
Liaoning: Li Qingxue, the village party secretary who died fighting floods, was named a martyr


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On August 24, Li Lecheng, Deputy Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, Governor of Liaoning Province, and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Government, presided over a meeting of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Government to earnestly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on the economic situation in the first half of the year at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the spirit of relevant central documents, combined with the implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and in accordance with the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, analyze the economic operation of the province and study a number of measures to stabilize economic growth;We listened to the report on the evaluation of Comrade Li Qingxue as a martyr in Jianchang County, Huludao City, and decided to evaluate Comrade Li Qingxue as a martyr.

This is a photo of Li Qingxue taken at the village committee of Xiaotaizi Village, Heishanke Township, Jianchang County on August 21. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Qing

The meeting pointed out that we must truly unify our thoughts and actions with the Party Central Committee’s scientific judgment on the economic situation and its decision-making and deployment on economic work, focus on the demands of enterprises and the concerns of the people, comprehensively sort out and resolutely clear policy bottlenecks, continuously improve the scientific nature, pertinence and operability of policies, strengthen policy coordination and linkage, promote direct and quick policy implementation, better guide market expectations, enhance market confidence, increase efforts to promote the province’s economic recovery, unswervingly complete the annual economic and social development goals and tasks, and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding achievements.

The meeting stressed that we must stick to the annual goals, grasp the main contradictions, insist on small-scale entry, and find the right policy focus. Focus on industrial structure adjustment and improve policy measures to support the development of new quality productivity. Focus on scientific and technological innovation and support the development of innovative enterprises such as gazelle enterprises and unicorn enterprises. Focus on expanding effective investment, seize the policy opportunities of "two new" and "two heavy", actively plan and build high-quality projects, and improve the accuracy and effectiveness of investment promotion. Focus on boosting consumption and cultivating new growth points for service consumption. Focus on expanding opening up, create new growth points for service trade, and promote innovation in the system and mechanism of development zones. Focus on business entities, promote the realization of corporate credit repair, and provide credit support for enterprises. We must effectively improve the awareness, implementation rate, and sense of gain of policies, consolidate the main responsibilities, strengthen administration according to law, increase publicity and supervision, and implement them strictly, so that the policy dividends can be implemented in a timely and accurate manner and fully released.

The meeting stressed the need to promote the coordinated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. To stabilize the primary industry, we must currently focus on disaster relief to ensure a good harvest, and continue to work hard in terms of shaping characteristics, enhancing brands, and cultivating business entities. To strengthen the secondary industry, we must continue to optimize the business environment, increase support for clearing overdue accounts owed to enterprises and project construction, do everything possible to help enterprises reduce costs, find sales channels, and expand the market, and do a good job in production and sales docking, marketing, technological transformation, and on-site management. We must lead industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, further increase the local supporting rate of leading enterprises, extend the industrial chain, vigorously develop light industry, and promote the construction of industrial clusters to a higher level. At present, we must focus on the stable operation of key industries such as steel, automobiles, and petrochemicals, and continue to increase green, special, and excellent. To improve the tertiary industry, we must work from both the supply and demand sides, expand the scale of profitable service industries, accelerate the filling of shortcomings and weaknesses, consolidate traditional formats, and vigorously cultivate new formats.

The meeting stressed the need to implement the "Regulations on Rectifying Formalism to Reduce Burdens on Grassroots Units" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, carry forward the spirit of struggle, dare to take real action, focus on key areas where formalism is frequent, and increase rectification efforts for issues that are strongly reflected at the grassroots level, and continue to loosen up and reduce burdens on the grassroots. We must strengthen work responsibilities, strengthen both symptomatic and root cause treatment, coordinate burden reduction and empowerment for the grassroots, and guide party members and cadres to be more proactive, pioneering, enterprising, and down-to-earth.

The meeting emphasized that we must learn from the lofty spirit of Comrade Li Qingxue, be guided by Comrade Li Qingxue's advanced deeds, maintain high morale and enterprising spirit, do a solid job in flood prevention, disaster relief and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, resolutely protect our common home, and gather a powerful force to resolutely fight and win the battle of the tough year.