
How to reconcile with the life of a "chicken baby"? The director of "Children Are Not Stupid 3" said


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Rong Yu, Chief Reporter of Jimu News

Correspondent Zhang Lei

"I'm doing this for your own good, why are you so disobedient?"

"Thousands of troops are crossing a single-plank bridge, every point is important!"

"Playing games again! Can playing games help you get into college?"

Most parents are familiar with these dialogues, especially those who are keen on "pushing their children to grow up". But not all parents care about what their children are thinking when they hear these words.

On August 22, the Singaporean film "Kids Not Stupid 3" held a film viewing exchange meeting at the Wuhan Paragon Cinema. Director Jack Neo had a dialogue with fans in Jiangcheng via the Internet, advising parents to provide their children with a happy childhood and to gently reconcile with the "chicken baby" life.

"Kids Are Not Stupid 3" is the third film in the "Kids Are Not Stupid" series by the famous Singaporean director Jack Neo. It tells the story of a group of Singaporean primary school students who are about to take the "primary to junior high school" exam and their parents' pre-exam "struggle". Although Singapore's education system is different from that of China, these Singaporean primary school students also have to face the test of "grades, the lifeblood of students; exams, the magic weapon of teachers", and most of their parents are also working tirelessly and searching on the road of "chicken children".

At the Wuhan film viewing and exchange meeting for "Kids Not Stupid 3", director Liang Zhiqiang, who was far away in Singapore, shared with the Wuhan audience via video link that many times, parents educate their children with the starting point of "I am doing this for your own good", but in fact they ignore the children's feelings, which ultimately results in the children being unwilling to accept but also unable to resist, and can only silently bear the pressure beyond their age.

"If you identify with a certain plot while watching a movie and feel like it is talking about you, then I can tell you: I am talking about you, and you should reflect on yourself." Director Liang Zhiqiang has always believed that children should learn and grow happily and joyfully. Even if they cannot escape the pressure of schoolwork, they should digest and cope with it with the help of their parents and protect their inner world.

Don't think Liang Zhiqiang is "talking without any pain". He is the father of four children and is very familiar with the joys and sorrows of parents. "My children have grown up. Three have graduated from university and one will go to university this year. I have walked the same path with each of them. They have different personalities, so we also use different methods when educating them. This is what I want to tell everyone in the movie, don't just use one way to educate your children."

According to director Liang Zhiqiang's personal experience, parents must understand "appreciative education" and let their children truly feel the unconditional love of their parents. "Don't just scold your children, criticize them, and always ask them to correct their mistakes. You must know how to appreciate them. If the children's hearts are happy, they will definitely be happier when they study."

In "Kids Are Not Stupid 3", there is a scene where a parent physically punishes a child. The pain that the physical punishment brings to the child made many viewers cry. Director Liang Zhiqiang asked the audience, "Is it ugly when the parent in the movie beats the child? If you have beaten a child before, you must be heartbroken when you see the child's reaction in this scene, right?"

At the exchange event, Yang Hong, principal of Aisha Wenhua Wuhan Primary School, shared her impressions as a representative of the education sector. She admitted that she also cried, especially when she saw the scene where the protagonist voluntarily gave up points in order to let his classmates get first place. "I saw the kindness of this child. In order to prevent his classmates from getting beaten when they got home, he voluntarily gave up points. From this detail, we can see the excellent qualities of the child."

Yang Hong said that based on her decades of educational experience, she found that many children who ranked in the bottom 20 in the class would be more focused once they received enough respect and love, and would become successful and shine in a certain field when they grew up. She advised parents not to focus only on scores, saying that "children also need to feel relaxed, so that they will have more internal motivation."

Professor Liu Zhongxing, a researcher at the National Cultural Industry Research Center of Central China Normal University, also shared that as a father of two children, he felt very involved in many of the plots in the movie. "Our social environment has changed a lot. We can no longer educate today's children in the way we used to and then ask them to solve future problems. We need to change our definition of success and stop measuring a child's success by scores."

During the audience interaction session, a father took the microphone and apologized to his daughter in public, saying that the movie also taught him an educational lesson, "Many times we blame our children, but in fact, we parents are wrong."

(Photo source: provided by the event organizer)

(Source: Jimu News)

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