
A college freshman's future suddenly became bleak because of a phone call...


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This article is transferred from [Taizhou Public Security];
End of August
Universities across the country are busy hanging banners
Welcome new students
I was one of them.
But now I...
The tragedy of it all
Let's start with finding a part-time job during the summer vacation
June is my highlight month
The score broke the 600-point mark for the first time
Got into the university of my choice
Everything is so beautiful
Good times are always so short
The sudden relaxation of summer vacation life
It makes me a little uncomfortable
At this time, a WeChat message caught my attention.
"Hello, looking for a job?"
Nothing happened.
How about earning some pocket money?
The other party actively introduced the company profile
All wages and benefits are paid to me
I told the other party
I can only do it for two months.
I'm going to college soon.
He said I could choose to work part-time
You can start work today
Pre-job training
Daily salary
I admit
“Daily Pay” hit me all of a sudden
No one wants to be busy all day
You still can't get the money in the end, right?
The work is very simple
Make calls using two mobile phones
But I don't need to talk
“Just connect the two phones with a data cable
Or directly turn on the hands-free
Let two phones talk to each other
Even if one order is completed."
500 yuan per order
I found an old phone.
Install the SIM card
After simple training
I received the order quickly.
at this time
The phone came out
“I’m an airline customer service representative.
You will be compensated 300 yuan due to flight cancellation."
“I am a customer service representative of Million Guarantee
If this service is not closed, the fee will be deducted."
Listening to the "customer service" on the other end of the phone constantly changing their identities
It dawned on me
It turns out that using two mobile phones is
In order to conceal the location of the other party's phone
I was actually a little scared.
But the income is quite high
In just a few days
I took 5,000 yuan
I thought I could get a new phone after some time.
But I didn't wait until I got a new phone.
I was arrested.
The police told me
Someone called me because of my phone
Was cheated out of 44990 yuan
My heart hurts because I love to take advantage of others
As a result, I cheated others
And I got myself into trouble
Analysis of fraud methods
◎Why would overseas fraudsters go to such lengths? Wouldn't it be quicker to make fraud calls directly from overseas? As we all know, overseas fraud calls usually start with "00+". With the unremitting publicity of the public security organs, such calls no longer have a "market" and the public will generally hang up when they receive them.
◎ In order to "crack" the problem of "no one answering" fraudulent calls, fraudsters thought of converting the "00+" overseas numbers into "domestic numbers" by relaying voice through the "mobile phone port", thereby reducing the vigilance of the public and achieving the purpose of fraud.
Legal consequences
The crime of “assisting in telecom fraud” can be understood as: being an accomplice of the fraudsters. In practice, it is often manifested in renting and selling bank cards and phone cards; running points; developing illegal apps; advertising and promoting related telecom fraud apps, etc. They constitute an important link in the telecom fraud chain and are called telecom fraud “tools”.
Article 287-2 of the Criminal Law [Crime of Assisting Information Network Criminal Activities] Whoever knowingly provides Internet access, server hosting, network storage, communication transmission and other technical support for others to commit crimes, or provides advertising promotion, payment settlement and other assistance, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and shall be fined or fined alone if the circumstances are serious.
If an entity commits the crime in the preceding paragraph, the entity shall be sentenced to a fine, and the directly responsible supervisor and other directly responsible persons shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph.
If the acts in the first two paragraphs also constitute other crimes, the person shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions with the heavier penalty.
Prevention reminder
1. Improve awareness of prevention: Do not trust unfamiliar calls easily, and do not disclose personal information at will, especially sensitive information such as ID number, bank card account number, mobile phone verification code, etc. For unknown calls claiming to be "customer service", "company staff", "public security, procuratorial and judicial personnel", etc., stay calm and verify through official channels.
2. Protect personal information: Do not scan QR codes from unknown sources or download unknown software at will, as these may be ways for scammers to spread viruses and phishing links.
3. Be wary of renting or selling communication tools and payment tools: Do not lend, rent or sell your mobile phone cards, QQ numbers, WeChat numbers and other communication tools, as well as bank cards, Alipay accounts, WeChat numbers and other payment tools to others. These actions may not only lead to personal information leakage and financial losses, but may also make you an accomplice of fraudsters.
I have something to say
★Earning a "high salary" easily by just moving your fingers are all gimmicks of scammers. Do not be greedy for small profits and provide call forwarding services to others or rent, lend, or sell mobile phone cards and bank cards, thereby becoming a "tool" or "scapegoat" for telecommunications network fraud crimes!
★As the publicity and prevention work continues to advance, people's awareness continues to improve, and scammers' fraudulent methods continue to upgrade... In this battle of wits and courage, I always believe that justice will eventually defeat evil, and this is also the significance of publicity and prevention.