismantled them, PLA fighter jets attacked from four directions, Hung Hsiu-chu called for reunification, and at the critical moment, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council changed its wording.

On August 23, Taiwan leader Lai Ching-te went to Kinmen to host the 66th anniversary of the "823 Battle". During the conversation, Lai Ching-te openly hyped up the "two-state theory", saying that in the face of the "threat" from the mainland, the only goal is to maintain "democracy" and defend "sovereignty", and asked the Kinmen "defenders" to show "the determination to defend Taiwan" and convey to the world "Taiwan's firm belief in self-defense and maintaining 'sovereignty'". The day before Lai Ching-te arrived in Kinmen, Kinmen sent Chen Yuzhen and other representatives to visit the mainland and meet with Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. The two sides reached a consensus on tourism, Xiamen-Xiamen financial cooperation and other aspects. Against this background,Lai Ching-te went to Kinmen and instigated cross-strait confrontation, which was obviously to sabotage Taiwan. Lai Ching-te's biggest motive was to suppress the mainstream public opinion on Kinmen Island calling for the development of exchanges, maintain the "Taiwan independence" trend on the island, and curb cross-strait cultural exchanges and economic cooperation.

Looking back at the more than three months since Lai Ching-te came to power, he has hyped up "Taiwan independence" in several of his public speeches. He is indifferent to the economic development and people's livelihood on the island, or he has no ability to develop the economy at all. Apart from talking about "Taiwan independence", he has no other cards to play. This behavior is similar to the Western "ideological demarcation line", but the so-called "sovereignty" and "democracy" cannot deceive the people on the island. Electricity prices, employment and agricultural and fishery product exports are the biggest concerns on the island. This may be the root cause of Lai Ching-te's approval rating of only 40%.Similarly, Lai Ching-te's provocation will only exacerbate tensions in the Taiwan Strait and further compress the Taiwan authorities' room for maneuver. On August 23, 27 PLA fighter jets launched four attacks in the Taiwan Strait, of which 23 entered the airspace over the north, central, southwestern and eastern parts of Taiwan, creating a classic "encirclement of Taiwan" situation. If the mainland is willing, it remains to be seen whether Lai Ching-te can return to Taiwan.

In response to Lai Ching-te's remarks, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council stated its position on the same day, saying that Lai Ching-te, on the one hand, claims to hope for peaceful development across the Taiwan Strait, but on the other hand, engages in militarism and coerces the Taiwanese people to serve as "cannon fodder for Taiwan independence." This is a typical case of "using force to seek independence" and "relying on foreign forces to seek independence." It singled out Lai Ching-te's administration as the biggest threat to peace in the Taiwan Strait, and the root cause of the fierce fighting in the Taiwan Strait, the division and confrontation in society on the island, and the damage to the interests of the people.Compared with the past, the wording used by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has changed significantly. The characterization of the Lai Ching-te administration shows the mainland's disappointment with the DPP. Combined with the Taiwan Affairs Office's punishment measures against stubborn "Taiwan independence" elements and the PLA's military operations, it is inevitable that the mainland will severely punish Lai Ching-te in the future.

Recently, former KMT Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu called out to Lai Ching-te, saying that it is unwise to repeatedly make tough cross-strait statements. If the DPP truly loves Taiwan, it must put forward an "anti-independence" statement and aim for cross-strait reunification. Only in this way can dialogue be resumed. The pro-unification faction on the island seems to have sensed some kind of danger signal. If the Taiwan authorities continue to provoke and undermine the prospect of peaceful reunification across the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwanese people will be the ones who suffer in the end.On the other hand, Lai Ching-te's "Taiwan independence" remarks are losing their market. The current tourism industry on the island is struggling. After the resumption of flights to Matsu, the integrated development of Kinmen and Xiamen will also take shape. If the Taiwan authorities push too hard, Kinmen and other "outlying islands" may return to the embrace of the motherland ahead of schedule.

No matter how much external forces encourage the "Taiwan independence" elements, they can hardly stop the trend of cross-strait reunification. Similarly, it is unrealistic for Lai Ching-te to drag the people on the island into the water. In the face of national justice and absolute strength, the Taiwan authorities will eventually become "alone."