
Vertigo expert Zhao Bohua: Vertigo in Traditional Chinese Medicine


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Many people may have experienced vertigo in their daily lives, and vertigo is also a very common clinical syndrome in my country. The incidence of vertigo is very high, especially among the middle-aged and elderly population. my country's aging population is also very serious, so many elderly people are troubled by vertigo, especially when it occurs, patients often feel dizzy, which seriously affects their daily lives.

The Suwen Zhizhen Yaoda Lun states that "all wind-induced vertigo and dizziness are related to the liver". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver belongs to the wood element in the five elements, which is the yang in the yin and is connected to the spring season of the four seasons. The liver belongs to the wood element, and the wood element generates wind. When the wind prevails, it moves. The external manifestation is seen in the shaking of the limbs and head, and the internal manifestation is the self-conscious dizziness and even the instability of standing. Therefore, vertigo is often treated from the perspective of the liver. Representative prescriptions for treating vertigo from the perspective of the liver in later generations, such as "Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang" and "Gastrodia Uncaria Drink", have significant therapeutic effects.

"Dan Xi's Heart Method for Dizziness" emphasizes that "there will be no dizziness without phlegm"; the original text says "Dizziness is caused by both qi and fire, and the treatment is mainly based on phlegm, with qi-invigorating and fire-reducing drugs. There will be no dizziness without phlegm, and phlegm causes fire; it is caused by phlegm and dampness." Chinese internal medicine believes that when discussing and treating dizziness caused by wind and phlegm, it is necessary to distinguish between deficiency and excess. Deficiency is mostly due to improper diet, which damages the spleen and stomach, weakened spleen and stomach, lack of source for qi and blood, and malnutrition of the clear orifices, resulting in dizziness. Clinically, it is often manifested as poor appetite, loose stools, heavy head, drowsiness, white and greasy tongue coating, and slippery pulse. The treatment should be modified from Banxia Baizhu Tianma Decoction; excess is mostly due to excessive food, which accumulates dampness and produces phlegm. After a long time, phlegm turns into fire and generates heat. It is often manifested as headache, swelling of the head, bitter and dry mouth, red tongue with yellow coating and slippery pulse. The treatment should be Huanglian Wendan Decoction.