
Wang Junkai's "Hedgehog" made me cry


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To get straight to the point, another one has been added to the top ten of the year.

Uncle Ge, who has grown hair, bringsWang JunkaiHe went crazy all the way and his mental state was far ahead of mine.

The crazy old sailor uncle and the slow repeater Zhou Zheng. They sang, swam, toasted and chatted on the tree.

Behind this extraordinary friendship between people of different ages lies a touching story.

Without further ado, let’s get straight to the point, Hedgehog.


The plot of the movie "Hedgehog" is very simple.Ge You When he was young, he was a seaman, but because he reported the director, he was put in solitary confinement for several months and went "crazy" after he came out.

Wang Zhantuan has a nephew Zhou Zheng (played by Wang Junkai), who has been bullied by his classmates since he was a child because of his stuttering.

The character of Wang Zhantuan has a crazy tone from the very beginning.

One scene that left a deep impression on me was when he was standing in the center of the square singing "I Love the Country More than the Beauty". Zhou Zheng walked towards him, and he handed the microphone to Zhou Zheng. When he was singing excitedly and happily, Wang Zhantuan even danced while singing.

He is such a happy person who seems to be ignorant of the world. His daughter found a second-married man who was 10 years older than her and fell in love with him. His wife complained at home and wanted to break up the couple no matter what. Wang Zhantuan also went to the pharmacy where his daughter worked to investigate.

After the remarried man told his daughter that she was pregnant, he only wanted to confirm one thing, which was whether the man could agree to treat his daughter well.

Compromise is compromise, but in his opinion, personal happiness is above all the trivialities of life.

Compared with Wang Zhantuan, Zhou Zheng has a more tragic life. When he was a child, he was given nicknames by his classmates because of his stuttering. When he was in junior high school, he was even bullied and beaten by his classmates because of his stuttering, becoming a joke among others.

His parents also had high hopes for him and wanted him to study hard and pass the high school entrance exam, so they often locked him up at home and didn't let him play with Wang Zhantuan. But his growth rate was too slow, and he had to repeat a grade for many years before he was admitted to high school.

His father often beat him, while his mother asked relatives to bring him folk remedies and blessings. Zhou Zheng seemed to be stuck in a dilemma of hope.

Only Wang Zhantuan played with him and took him to the madness. When he couldn't go out, Wang Zhantuan would climb up the tree to drink soda with him, or just let him slide down from the tree.

To outsiders, they were considered "abnormal" because their thoughts and behaviors were different from those of ordinary people, so their family members thought of many ways to "treat" them.

But in their worlds, they regard each other as confidants. Wang Zhantuan looks crazy, but he has his own rules of conduct. Although Zhou Zheng is always half a beat slower than others, he can also achieve his goals.


In my opinion, Wang Zhantuan and Zhou Zheng are more like two projections of spiritual and physical dilemmas.

The "defects" of the two people were perfectly projected onto people who were mentally and physically healthy in the secular sense, becoming shackles that trapped them, and they could only rely on the most primitive violence and religious superstition to resolve their various difficulties.

Zhou Zheng has been subjected to violence by many people, but he almost never fights back. Wang Zhantuan is treated coldly by his family, and his family always asks Teacher Zhao from the Bai family to take away the dirt from him.

In the northern system of spirit masters, the hedgehog represents the Bai family, and Wang Zhantuan's way of doing things is also very similar to that of a hedgehog.

He does not rely on others' words, and has his own ideas for everything he does. But he also has his own thorns, which is a kind of protection mechanism for himself. He does not follow the secular way of doing things, nor does he always hold his face high.

He was afraid of embarrassing his family at his daughter's wedding, so he dressed up carefully but chose not to follow the motorcade to the wedding. He also knew that Zhou Zheng would be trapped at home by his parents, so he let Zhou Zheng climb out the window, and the two of them rode their bikes to the top of the highest tower before his daughter's wedding motorcade arrived.

He hoped his daughter would be happy, and proudly told Zhou Zheng that the convoy of ten red cars was his daughter's wedding convoy. He shouted at the top of his lungs to send his blessings to the sky and the ground.

This is Wang Zhantuan’s unique sense of ritual. At that moment, he looked so dazzling.

He possesses a unique Chinese tragic sentiment and romanticism, the kind of body trapped in the city, but the heart and soul are always free. He seems to be fighting against the disease, but he is actually fighting against the whole world.

It was precisely because of this special personal charm that, on New Year's Eve when others thought he was going to climb up the roof and tear down the tiles, his takeoff and fall attracted Zhou Zheng and formed a special kind of mutual appreciation between them.

Zhou Zheng is in physical trouble and longs to share Wang Zhantuan's spiritual world, but he has his own youth dilemma, so it becomes a tug-of-war between idealism and realism. He has always longed to become Wang Zhantuan and to be a practitioner of idealism like Wang Zhantuan.

So he was always stuck by rules and regulations that he and Wang Zhantuan did not understand, the school system, his parents' expectations, and even the anti-theft window bars at home.

From Zhou Zheng's perspective, Wang Zhantuan is a myth.

The image of Wang Zhantuan that we see is all narrated through Zhou Zheng's mouth. Wang Zhantuan is like his spiritual leader, who teaches him many things in life and principles that others dare not agree with.

The scene where Zhou Zheng is whipped by Teacher Zhao is the most important part of this character in the movie.

Because in such a scene, I always think that the energy bursting out from his body is another Wang Zhantuan, and it also truly represents Zhou Zheng as an individual, who has grown in such a huge confrontation.

This kind of growth was magnified into a resistance to violence and other people's opinions. He seemed silent, but his heart was full of the rebellious spirit that an idealist should have, until he blurted out: I ate your father.

At that moment, Zhou Zheng broke his predicament and became another king who protected himself with thorns.


"Hedgehog" won the Best Screenplay Award at the Shanghai Film Festival Golden Goblet Awards a few months ago. After watching the movie, I felt that it was well-deserved.

This work, adapted from Zheng Zhi's novel "Xian Syndrome", brought my love for director Gu Changwei back to "Peacock》that period.

Like "Peacock", "Hedgehog" focuses on a family in a certain era and regional background, telling a story of struggling between difficulties and ideals.

Although Hedgehog is a seemingly tragic story, it sings the praises of freedom everywhere, and it adds a touch of warmth compared to Peacock. It shows the unique uncle-nephew story of Wang Zhantuan and Zhou Zheng in a complicated family in the three northeastern provinces during the early millennium.

Its fragmented shots also carry a refined poetic feeling of looking back at the times and yearning for freedom, just like Wang Zhantuan's poetic love for the sea.

Although he has never reached the Pacific Ocean, whether in his dreams or in reality, the Hunhe River has long become an existence like the Pacific Ocean. He swam in the Hunhe River, as if he had reached the Pacific Ocean through the story of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

And Zhou Zheng was bound to become a member of Wang Zhantuan. He also took a boat to places that Wang Zhantuan had never been to, leaving the city of the past and the world where people's words were feared like a long voyage.

Before Zhou Zheng said that we will not be stuck in everything, he jumped into the Hunhe River and swam to chase the shadow of the real Wang Zhantuan or the fictional Wang Zhantuan in his mind. He said: Two similar winds blew by.

It was as if Wang Zhantuan saw his son for the last time, left the funeral home and jumped out of the ambulance to catch the smoke coming out of the tall chimney, keeping the person who would never disappear in his or their hearts.