
Waymo driverless cars plan to provide pick-up and drop-off services: parents will receive reminders when their children call a car alone


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IT Home reported on August 24 that according to a report by the San Francisco Standard on the 22nd local time, Waymo, Google's driverless car company, is considering launching a subscription plan where teenagers can call a car individually, and the platform will then send pick-up reminders to parents.

Soon, parents within the coverage area of ​​Waymo's self-driving taxis may no longer have to worry about picking up their children. In a survey, Waymo called the program "Waymo Teen" and proposed prices ranging from $150 to $250 per month (IT Home Note: Currently about RMB 1,071 to RMB 1,786) for up to 16 trips per month.

"We have been exploring the possibility of enabling authorized teens to use Waymo vehicles under the supervision of a guardian and have received great feedback from our research in this area," a Waymo spokesperson said.

Last year, Uber also launched a ride-hailing program for teens aged 13 to 17.It is reported that young people must obtain the consent of their legal guardians, and the guardians will receive ride requests and pick-up notifications.Only drivers with higher ratings will be paired with underage passengers.