
Come and vote! "Zhu Xiaoan Network Security Promotional Video" was shortlisted for the National Network Security Micro Video Competition


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The 2024 National Cyber ​​Security Micro Video Competition has now entered the online broadcast and likes phase. Among them, the work "Zhu Xiaoan Cyber ​​Security Promotional Video" by the Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Administration has been successfully shortlisted!
In the "Zhu Xiaoan Cybersecurity Promotional Video", Zhuhai Internet Information Office's image spokesperson "Zhu Xiaoan" transformed into a superhero who protects public network security, leading the audience into the complex and ever-changing network world and teaching everyone to recognize common network security risks. Let's follow "Zhu Xiaoan" to understand network security risks and better protect ourselves↓
AI face-changing technology
The rapid development of generative AI technology has made it clear that what people see may not be the truth. Criminals use intelligent AI face-changing and voice-sounding technologies to merge other people's faces and voices, create false images and audio and video, and impersonate other people's identities, easily carry out remote video fraud, and cause considerable economic losses to the public.
We must keep a clear head and not easily believe pictures or videos from unknown sources!
Beware of "pig-killing scams"
"Pig killing" mainly refers to a scam that finds potential victims through marriage and dating platforms, social software, etc., develops feelings through chatting to gain trust, and then introduces the victims to fraudulent platforms such as gambling and financial management to recharge, thereby defrauding the victims of their money.
Don't worry, Zhu Xiaoan can give you a pair of wise eyes: you can recognize scams, avoid traps, avoid temptations, and avoid getting hurt.
Zhu Xiaoan reminds you to be careful:
Swindlers set traps with no conscience and only target those who are short-sighted and greedy for money.
Self-discipline is required to prevent fraud and deception, and account cards cannot be lent to others.
Getting rich overnight is not reliable, happiness favors hardworking people.
Don’t take the virtual space seriously, as blind belief and obsession can kill people.
@Zhuhai people, come and vote
Cheer for Zhuhai’s cyber security works!
The winning works will be promoted and exhibited nationwide!
Voting method
Voting time
From now until August 26,
Each person can like each work once!
Quickly forward it to your friends,
Let’s add strength to Zhuhai’s network security!
Text|Reporter Qian YuFigure|Provided by the interviewee