
Policies help gazelle enterprises accelerate


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CCTV News (News Broadcast): Gazelle enterprises refer to high-growth technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises with strong innovation capabilities, new professional fields and great development potential. Since the beginning of this year, my country has accelerated the establishment of a gradient cultivation system, from policy support to financial empowerment, to help gazelle enterprises accelerate.

This gazelle enterprise in Jurong, Jiangsu, has independently developed and produced core components for new energy vehicle motors, which have not only achieved domestic substitution, but also seen exports grow by more than 30% in the first half of this year. Its current orders are scheduled until 2033, and it urgently needs to expand its production capacity. However, like most small technology-based companies, it faces certain difficulties in financing.

In addition to offering preferential loan interest rates, local governments also provide real financial support to gazelle enterprises that can drive regional economic development.

At present, my country has created many gazelle enterprises in the fields of new energy, biotechnology, software services, health technology, artificial intelligence, etc. These enterprises are accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productivity. In order to make gazelle enterprises run faster and jump higher, a series of policy measures have been introduced from the national to the local level since this year to create a better innovation ecology.

The People's Bank of China, together with the Ministry of Science and Technology and other departments, has set up a 500 billion yuan re-loan for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation, of which 100 billion yuan is specifically used to support the first loan of start-up and growth-stage technology-based SMEs. Central fiscal funds further support the high-quality development of specialized, refined and innovative SMEs. At the same time, Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hubei and other provinces and cities have carried out the cultivation of the enterprise growth gradient chain from "gazelle to unicorn", and clarified policies such as financial support, taking the gazelle enterprise group as an important means to promote regional economic vitality.

In the next step, my country will continue to create a good development environment that encourages innovation, support and encourage gazelle enterprises to increase their efforts in key core technology research, seize new opportunities brought by new technologies, enhance core competitiveness, and inject new impetus into high-quality economic and social development.

