
"Red Hall Forum·Abidjan Cloud Dialogue: Chinese-style modernization and Africa working together" was held in Cote d'Ivoire


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Xinhua News Agency, Abidjan, August 24 (Reporter Zhang Jian) ​​As the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit is about to be held, the "Red Hall Forum·Abidjan Cloud Dialogue: Chinese-style Modernization and Africa Working Together" hosted by the Africa Branch of Xinhua News Agency was held on the 23rd in Abidjan, the economic capital of Côte d'Ivoire.
This is a screenshot of the online meeting of "Red Hall Forum·Abidjan Cloud Dialogue: China-style modernization and Africa working together". Xinhua News Agency
Representatives from the Chinese Embassy in Côte d'Ivoire, the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Digitalization of Côte d'Ivoire, the National Press Administration of Côte d'Ivoire and other institutions, together with the Ivorian News Agency, the Niger News Agency, the Senegal News Agency, the African Association of Professional Journalists for China-Africa Cooperation and Development, and more than 50 media representatives from African countries including Benin, Burkina Faso, Togo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, and Mali gathered online to exchange views on topics such as "The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the global impact of China-style modernization", "China-Africa mutually beneficial cooperation from the media perspective", and "Opportunities and challenges of China-Africa media cooperation".
"Chinese-style modernization has brought many inspirations to Africa. With the continuous deepening and development of Sino-African cooperation in recent years, more and more Africans are willing to understand China and get closer to China," said Bergere, president of the African Association of Professional Journalists for Sino-African Cooperation and Development. He said that the media plays an important role in Sino-African relations, and establishing positive Sino-African media cooperation is conducive to presenting more real and objective reporting content and breaking the prejudice and misunderstanding of Sino-African cooperation by Western media.
Wang Yijie, head of the Political Department of the Chinese Embassy in Cote d'Ivoire, said that China's modernization is constantly advancing in the reform and opening up, and will surely open up broad prospects in the reform and opening up. Openness is a distinctive symbol of China's modernization. Under the framework of high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative", China has become Cote d'Ivoire's largest trading partner in recent years.
Njoya, editor-in-chief of the Cameroon-China News Network, said that the contributions made by the media of Cameroon and China to strengthening China-Africa cooperation are obvious to all. They are promoters of China-Africa development, pushers of China-Africa exchanges and witnesses of China-Africa friendship.
Benin independent policy analyst and journalist Wusu said that the Benin and Chinese media have had good communication in reporting on the two countries' cooperation in areas such as infrastructure construction, e-commerce and culture. He hopes to strengthen cooperation with Chinese media so that both sides can continue to play an active role in information dissemination and promoting China-Africa relations.
Speaking of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit to be held in Beijing early next month, Sani, editor-in-chief of the Niger News Agency, said that the FOCAC provides an important platform for promoting exchanges and cooperation between Africa and China. He hopes that the summit will further strengthen mutual trust and friendship between Africa and China and open up a new path for achieving sustainable development and common prosperity.