
Deng Xiaoping and the Hidden Front


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Comrade Deng Xiaoping's life was a glorious, fighting and great one. He made outstanding contributions to the cause of national independence and people's liberation led by the Party and the establishment of New China, and carried out fruitful work for the establishment of the socialist system and socialist construction. He also left deep footprints on the Party's hidden front.

Huangpu River Bank Central

After the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927, Deng Xiaoping was transferred to Shanghai as the Secretary-General of the CPC Central Committee. In order to adapt to the needs of underground work, he changed his name from "Xixian" to "Xiaoping". In addition to assisting Comrade Zhou Enlai in handling the daily affairs of the Central Committee, he also managed the Central Committee's documents, confidential matters, transportation, finances, and various meeting arrangements. He was not only the "big housekeeper" of the Central Organ, but also an important leader and organizer of the covert struggle.

In order to ensure the safety of the central leaders and central organs, Deng Xiaoping arranged the offices and activities of the central organs in the relatively secluded concessions. The meeting place of the Central Political Bureau was set up on the upper floor of No. 447 behind the Tianchan Stage on Si Ma Road in the International Settlement. It was covered by the sign of "Fuxing Zi Zhuang" and was run by the loyal and reliable Communist Party members Xiong Jinding and his wife. Other important bases of the central organs were also connected by Deng Xiaoping alone, and they were unaware of each other. Once an emergency occurred, Deng Xiaoping acted decisively and arranged for the relevant personnel to be transferred in time to reduce losses and eliminate future troubles. In order to do a good job in this regard, he spent a lot of effort to understand the environment of Shanghai and became a veritable "Shanghai expert".

Deng Xiaoping opened a grocery store in Qinghefang, Zhejiang Road. He wore a top hat and a long gown, just like a "small boss". The grocery store became a contact point for the CPC Central Committee. He also rented a house to open an antique shop as a contact point between the CPC Central Committee and representatives of the Communist International. At that time, the CPC Central Committee had not yet established a special secret transportation leadership organization. Deng Xiaoping was also responsible for managing the national secret transportation network centered on Shanghai, ensuring the timely transmission of intelligence and documents, the safe exchange of personnel, and the unimpeded red "bloodline".

Danger was everywhere under the white terror. One day in April 1928, Deng Xiaoping had just finished meeting with Luo Yinong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and walked out the back door. The police came in from the front door and arrested Luo Yinong. Deng Xiaoping saw a special comrade dressed as a shoe shiner at the door making a gesture, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurried to move. The difference was less than a minute! He later recalled: "It was very dangerous at that time! We were doing secret work in Shanghai, it was very difficult, we were doing revolution with our heads hanging high, and even half a minute could not be wrong!"

Baise Storm achieves remarkable success

In August 1929, Deng Xiaoping, dressed as a businessman, took a boat south to Guangxi under the scorching sun. He was assigned by the Central Committee to do united front work with Yu Zuobai and Li Mingrui, two upper-class figures of the Guangxi clique, and to carry out military mobilization.

Yu Zuobai and Li Mingrui, who were in charge of Guangxi at the time, had conflicts with Chiang Kai-shek and the leaders of the Guangxi clique, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, and wanted to dominate the area with the help of the Communist Party. After arriving in Nanning, Deng Xiaoping used the alias Deng Bin to contact Yu and Li and formally established a cooperative relationship. His public identity was the secretary of the Guangxi Provincial Government, but in fact he was the representative of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, responsible for leading the work of the Party in Guangxi. He presided over the establishment of a new Guangxi Special Committee and determined the main tasks and strategies of the revolutionary struggle in Guangxi. He tried his best to push Yu and Li to release political prisoners and preserve revolutionary forces. Through Yu Zuoyu, a member of the Communist Party of China and Yu Zuobai's younger brother, he exerted influence on Yu and Li, prompting them to agree to establish the Officer Training Corps and send a group of Communist Party cadres to infiltrate various party, government and military agencies in Guangxi to hold important positions.

On the night of October 13, 1929, taking advantage of the favorable opportunity of the warlords' melee in the south, under the unified leadership of Deng Xiaoping, Zhang Yun逸 and Yu Zuoyu led the teaching corps and the fourth and fifth garrison brigades to revolt. After the uprising was successful, Deng Xiaoping decisively commanded the uprising army to evacuate Nanning and go to the Youjiang area centered on Baise, where they combined with the local peasant army to create a rural base. In December of the same year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China officially issued the Baise uprising unit number - the Seventh Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Deng Xiaoping served as the secretary and political commissar of the CPC Front Committee, and Zhang Yun逸 was the army commander. The uprising troops in Zuojiang were organized into the Red Eighth Army, with Deng Xiaoping serving as the political commissar. Subsequently, the Zuojiang and Youjiang revolutionary bases with 13 counties and a population of one million were opened up.

The Baise Uprising was a major achievement of the party's military work. Deng Xiaoping flexibly used the party's united front policy and means of infiltration and extraction to open up a path for the party's covert struggle and accumulate valuable experience.

From Taihang to the whole country

During the National Anti-Japanese War, Deng Xiaoping served as the political commissar of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, secretary of the Taihang Branch of the Communist Party of China, and acting secretary of the Northern Bureau. He was one of the main leaders of the party, government, and military in the Taihang Anti-Japanese Base Area and even in the enemy-occupied areas of North China. He vigorously strengthened the covert struggle against the enemy and carried out in-depth intelligence protection work. In January 1943, he presided over a meeting of senior cadres of the Taihang Branch, pointing out that work in enemy areas and cities was "infiltration work" and "if you can't infiltrate, you can't talk about anything." During this period, he successively published articles such as "Organizational Work and Policy Application in Enemy-Occupied Areas" and "Correctly Carrying out the Struggle to Eliminate Traitors and Counter-spies", comprehensively expounding the principles and policies of covert struggle during the Anti-Japanese War. Under his correct and powerful leadership, the intelligence protection work in the Taihang Base Area and even in North China achieved remarkable results, playing an important role in the base area's military and civilians' fight against "mopping up" and victory in the Anti-Japanese War.

During the War of Liberation, Deng Xiaoping served successively as the political commissar and party secretary of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region, the Central Plains Field Army, and the Second Field Army. On the one hand, he worked closely with Commander Liu Bocheng to command operations; on the other hand, he personally took charge of the construction of the hidden front, organized and dispatched capable cadres and reliable connections to go deep into the enemy's territory, collected a large amount of enemy intelligence, and participated in the leadership and instigation of the uprising of Gao Shuxun, Liu Wenhui, Lu Han and other troops, effectively cooperating with major strategic actions such as the advance into Dabie Mountains, the Huaihai Campaign, the Crossing the Yangtze River Campaign, and the liberation of the Southwest, accelerating the war process and the national liberation.

As an important member of the first generation of the Party's central leadership collective with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core and the core of the second generation of the Party's central leadership collective, Comrade Deng Xiaoping had a far-sighted vision and always placed national security work in an important strategic position, especially emphasizing that "national sovereignty and national security should always be put first." This year marks the 120th anniversary of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's birth. The best way to commemorate Comrade Deng Xiaoping is to continue to advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics that he pioneered. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the national security organs will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, further comprehensively deepen national security reforms, resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and build a solid security barrier for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.